Phonology — (Greek φωνή (phōnē), voice, sound + λόγος (lógos), word, speech, subject of discussion) is the systematic use of sound to encode meaning in any spoken human language, or the field of linguistics studying this use. Just as a language has syntax… … Wikipedia
Gujarati phonology — is the study of the inventory and patterns of the consonants, vowels, and prosody of the Gujarati language.Vowels*The three sibilants of Sanskrit are now two in standard Gujarati: IPA|/s/ and IPA|/ʃ/. Retroflex IPA| [ʂ] still appears in clusters… … Wikipedia
Bengali phonology — is the study of the inventory and patterns of the consonants, vowels, and prosody of the Bengali language.Consonants and vowelsThe phonemic inventory of Bengali consists of 29 consonants and 14 vowels, including the seven nasalized vowels. An… … Wikipedia
Irish phonology — The phonology of the Irish language varies from dialect to dialect; there is no standard pronunciation of the language. Therefore, this article focuses on phenomena that pertain generally to most or all dialects, and on the major differences… … Wikipedia
Navajo phonology — is the study of how speech sounds pattern and interact with each other in that language. The phonology of Navajo is intimately connected to its morphology. For example, the entire range of contrastive consonants is found only at the beginning of… … Wikipedia
Catalan phonology — The phonology of Catalan, a Romance language, has a certain degree of dialectal variation. Although there are two main dialects, one based on Eastern Catalan and one based on Valencian, this article deals with features of all or most dialects as… … Wikipedia
Russian phonology — For assistance in making phonetic transcriptions of Russian for Wikipedia articles, see This article discusses the phonological system of standard Russian based on the Moscow dialect (unless otherwise noted). For discussion of other dialects, see … Wikipedia
Spanish phonology — For assistance in making phonetic transcriptions of Spanish for Wikipedia articles, see . This article is about the phonology of the Spanish language. It deals with current phonology and phonetics as well as with historical developments thereof,… … Wikipedia
Vietnamese phonology — This article is a technical description the sound system of the Vietnamese language, including phonetics and phonology. ConsonantsTwo main varieties of Vietnamese, Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, are described below.HanoiThe 21 consonants of the… … Wikipedia
Old Chinese phonology — The phonology of Old Chinese describes the language reflected by the rhymes of the Shijing and the phonetic components of Chinese characters, corresponding to the earlier half of the 1st millennium BC. Scholars have attempted to reconstruct the… … Wikipedia