- Rhacophorus bipunctatus
:"In sources published from 1999 onwards, the name "Rhacophorus bipunctatus" can also refer to "R. rhodopus" (see "Taxonomy" section)."Taxobox
name = "Rhacophorus bipunctatus"
status = see text
regnum =Animal ia
phylum =Chordata
subphylum =Vertebrata
classis =Amphibia
subclassis =Lissamphibia
ordo =Anura
subordo =Neobatrachia
familia =Rhacophoridae
subfamilia =Rhacophorinae
genus = "Rhacophorus "
species = "R. bipunctatus"
binomial = "Rhacophorus bipunctatus"
binomial_authority = Ahl, 1927
synonyms = "Rhacophorus bimaculatus" Boulenger, 1882 ("non" Peters, 1867: preoccupied)
"Rhacophorus htunwini" Wilkinson, Thin, Lwin & Shein, 2005
"Rhacophorus maculatus" Anderson, 1871 ("non" J.E.Gray, 1830: preoccupied)"Rhacophorus bipunctatus" is a
frog species in the moss frog family (Rhacophoridae ). It is found from easternIndia intoSoutheast Asia , possibly to southeasternChina and south toMalaysia . Due to the identification problems surrounding thisspecies , the eastern and southern limits of its range remain undetermined; all that is known is that the species certainly occurs in the border region of India, China andMyanmar ; its range might extend south toMalaysia as similar frogs have been reported fromPahang .Bordoloi "et al." (2007)]This species is notable for having a highly confusing taxonomy, discussed in detail in the "Taxonomy" section below. It had its
scientific name changed twice, was described under different names two times and more than 130 years apart, and has had a second species confused with it. Only in 2007, some degree of certainty about what kind of frog the name "R. bipunctatus" actually applies to was achieved.
=Description="R. bipunctatus" is a smallish treefrog with a pointed snout and body length of about 37-60 mm when adult, females being larger than males. Its back is intensely green to violet-brown in living animals; in preserved specimens this becomes blue to violet. No conspicuous pattern is visible on the back, though there may be a few tiny whitish and/or dark speckles. The arms and legs have very faint darker bands. The sides, belly and toes are brilliant yellow, becoming dull pink in preserved specimens. Behind the arms, there is almost always a conspicuous large black spot on the flanks; towards the hindlegs there may be another one or two such spots, but very rarely the flank spots are absent entirely. The well-developed webbing of the toes is bright orange-red and unspotted, becoming whitish in preserved specimens. The eyes are dull green, sometimes with yellow rim.
It can be distinguished from "R. rhodopus", with which it was long confused, by the larger size ("R. rhodopus" has a body length of about 31-55 mm [Inger "et al." (1999), Bordoloi "et al." (2007)] ) and unspotted back with at least some trace of green or olive, often being entirely green ("R. rhodopus" has a reddish-brownish back with darker spots and lacks greenish hues). In individuals of similar size, "R. bipunctatus" has a much larger head.
Ecology and status
Its natural
habitat s are subtropical or tropical moistmontane forest s, subtropical or tropical high-altitudeshrubland , intermittentriver s, freshwatermarsh es, intermittent freshwater marches,plantation s and rural gardens. It is known from altitudes of several hundreds of meters ASL to more than 2,000 meters ASL; it is unclear whether this species is ever found in the lowlands.The
IUCN classified "R. bipunctatus" as a Species ofLeast Concern in 2004 [van Dijk "et al." (2004)] . However, they include "R. rhodopus" under the name. It is not known whether the true "R. bipunctatus" occurs across the whole ofSoutheast Asia like "R. rhodopus"; the available data indicates that it is only known with certainty from a rather restricted area in the hills and mountains of theIndia -China -Myanmar border region, but the status of the similar frogs fromPahang inMalaysia needs to be determined. Therefore, it is probably most appropriate to consider this frog aData Deficient species. Indeed, "R. htunwini" – ajunior synonym of "R. bipunctatus" as it seems – was in fact evaluated as Data Deficient by the IUCN in 2006 for precisely these reasons [Stuart (2006)] .
=Taxonomy=This frog has a highly convoluted
taxonomy , even by the standards of the taxonomically confusinggenus "Rhacophorus ". Believed at its discovery in 1870 to represent a population of theBlack-webbed Treefrog ("Rhacophorus reinwardtii") [Jerdon (1870)] , it was first described in 1871 as "R. maculatus" by John Anderson [Anderson (1871)] . His fivesyntype s, from theKhasi Hills inIndia , were placed in the ZSI collection, with the numbers 2753, 2754, 2755, 2756 and 10291; seven other Khasi Hills specimens collected byThomas C. Jerdon were deposited in theNMH and are also considered part of the syntypical series because they were referred to in Anderson's description. The ZSI specimens might subsequently have become lost; NMH specimen 1872.4.17.127, collected by Jerdon in 1870, was designated alectotype in 2007.Multiple homonyms
However, "
Polypedates maculatus ", originally described by John E. Gray as "Hyla maculata" some decades earlier [Grey (1830). Date is often given as "1833" but the volume in question was already out in 1830: Wheeler (1998).] was known as "Rhacophorus maculatus" in the late19th century . Thus it was a senior homonym, preoccupying Anderson's name.This was soon noticed and in 1882, George A. Boulenger proposed "R. bimaculatus" as a new name for Anderson's frogs [Boulenger (1882)] . But in 1927,
Ernst Ahl realized that the frog described byWilhelm Peters as "Leptomantis bimaculata" in 1867 [Peters (1867)] was also a member of "Rhacophorus" and thus Boulenger's replacement name was also preoccupied [Ahl (1927)] . Ahl solved the issue by establishing the currently valid name, "Rhacophorus bipunctatus", for the frog species that had first come to the notice of scientists 50 years earlier."R. rhodopus" and "R. htunwini"
Often, "R. rhodopus" (described in 1960 [Liu & Hu (1960). Date is often given as "1959" but the description was not published until the next year. The species diagnosis is reproduced in English in Bordoloi "et al." (2007).] ) is considered a
junior synonym of the present species. However, when proposing this synonymy in 1999 [Inger "et al." (1999)] , neither theholotype s nor verified specimen from the type locality were examined. In fact, the alleged specimens of "R. bipunctatus" were from localities where that species is not known to occur. When the approproate comparisons were finally done almost 10 years later, it turned out the "R. rhodopus" actually refers to the frogs described as "R. namdaphaensis" in 1985 [Sarkar & Sanyal (1985)] , which therefore is properly known by the older name "R. rhodopus".This confusion has had further consequences. In 2005, a moss frog similar to "R. rhodopus" – then known as "R. bipunctatus" and "R. namdaphaensis" – was described as Htun Win's Treefrog ("Rhacophorus htunwini") [Wilkinson "et al." (2005)] . But the describers believed that the
taxon "R. rhodopus" was ajunior synonym of "R. bipunctatus"; therefore they compared the new species only with misidentified "R. rhodopus" but not with the actual "R. bipunctatus". That was still fortuitous however, as they did not compare their "new" species to frogs assigned to the taxon "R. namdaphaensis" (as they might have wanted to, given the similarities and close geographic proximity). In any case, this situation was resolved in 2007, when it was found that the differences between "R. htunwini" and the original "R. bipunctatus" were too slight and varied too much between individuals to consider the former anything but a junior synonym of the latter.Thus, the failure to compare "R. rhodopus" with the original type specimens of "R. bipunctatus" led to the long-known species being described once again und er a new name, more than 130 years after it became first known to science. There are still a few doubts regarding the taxonomy of all these frogs, given that they look quite similar and that they are partly
sympatric .Ancient DNA sequence analyses of the original type specimens would be necessary to resolve the remaining questions.Footnotes
* (1927): Zur Systematik der asiatischen Arten der Froschgattung "Rhacophorus" ["Regarding the systematics of the Asian species of the frog genus "Rhacophorus"] . "Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft naturforschender Freunde Berlin" 15: 35–47.
* (1871): A list of the reptilian accession to the Indian Museum, Calcutta, from 1865 to 1870, with a description of some new species. "J. Asiatic Soc. Bengal" 40 Part 11(1): 12–39.
* (2007): Systematics of the genus "Rhacophorus" (Amphibia, Anura): identity of red-webbed forms and description of a new species from Assam. "Zootaxa " 1653: 1–20. [http://www.mapress.com/zootaxa/2007f/z01653p020f.pdf PDF abstract and first page]
* (1882): ["Rhacophorus bimaculatus", nom. nov.] "In: Catalogue of the Batrachia Salientia s. Ecaudata in the collection of the British Museum". Taylor & Francis, London.
* (1830): [Description of "Polypedates maculatus"] . "In: Illustrations of Indian Zoology": 83, plate 82. [http://images.nypl.org/?id=414855&t=w Plate 82 image]
* (1999): Frogs of Vietnam: a report on new collections. "Fieldiana Zool." 92: 1–46. [http://www.archive.org/download/frogsofvietnamre92inge/frogsofvietnamre92inge.pdf PDF fulltext]
* (1870): Notes on Indian herpetology. "Proceeding of the Asiatic Society of Bengal" 1870(3): 66–85.
* (1960): Preliminary report of Amphibia from southern Yunnan. "Acta Zoologica Sinica" 11(4): 509–533. [Chinese with English abstract]
* (1867): Herpetologische Notizen ["Herpetological Notes"] . "Monatsberichte der Königlich-Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin" 1867: 13–37.
* (1985): Amphibia. "Records of the Zoological Survey of India" 82: 285–295, plate 1.
*|year=2006|id=61892|title=Rhacophorus htunwini|downloaded=23 July 2007
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* (1998): Dates of publication of J. E. Gray’s Illustrations of Indian Zoology (1830–1835). "Archives of Natural History" 25(3): 345–354.
* (2005): A new species of "Rhacophorus" (Anura: Rhacophoridae) from Myanmar (Burma). "Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences" 56(4): 42–52. [http://www.calacademy.org/research/herpetology/philippine_collection/phil_pdfs/casp_56_42.pdf PDF fulltext]
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