- Saint Basil Academy (Jenkintown, Pennsylvania)
Saint Basil Academy is a private,
Ukrainian Catholic , all-girlshigh school inJenkintown, Pennsylvania . It is located in theUkrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia .Saint Basil Academy was established in
1931 by the Sisters of Saint Basil.cite web|url=http://www.stbasilacademy.org/pages/about/history.html|title=School History|accessdate=2007-05-11|publisher=Saint Basil Academy website|author=SBA]Mission Statement
Saint Basil Academy, a college preparatory school, provides a unique learning environment where traditional values are affirmed and upheld, and new and challenging areas open to today's young women are evaluated and explored. Nurtured by the spiritual and cultural richness of its Ukrainian Catholic heritage, the Academy provides a diversified curriculum that respects individual needs. A dedicated faculty helps students develop solid Christian values and a strong sense of community pride that will prepare them for roles of leadership in today's ever-changing, always challenging society. Admission standards provide enrollment opportunities for students of varied ethnic and religious backgrounds which help provide a unique growing experience. Saint Basil Academy is proud to offer its young women a vision of themselves, their world and the conviction that they can and do make a difference.
In the early part of the 20th century, the Sisters of Saint Basil came to the United States. In 1911, the Sisters came to Philadelphia, the "City of Brotherly Love," at the invitation of His Excellency, the Most Reverend Soter Ortynsky, OSBM, who was the first Ukrainian Catholic Ordinary in America. For the first few decades, the Sisters expended their talents to the education of grade school children in the orphanage and parishes, but during these years, they did not forget the idea of a Catholic high school for girls. Saint Basil Academy, a convent boarding school for girls, began on July 19, 1931 in the classrooms of the newly constructed convent building dedicated only a day earlier. Space and limited facilities on the main campus could no longer provide for updated laboratory and library expansion during the oncoming years. In 1968, the administration of the Sisters of Saint Basil the Great, undertook the construction of a new building, capable of housing 400 students. Much has changed: the student body has increased, programs have expanded, and the faculty has multiplied. An yet, paradoxically, nothing has changed. The character, spirit, and dedication that existed in 1931 are still present today. from its inception, Saint Basil Academy has kept its focus: dedication to excellence in the education of young women. This commitment remains and permeates every aspect of the institution.
Program of Study
Saint Basil Academy offers academic subjects which are college preparatory. These courses are fundamental to a liberal education which prepares the students for the demands of today's colleges and universities. In keeping with its philosophy of educating the "whole person," the academy offers elective courses designed to fit the needs and interests of each student. Some of these courses are business oriented and teach effective skills to those students who are interested in the business and computer fields. Electives are also offered in the fine arts so that talented students can develop their abilities. Parents are asked to consider all aspects, in consultation with the Guidance Department, faculty and student herself, when deciding upon courses.
Course Offerings
Art Art AppreciationArt IArt IIArt IIIBusiness Keyboarding with Computer ApplicationsAccounting IAccounting IIClaris WorksBusiness CommunicationApplied EconomicsDesktop Publishing (Quark XPress)English Department Honors English IEnglish I Honors English II English II Honors American Literature( Honors English III)American Literature ( English III)Advanced Placement EnglishBritish Literature(English IV)Literary Genres Journalism Creative WritingStudy SkillsEssentials in EnglishLanguage Department French French IFrench IIFrench IIIFrench IVAdvanced Placement French LanguageGermanGerman IGerman IIGerman IIIGerman IVAdvanced Placement GermanLatinOur Classical RootsLatin ILatin IILatin IIISpanishSpanish ISpanish IISpanish IIISpanish IVAP Spanish LiteratureUkrainianIntroduction to UkrainianUkrainian IUkrainian IIUkrainian IIIUkrainian IVMusic Department Classical PianoPiano Class for MadrigalsGuitar IInstrumental EnsembleMadrigalsTheory ITheory IIChoral MusicMusic AppreciationAmerican MusicAdvanced Placement MusicGlee ClubUkrainian SingersHandbellsHealth and Physical Education Department Phys. Ed IPhys. Ed IIPhys. Ed IIIPhys. Ed. IVHealthScience Department Geological and Atmospheric ScienceHonors BiologyBiology Honors ChemistryChemistryEnvironmental Science Human Anatomy and Physiology Honors PhysicsReligious Studies Department Religion I - The Christian FaithReligion II - Jesus the ChristReligion II - Prayer & SacramentsReligion III - The ChurchChristian MoralityReligion IV - Hebrew ScriptureReligion IV - Love & RelationshipsDeath and DyingPeace Through JusticeDating and SexualitySocial Studies Department World CulturesHonors Modern European HistoryUnited States HistoryAdvanced Placement United States HistoryUnited States GovernmentPractical LawAdvanced Placement United States Governmentand PoliticsCounseling Services Department
The Counseling Services Department follows each student's progress from acceptance through graduation. Student's academic progress is monitored through report cards and progress reports, as well as through discussion with the student, faculty and parents, as needed. Counselors meet with each student to discuss school adjustment, course selection, career exploration and college decision-making. The Counseling Services Department also employs standardized testing to evaluate students' strengths and weaknesses. Freshman focus is on time management, effective study habits, organizational techniques and adjustment to high school. Sophomore year focuses on an introduction to career exploration through use of the Internet, the Occupational Outlook Handbook and other reference materials as well as workshops which address college and career choices. Juniors begin the college process, exploring the Internet(available in Guidance Office), attend SAT prep seminars and create a college profile/Junior resume. This process starts upon receiving their College folders in workshops stressing college majors and career choices. Senior year begins with learning and applying the college admission procedures. These include writing effective essays, completing college applications, discovering the financial aid process and performing an intensive scholarship search. The Counseling Services Department activities include hosting visits by colleges representatives, Financial Aid Information Nights, Career Day and individual speakers on related topics. Personal counseling is offered on an individual or group basis. Referrals can be made by the student herself, parents, faculty or administration. Referral to outside agencies is available, if a student's issue is determined to be beyond the scope of the Counseling Services Department. Services through the Montgomery County Intermediate Unit include psycho-educational testing, study skills and tutoring. Referrals are made by teacher, parent or student, herself, through the Counseling Services Department.• Important Notice to Parents Regarding Tutoring: Parents, please be advised that your daughter's teachers are always available to give assistance to her for the purpose of clarifying information covered in a class. Please be advised, however, that tutoring is beyond the scope of a teacher's job description. If a student requires consistent and regular assistance more than once weekly, or, if the teacher and student do not have coinciding free periods, this situation will be deemed beyond the scope of the teacher's work day and availability. Parents should then consult with the Counseling Services staff (215-885-6951). They will be happy to provide referrals for professional tutoring outside of school.
Emerging Technologies: SBA embraces new technologies which serve as an integral part of our curriculum to benefit our students’ education. Technology Plan: Bring technology to the classroom by access to the Student/Teacher network, including Internet, e–mail and shared folders via wireless technology. Program Objectives: The Technology Resource Center adheres to the philosophy of Saint Basil Academy which includes educating the whole person. We strive to ensure that technology is utilized as a living and changing resource to help our students meet world challenges with a solid educational foundation.
External links
* [http://www.stbasilacademy.org/ School Website]
Notes and references
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.