- Faris Odeh
Infobox Person
name = Faris Odeh
image_size = 200px
caption = The iconic picture of Odeh throwing a stone at an Israeli tank in occupied Gaza,October 29 ,2000
birth_date = December 1985
birth_place =Gaza Strip
death_date =November 9 ,2000
death_place =
nationality = Palestinian
known_for = Symbol of Palestinian resistance to Israeli occupation
education =
employer =
occupation =
title =
religion =Faris Odeh (December
1985 -November 9 ,2000 ) was a Palestinian boy shot dead by Israeli military forces near theKarni crossing in theGaza Strip while throwing stones in the second month of theAl-Aqsa Intifada .A picture of Odeh standing alone in front a tank, with a stone in his hand and arm bent back to throw was taken by a
photojournalist from theAssociated Press onOctober 29 ,2000 . Ten days later, onNovember 9 , Odeh was again throwing stones at Karni when he was shot in the neck by Israeli troops. Odeh and the now famous image of him have since become symbols of Palestinian resistance to the occupation.cite web|title=Israel's Spin-Doctors Wage War of Images and Words Against Palestinian Rock Children|author=Delinda Curtiss Hanley|publisher=Washington Report on Middle East Affairs|date=January-February 2001|accessdate=2007-07-16|url=http://www.wrmea.com/backissues/010201/0101021.html]Biography
Odeh was born in the
Zeitoun quarter ofGaza City , where he lived his entire life with his parents Fayek and Anam and his eight brothers and sisters. According to "The Washington Post ", Odeh was an "adolescent daredevil". He was fond of risky stunts, and once jumped an eight-foot gap between the roofs of two four-story buildings.cite news|last = Hockstader|first=Lee|work=The Washington Post|date =2000-12-11 |pg = A18|title = Gaza Gains a Martyr, Parents Lose a Son; Slain Youth Hailed As Palestinian Hero While Couple Mourns|accessdate=2007-07-23|url=http://www.1worldcommunication.org/gothiswish.htm]When the
Al-Aqsa Intifada began in September 2000, Odeh started skipping school to participate in the action, either at the Karni crossing or the Israeli settlement ofNetzarim .cite news|last = Abu Ramadan|first = Saud|date =2000-12-20 |accessdate=2007-07-23|publisher = United Press International|title = The death of a 14-year-old "martyr"] The headmaster of Odeh's school complained about the boy's absences to his parents who tried, unsuccessfully, to keep him away from the conflict. According to Faris' mother, the boy's father "beat him black and blue for throwing stones." Fayek also tried to physically restrain his son. Once he locked the boy in his room, but Faris escaped out the window. According to the "Post", "The next time Fayek heard that Faris had been at a clash point, he got tougher; he tied the boy's hands and feet together and left him on the roof after dinner. By midnight, his mother, worried sick about the boy, sneaked up to the roof and freed him."Still, Faris was undeterred. His mother Anam would repeatedly go to the sites of the worst fighting in search of her son, often finding him at the front of the crowd, nearest the Israeli troops. "I must have gone out looking for him 50 times," she was quoted as saying in "The Washington Post". "One day, I went out three times. Sometimes I'd sit down to lunch, and before I could put the first bite in my mouth some kids would come by and tell me Faris was at Karni again, throwing stones. And I'd drop my fork and rush out to find him."
"It wasn't the fame he loved," she continued. "In fact, he was afraid that if he was filmed on TV his father would see him, so he'd run away from the cameras. One day, after I'd gone and dragged him away from the clashes every day for a week, I told him: 'Okay, you want to throw stones? Fine. But at least hide behind something! Why do you have to be at the very front, even farther up than the older kids?' And he said, 'I'm not afraid.'"
October 29 ,Associated Press photographer Laurent Rebours captured the iconic photo of Odeh, who, according to a subsequent AP story, "reveled in his role as the most famous rock-hurler" at Karni.cite news|publisher = Associated Press|last = Myre|first = Greg|date =2000-11-25 |accessdate=2007-07-23|title = Mideast moms face deadly dilemma]On
November 1 , Odeh's cousin Shadi, a Palestinian policeman, was killed during fighting in Gaza. "When that happened, Faris said, 'I swear I'll avenge his death,'" Anam Odeh told the "Post". "He went to Shadi's funeral wreath and placed a snapshot of himself in it. He said the wreath would be for him, too."Death
Although different sources offer different dates of Odeh's final confrontation with the Israelis, all agree that it was between
November 8 andNovember 10 . Odeh was reportedly at the front of a group of young Palestinians throwing rocks at Israeli troops at the Karni crossing. He was reportedly crouching to pick up a stone when he was fatally shot in the neck by Israeli soldiers. According to Odeh's friends, the boy was so close to an Israeli tank that they had to wait an hour before they felt it was safe to retrieve his body and load it into an ambulance. He was pronounced dead upon arrival at the hospital.Reaction to his death
According to
UPI , tens of thousands of people attended Odeh's funeral. The boy's body, covered in aPalestinian flag , was carried on the shoulders of members of the crowd. His father told UPI: "He is a martyr, and this is what he always wanted to be, a martyr for the sake ofAl Aqsa ." Like all Palestinian families who had a loved one killed by Israeli troops after the outbreak of theSecond Intifada , the Odehs received a $10,000 check fromIraq 's President at the timeSaddam Hussein . His mother remarked that, "Faris was a boy who loved me so much [...] His blood is worth so much more."Since his death, Odeh and the famous image of him have become iconic. Dubbed the "Palestinian everyman"cite journal|title=The sense of atrocity and the passion for justice|author=Claire Valier|journal=Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy|volume=Volume 7, Issue 2|date=Summer 2004|pages=pp. 145–159|url=http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/content~content=a713634746~db=all|doi=10.1080/1369823042000266567] and the "poster boy of Palestinian defiance," he has become a Palestinian legend, hero, lesson and model, whose valor is celebrated in graffiti, wall art, calendars and posters.
In 2001, Odeh's
slingshot appeared in an exhibit called "100 Martyrs - 100 Lives" at the Khalil Sakakini Cultural Center inRamallah . The exhibit featured photos and personal belongings of 100 Palestinians killed during the Intifada. [cite news|last = Sontag|first=Deborah|pg = Section A Pg. 4|date =2001-02-21 |accessdate=2007-07-23|work= The New York Times|title = Ramallah Journal; Bitter, Stark Souvenirs: Sneakers and Slingshots|url=http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9E04E2D61639F932A15751C0A9679C8B63&sec=&spon=&pagewanted=all]In February 2002, addressing students at the Ramallah compound to which he had been confined by the
Israelis ,Yasser Arafat recalled Odeh's example, calling on them to show the same courage during the Israeli blockade of Palestinian towns.cite news|title=Palestinian Youths Support Dead Bomber|author=Mohammed Daraghmeh|work=The Washington Post|date=2002-02-19|url=http://www.unitedjerusalem.org/index2.asp?id=79224&Date=2/20/2002] Arafat said: "These tanks can't scare the brave people, we must remember that these tanks were fought by the hero Faris Odeh."Awards (posthumous)
The Faris Odeh activism award is granted annually by
Al-Awda : The Palestine Right to Return Coalition (PRCC). The recipient in 2003 was Dr.Salman Abu-Sitta . [ [http://palestinemonitor.org/Activism%20pal%20solidarity/Dr_sitta_for_award.htm Dr. Salman Abu Sitta to receive the Faris Odeh activism award June 21, 2003 from the Palestine Right to Return Coalition] , "The Palestine Monitor",14 May , 2003.]ee also
Muhammad al-Durrah
*Tank Man References
External links
* [http://www.rememberthesechildren.org/remember2000.html Remember These Children 2000 Memorial]
* [http://www.intifada.com/childhood.html Intifada - Site with poem in honor of Faris Odeh]
* [http://palestinechronicle.com/story-2002042515331683.htm How Children Turned into Commandos]
* [http://media.www.dailycollegian.com/media/storage/paper874/news/2002/03/08/Opinion/The-Palestinian.Will-1550216.shtml The Palestinian Will]
* [http://www.counterpunch.org/gelderloos10122006.html Images of the Occupation: Teaching in Nablus]Persondata
NAME=Odeh, Faris
ALTERNATIVE NAMES=Odeh, Fares; Oudeh, Faris; Udah, Fares
SHORT DESCRIPTION=Palestinian activist
PLACE OF BIRTH=Ottoman Palestine
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