- Bunyakovsky conjecture
The Bunyakovsky conjecture (or Bouniakowsky conjecture) stated in 1857 by the Ukrainian
mathematician Viktor Bunyakovsky , claims that anirreducible polynomial of degree two or higher withinteger coefficients generates for natural arguments either aninfinite set of numbers withgreatest common divisor exceeding unity, or infinitely manyprime number s.An example is provided by the polynomial "f"("x") = "x"2 + 1, for which some of the prime numbers generated are listed below:
"x" "x"2 + 1 -------------- 1 2 2 5 4 17 6 37 10 101 14 197 16 257 20 401 24 577 26 677 36 1297 The fifth Hardy-Littlewood conjecture—a special case of the Bunyakovsky conjecture—states that x^2+1 generates infinitely many prime values for integer "x" > 1. To date, the Bunyakovsky conjecture has not been proven correct, nor is a counterexample known.
The Bunyakovsky conjecture can be seen as an extension of Dirichlet's theorem, which states that irreducible degree one polynomials always generate an infinite number of primes.
ee also
Integer-valued polynomial References
*MathWorld|urlname=BouniakowskyConjecture|title=Bouniakowsky conjecture|author=
Ed Pegg, Jr.
*cite journal|last = Rupert|first = Wolfgang M.|title = Reducibility of polynomials "f"("x", "y") modulo "p"|journal = Arxiv.org|date = 1998-08-05|url = http://arxiv.org/pdf/math/9808021
*cite journal|last = Bouniakowsky|first = V.|title = Nouveaux théorèmes relatifs à la distinction des nombres premiers et à la décomposition des entiers en facteurs|journal = Mém. Acad. Sc. St. Pétersbourg|volume = 6|pages = 305–329|date = 1857
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