- Bibb County Public Schools
Bibb County Public Schools is the
county government agency which operates thepublic school s in Bibb County, Georgia.{| class="wikitable"
-! Elementary School! Principal! Assistant Principal(s)
Alexander II Magnet School
Dr. Linda Bivins
Chad Thompson
Barden Elementary School
Dr. Jacqueline Jackson
Bernd Elementary School
Laura Holder
Brenda Carter
Brookdale Elementary School
Vicki Williams
Bruce Elementary School
Dr. Ramon Johnson
Cynithia Bryant
Burdell-Hunt Magnet School
Tanya Allen
Chanelle Sweet
Burghard Elementary School
Lynne Donehoo
Burke Elementary School
Emanuel Frazier
Carter Elementary School
Kelly Causey
Latricia Reeves
Hartley Elementary School
Dr. Deotha Campbell
Cheryl Stewart
Heard Elementary School
Sandra Stanley
Jan Wright
Heritage Elementary School
Donna Jackson
Jim MontgomeryJennifer Sadler
Ingram/Pye Elementary School
Baheejah Hasan
Jones Elementary School
Dr. Keela Malone
King-Danforth Elementary School
Dr. LaQuanda Brown
Lane Elementary School
Dr. Sherri Flagg
Sara Widner
Morgan Elementary School
Mary Sams
Walsetta Miller
Porter Elementary School
Dr. Russ Chesser
Terri Walker
Rice Elementary School
Dr. Teresa Yarber
Angela James
Joseph B. Riley Elementary School
Dr. Jacqueline Walden
Skyview Elementary School
Richard Key
Dr. Nadine McQueen-Campbell
Springdale Elementary School
Dr. Amy Duke
Peggy Nipper
Taylor Elementary School
Dr. Susan Simpson
LaLisa Burston
Union Elementary School
Dr. Efrem Yarber
Lynn Stephens
Vineville Academy
Paulette Winters
Williams Elementary School
Dr. Shandrina Griffin-Stewart
-! Middle School! Principal! Assistant Principal(s)
Appling Middle School
Robert Stevenson
Dionna CuretonAnnie Henderson
Ballard-Hudson Middle School
Dr. Benjy Spann-Morgan
Kenneth Lanier
Bloomfield Middle School
David Dillard
David AkinPerdeda Dwight
Howard Middle School
Matt Adams
Lanny DavisAntonio Ingram
Miller Magnet Middle School
Steven Jones
Terese MartinJon Smith
Rutland Middle School
Dr. Jerri Hall
Janice SharpeKen Wallace
Weaver Middle School
Dr. Pam Carswell
Tracie CompereMichael Jones
-! High School! Principal! Assistant Principal(s)
Central High School
Dr. Erin Weaver
Elizabeth Blair-RicksJason FlandersCarolyn Jones
Howard High School
Karen Yarbrough
Charlene CurryKevin VanTone
Hutchings Career Center
Ron McCall
Rena Moore
Northeast Magnet High School
Dr. Sam Scavella
Dr. Jeffrey AshleyDr. Julia Daniely
Rutland High School
Gail Gilbert
Barbara FranklinDr. Shannon NorfleetSamantha Thompson
Southwest Magnet High School
Tyrone Bacon
Brenda EdwardsDr. Romona White
Westside High School
Laura Perkins
Linda HallRichard Mathis
Kim Reining-Gray
Dr. Sharon Smith
-! Speciality School! Director! Assistant Director(s)
Butler Early Childhood Center
Dr. Lisa Garrett
Alexander SEBD Academy
Lara Sims
Neel Academy: Alternative School
Dr. Beverly Glover
Eddie McCloud
-Bloomfield Middle School
Bloomfield Middle School is a unit of the Bibb County Public School System, serving sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students. Located on Bloomfield Drive Ext. Bloomfield opened in 2006. It takes its name from the Bloomfield neighborhood surrounding it. Like other Bibb County Middle Schools, Bloomfield feeds into a partner high school; its students are placed into Bibb County's Southwest High School.
In 2006/07, Bloomfield elected its first ever Student Council members.
Bloomfield Middle School's mascot is the
falcon , and the school's colors are red and black.External links
* [http://www.bibb.k12.ga.us/ Bibb County Public Schools and School District]
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