African little sparrowhawk — afrikinis mažasis paukštvanagis statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas atitikmenys: lot. Accipiter minullus angl. African little sparrowhawk vok. Zwergsperber, m rus. африканский малый перепелятник, m pranc. épervier minule, m ryšiai: platesnis… … Paukščių pavadinimų žodynas
Sparrowhawk — or variants may refer to:BirdsSparrowhawk (sometimes Sparrow Hawk) may refer to several species of small hawk in the genus Accipiter . These include:* Chestnut flanked Sparrowhawk, A. castanilius * Collared Sparrowhawk, A. cirrocephalus *… … Wikipedia
sparrowhawk — sparrow hawk n. 1. A small hawk (Accipter nisus) of Europe, Africa, and central Asia that has short, broad wings and preys on sparrows and other small birds. 2. A small North American falcon (Falco sparverius) that hovers over fields and pastures … Universalium
New Britain Sparrowhawk — Conservation status Vulnerable (IUCN 3.1)[1] … Wikipedia
Sibley-Monroe checklist 8 — The Sibley Monroe checklist was a landmark document in the study of birds. It drew on extensive DNA DNA hybridisation studies to reassess the relationships between modern birds. Ciconiiformes (continued)Chionididae* Chionis alba Snowy Sheathbill… … Wikipedia
List of African birds — This list of African birds is a listing of all the bird species known from the continent of Africa. TOCrightNotesThere are over 45 billion different species of birds in Africa.The taxonomy of this list adheres to James Clitorus Birds of the World … Wikipedia
List of birds of the Democratic Republic of Congo — This is a list of the bird species recorded in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The avifauna of the Democratic Republic of Congo includes a total of 1185 species, of which 21 are endemic, 1 has been introduced by humans, and 3 are rare or… … Wikipedia
Wildlife of Uganda — The Wildlife of Uganda includes its flora and fauna and their natural habitats.Uganda has 364 species of mammals and 1062 species of birds.ConservationWCS began conservation work in Uganda through conducting biological surveys of savanna parks in … Wikipedia
List of birds of Uganda — This is a list of the bird species recorded in Uganda. The avifauna of Uganda includes a total of 1061 species, of which 2 are endemic and 4 are rare or accidental.This list s taxonomic treatment (designation and sequence of orders, families, and … Wikipedia
List of Southern African birds — This is a list of the bird species recorded in Southern Africa. Southern Africa is defined as Africa south of a line between the Kunene and Zambezi rivers, encompassing Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Lesotho, Swaziland and southern… … Wikipedia