- Alan Carter (philosopher)
Alan Brian Carter (born 1952,
Lincolnshire ,England ) is the Professor of Moral Philosophy at theUniversity of Glasgow .He earned a BA at the University of Kent at Canterbury, an MA at the
University of Sussex and a PhD at St Cross College at theUniversity of Oxford .Carter's first academic position was Lecturer in Political Theory atUniversity College Dublin . He then became Head of the Philosophy Department atHeythrop College ,University of London . Subsequently, he was Professor of Philosophy and Environmental Studies at theUniversity of Colorado at Boulder . He has been a Visiting Professor at theUniversity of British Columbia and at theUniversity of Bucharest . Carter is currently joint editor of theJournal of Applied Philosophy .He works principally in
political philosophy ,moral philosophy , andenvironmental philosophy . Carter has published on a wide range of topics: within political philosophy he has written on political obligation, equality, andproperty right s; within environmental philosophy he has written on the moral status of both nonhuman animals and ecosystems; withinapplied ethics he has written on problems regarding future persons and world hunger; withinpolitical theory he has written on theories of the state andThird World underdevelopment; and within Marxism and Anarchism Carter has written on their respective theories of history. He is currently developing an environmentalist moral theory that is, normatively, value pluralist and, metaethically, projectivist, [cite web |url=http://www.gla.ac.uk/departments/philosophy/ourstaff/ |title=University of Glasgow :: Philosophy :: Our staff |accessdate=2007-11-06] topics he has previously written about in moral theory.Some of Carter's work in environmental philosophy is discussed critically by
Robin Attfield .See for example Attfield, R., "Environmental Ethics: An Overview for the Twenty-First Century". Polity-Blackwell (2003).] Carter's state-primacy theory has been discussed byRobyn Eckersley Eckersley, R. "The Green State: Rethinking Democracy and Sovereignty". MIT Press (2004).] and criticized by John Barry.Barry, J. "Rethinking Green Politics: Nature, Virtue and Progress". Sage (1999).] Carter was one of the founder members of the London-based Anarchist Research Group.Goodway, D. (ed.), "For Anarchism: History, Theory, and Practice". Routledge (1989).]Colin Ward has described Carter, withMurray Bookchin , as one of the leading eco-anarchist thinkers.Ward, C. "Anarchism: A Very Short Introduction". Oxford University Press (2004).]Outside of academia, Carter is Chair of the World Development Movement Scotland and is on the Board of Directors of
Friends of the Earth Scotland . He is a former Board Member and a former Trustee of Friends of the Earth.Publications
Carter's publications include over 50 articles in academic journals and he is the author of 3 books:
*cite book |title=A Radical Green Political Theory |publisher=Routledge |location=New York |isbn=9780415203098 (1999)
*cite book |title=The Philosophical Foundations of Property Rights |publisher=Harvester, Wheatsheaf |location=Hemel Hempstead |isbn=9780745005188 (1988)
*cite book |title=Marx: a Radical Critique |publisher=Prentice Hall / Harvester Wheatsheaf |isbn=9780745004884 (1987)Selected articles
*"The problem of political compliance in Rawls's theories of justice: Parts I and II," "The Journal of Moral Philosophy" 3, 1 (2006): 7–21 and 3, 2 (2006): 135–157
*"A defense of egalitarianism," "Philosophical Studies" 131, 2 (2006): 269–302
*"Saving nature and feeding people," "Environmental Ethics" 26, 4 (2004): 339–60
*"Value-pluralist egalitarianism," "Journal of Philosophy" 99, 11 (2002): 577–99
*"Can we harm future people?" "Environmental Values" 10, 4 (2001): 429–454
*"Humean nature," "Environmental Values" 9, 1 (2000): 3–37
*"Analytical anarchism: some conceptual foundations," "Political Theory" 28, 2 (2000): 230–53
*"In defense of radical disobedience," "The Journal of Applied Philosophy" 15, 1 (1998): 29–47
*"Towards a green political theory" in Andrew Dobson and Paul Lucardie (edd.), "The Politics of Nature: Explorations in Green Political Theory" (London: Routledge, 1993), pp. 39–62Citations
External links
* [http://www.gla.ac.uk/Acad/Philosophy/Personnel/Alan/index.html Alan Carter's homepage] at the
University of Glasgow
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.