- List of Pokémon (321-340)
In the anime, May's rival Harley, who dresses like a Cacturne, has a Cacturne as his signature Pokémon, skilled at creatively using attacks like Cotton Spore, Bullet Seed and Pin Missile to both terrify and impress the audience and judges in Contests. When Harley once met with
Team Rocket , his Cacturne was instantly attracted to Jessie and hugged her, accidentally sticking her with its spines.wablu
is a
whale -like Pokémon. It has a dark-blue body, large round eyes, and thick light-blue lips, which usually form a smile. Attached on both cheeks are two long, yellowwhisker s, which is why the Pokédex describes them as "Whiskers Pokémon". In its shiny version, Whiscash' belly and whiskers have turned dark red, and its body black. [http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Whiscash_(Pokémon)#Sprites Whiscash Sprites] , "Bulbapedia".]Despite its amusing appearance, Whiscash is an extremely violent and territorial Pokémon. It makes its nest at the bottom of pondsPokémon Ruby Pokédex entry.] or swamps,Pokémon FireRed/LeafGreen Pokédex entry.] where it sleeps throughout the day. At night, it awakes, after which it will eat continually. Whiscash will easily claim a large pond or swamp as its exclusive territory.Pokémon Emerald Pokédex entry.] If an intruder approaches it, Whiscash will thrash about, triggering massive
earthquake s with a radius of over three miles. Whiscash also has the ability to predict real earthquakes.Pokémon Sapphire Pokédex entry.]Whishcash, Namazun in the Japanese games, is clearly based upon the Namazu ("catfish") in Japanese mythology. The creature lives in the mud beneath the earth, and is guarded by the god
Kashima , who restrains the creature with a stone. If Kashima lets his guard fall however, Namazu will be set loose and cause earthquakes.References
External links
* [http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Main_Page Bulbapedia] - The Pokémon encyclopedia
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.