- Rhacophorus tunkui
name = "Rhacophorus tunkui"
status = see text
regnum =Animal ia
phylum =Chordata
subphylum =Vertebrata
classis =Amphibia
subclassis =Lissamphibia
ordo =Anura
subordo =Neobatrachia
familia =Rhacophoridae
subfamilia =Rhacophorinae
genus = "Rhacophorus "
species = "R. tunkui"
binomial = "Rhacophorus tunkui"
binomial_authority = Kiew, 1987"Rhacophorus tunkui" is a disputed
species offrog in the moss frog family (Rhacophoridae ). It is known only from the southern and southeastern parts ofPeninsular Malaysia , but might be more widespread. It is often treated as ajunior synonym of "R prominanus" (Malayan Flying Frog ), but this seems to be premature; actually it appears to be aparapatric cryptic sister species. "R. dulitensis" fromBorneo andSumatra is probably another close relative.Specimens assigned to "R. tunkui" are reported from the
Gunong Panti hills,Sungai Jasin andUlu Endau inJohor , andKuala Tahan andTaman Negara National Park inPahang .Tzi Ming (2004)]
=Description=This is a mid-sized tree frog with a jade to turquoise green and somewhat translucent back. Specimens are two-thirds the size of
Malayan Flying Frog s, i.e. females attaining a body length of up to 5 cm (2 in), while the smaller males measure 4.2 cm or less. There is a red blotch on the web between the fourth and fifth hind toe.Tadpole s are greyish green and have two or three round black spots on each side of the tail base. Towards metamorphosis, they become greener. They lose their tail when they are about 26-30 mm long and freshly emergent juveniles measure about 8.5-11 mm. The labial tooth row formula (LTRF ) is 5(2-5)/3 in small tadpoles and 6(2-6)/3 in older ones. Malayan Flying Frog tadpoles are one-fifth longer and lack the black spots; the emergent juveniles can measure up to 15 mm.Ecology, status and taxonomy
Its natural
habitat s aretropical primaryrainforest s of the lowlands, where they presumably inhabitriver s, intermittent rivers, and intermittent freshwatermarsh es. A foam nest with freshly deposited eggs was found on January 4; it was deposited on the leaf of a shrub standing in a small floodpool of 10 square meters surface area and 80 cm maximum depth. Calling males were also encountered, proving that the mating season was in full swing. Other frog species found at the site were "Kaloula baleata ", "Microhyla borneensis ",Palmated Chorus Frog ("M. palmipes"),Bongao Tree Frog ("Polypedates macrotis") andFrilled Tree Frog ("Rhacophorus appendiculatus"). A youngTriangle Keelback snake ("Xenochrophis trianguligerus") was observed to feed on the eggs.Its
conservation status has not been assessed by theIUCN . However, the IUCN followed a recent study [Harvey "et al." (2002)] , according to which "Rhacophorus tunkui" was ajunior synonym of "R. prominanus" [Sukumaran "et al." (2004)] . The synonymy, however, was subsequently criticized for severe methodological flaws:"... the justifications provided by Harvey "et al." (2002) were insufficient and unconvincing, especially when type material of both "R. prominanus" and "R. tunkui" were not even examined."
While more research seems warranted, these frogs are thus better considered two species for the time being. It is not known how the restricted
habitat of "R. tunkui" – much lowland rain forest in Peninsular Malaysia is being or has already been destroyed forplantation s – would affect its conservation status. Given that it occurs inTaman Negara National Park , it would not be immediately threatened withextinct ion and thus bothtaxa would most appropriately be considered asData Deficient .ee also
* "
Rhacophorus bipunctatus " and "Rhacophorus rhodopus "
* "Rhacophorus kio " a cryptic sister species of "Rhacophorus reinwardtii "Footnotes
* (2002): New and poorly known parachuting frogs (Rhacophoridae: "Rhacophorus") from Sumatra and Java. "Herpetological Monographs" 16: 46-92. DOI:10.1655/0733-1347(2002)016 [0046:NAPKPF] 2.0.CO;2 [http://www.bioone.org/perlserv/?request=get-abstract&doi=10.1655%2F0733-1347(2002)016%5B0046%3ANAPKPF%5D2.0.CO%3B2 HTML abstract]
*|year=2004|id=59015|title=Rhacophorus prominanus|downloaded=23 July 2007
* (2004): Larval descriptions of some poorly known tadpoles from Peninsular Malaysia (Amphibia: Anura). "Raffles Bulletin of Zoology" 52(2): 609-620. [http://rmbr.nus.edu.sg/rbz/biblio/52/52rbz609-620.pdf PDF fulltext]
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