- List of Pokémon (281-300)
is a sloth-like Pokémon species found in the
Hoenn region. Like what its name and anatomy suggest, Slakoth is extremely lazy, and its daily routine is extremely uneventful, and since it uses and requires so little energy, it sustains itself on three leaves a day and its heart beats once per minute. Slakoth is one of the most proficient sleepers in the Pokémon world, sleeping 20 hours a day (compare with Abra), and it is clearly not worried about possible predators in the area. Onlookers get sleepy themselves when looking at a Slakoth, in fact. Once in a great while, though, Slakoth can summon a surprising amount of energy and effort to travel great distances by swimming along rivers.Vigoroth
is the evolved form of Vigoroth. Compared to its earlier, pre-evolved forms, the Slaking species features an anatomy much closer to that of a gorilla. Though extremely lazy, a Slaking's body contains a great amount of pent-up energy, and if it must battle an opponent it can potentially exert devastating power. In fields where these Pokémon have been, large bare patches appear in the grass. This is from were it reaches out and pulls up and eats all of the grass in its vicinity. When it has all been eaten, it reluctantly moves to another spot.
is a unique species of Pokémon that is quite literally the shed exoskeleton of a newly evolved Ninjask that has taken on a ghostly transformation of its own. Their hard-layered bodies are hollow and utterly dark, and they do not possess organs normally considered vital for life. There is a circular dark hole in its back which the Ninjask would theoretically climb out of after its evolution, and an old legend states that a Shedinja will steal the souls of anyone who looks into the opening on its back. Like shed exoskeletons, Shedinja are completely immobile and do not breathe. [ [http://www.pokemon.com/Pokedex/flash.asp?qString=291 Shedinja's Pokédex entry] , "Pokémon.com". URL last accessed
March 5 ,2007 .] They are able to float and hover, however, though its wings do not move. They also have a halo-like object above their heads, suggesting theiconography ofdeath , as Shedinja is technicallyundead .In the Pokémon games, due to its extremely frail nature, Shedinja only has one
hit point no matter its level. To compensate, it has a unique ability known as Wonder Guard. Because of this ability, Shedinja can only be damaged by the five attack types which deal super-effective damage to it, namely, Fire, Flying, Rock, Ghost, and Dark type attacks. Weather effects such as hail or sandstorm will also harm Shedinja.In Pokémon Sapphire, Ruby, or Emerald, Shedinja is not found in the wild, but can be unlocked if you leave an open space in your party and evolve Nincada. Shedinja will be located in the empty space.
is a Pokémon species that is the larger and stronger form that the Whismur species takes when going through
Pokémon evolution . A Loudred builds power by stamping the ground while shouting. After Loudred finishes shouting, it becomes incapable of hearing anything for a while. This is considered to be a weak point. Yet, Loudred's bellowing can completely decimate a wood-frame house and the shockwaves from its shouting can turn over a truck. And it only needs to use its voice to punish its foes. Its round ears serve as loudspeakers, and they are positioned to assail foes with ultrasonic waves at massive volume. Loudred are also immune toJigglypuff 's andWigglytuff 's song.Exploud
is the larger and stronger evolved form of the Makuhita species. Hariyama appears like a sumo wrestler; its hands are large and orange, and it wears blue trousers with a yellow "tare" - one of
kendo bogu . Hariyama trains by stomping on the ground to build power, and it gains enough power so that its arm thrusts can snap telephone poles in two and send ten-ton trucks flying. Although it appears fat, its bulk is made up almost entirely of muscle. If Hariyama were to tighten these muscles, it would be as hard as a rock. It has been known to challenge people to contests of strength without any hesitation. It has even been observed to stand on train tracks and stop trains in their tracks using forearm thrusts as a display of its power.Azurill
} is a Pokémon species found in the
Hoenn region. Nosepass appears as a rocky-but-animate figurine vaguely in the shape of aEaster Island Statue . It lives in caves and comes across as immobile because it is often found standing still in these environments. However, Nosepass displays behavior commonly associated with predatorial animals in the wild as well, hunting and feeding on prey that might be foolish enough to approach it. Its full body emits a powerful force ofmagnetism which it uses to pull its prey towards it like a tractor beam before feeding. This sense of magnetism is naturally bolstered in cold seasons.The nose of Nosepass is undoubtedly its most notable feature. It is the focal point of Nosepass’ magnetic nature, and this works to make Nosepass something of a living compass. When seen standing idly, it is consistently facing the
North Pole as directed by its magnetic nose. Travelers who encounter this Pokémon can therefore actually use the placement of a Nosepass to check the direction of north and get their bearings. However, close observation has revealed that the Pokémon is affected bypolar drift ; With each passing year, Nosepass’ direction shifts slightly at a rate of 3/8 of an inch each year. Since all Nosepass have noses of the same magnetism, if two of these Pokémon meet, they cannot turn their faces towards each other when they are close because their magnetic noses repel one another.In the fourth generation of Pokémon media, if a Nosepass is brought to the
Sinnoh region and it gains a level of experience while inside Mt. Coronet, it willevolve intoProbopass .kitty
number = 300
type = Normal
evolvesfrom =
evolvesto =Delcatty nihongo|Skitty|エネコ|Eneko|Eneco in original
Japanese language versions is a basic Pokémon species found in theHoenn region. Skitty is a "cute" Pokémon, according to thePokédex . It loves things that it can chase. Some times it even chases its own tail. Many people in the Pokémon world have them as pets.In the "Pokémon" anime, trainer May has a Skitty that she uses for
Contest s. It can juggle and perform a variety of attacks, for which it also is useful in battle, when it is not chasing its own tail. May's Skitty (like Jessie'sWobbuffet , Misty'sPsyduck and Brock'sCroagunk ) has a knack for coming out of itsPoké Ball at some inappropriate moments, which may make May's opponent think it's her next battle Pokémon.In "", Skitty is one of the sixteen available starter Pokémon.Skitty is also playable in the game's sequel and is one of three normal types.(the others being "Meowth " and "Munchlax ")References
External links
* [http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Main_Page Bulbapedia] - The Pokémon encyclopedia
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.