genioplasty — (dʒɪˈnaɪəʊplæstɪ) [f. Gr. γένειο ν chin + πλαστ ός moulded + y3.] ‘A plastic operation for restoring the chin’ (Syd. Soc. Lex. 1885) … Useful english dictionary
genioplasty — Surgical correction of the bony contour of the chin. [G. geneion, chin, cheek, + plastos, formed] * * * ge·nio·plas·ty jē nē ō .plas tē, jə nī ə n, pl ties plastic surgery of the chin * * * n. an operation performed in plastic surgery … Medical dictionary
genioplasty — n. an operation performed in plastic surgery to alter the size and shape of the chin. This can be built up with grafted bone, cartilage, or artificial material … The new mediacal dictionary
Гениопластика (Genioplasty) — пластическая операция, заключающаяся в изменении размера и формы подбородка. Он может восстанавливаться фрагментом кости, хряща или каким либо искусственным материалом. Источник: Медицинский словарь … Медицинские термины
ГЕНИОПЛАСТИКА — (genioplasty) пластическая операция, заключающаяся в изменении размера и формы подбородка. Он может восстанавливаться фрагментом кости, хряща или каким либо искусственным материалом … Толковый словарь по медицине
Genioplastik — Die Genioplastik oder Kinnplastik bezeichnet Techniken zur Beeinflussung und Veränderung des Kinns. Weit verbreitet ist die Verwendung von Implantaten aus unterschiedlichen Materialien (Silikon, Gore Tex, Medpor etc.), welche über einen Schnitt… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Oral and maxillofacial surgery — Oral and maxillofacial surgeon … Wikipedia
Dentofacial osteotomy — A Dentofacial Osteotomy (also known as corrective jaw surgery) is an oral surgery where bone is cut, moved, modified, and realigned to correct a dentofacial deformity. The word “osteotomy” means the division, or excision of bone. The dental… … Wikipedia
Mentoplasty — Intervention ICD 9 CM 76.68 Mentoplasty is a term that refers to plastic surgery procedures for the chin. It comes from the Latin word mentum, which means chin, and the Greek verb plassein, which means to form or to shape. Mentoplasty is also… … Wikipedia
Otolaryngology — Otolaryngologist performing an endoscopic sinus surgical procedure Otolaryngology or ENT (ear, nose and throat) is the branch of medicine and surgery that specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of ear, nose, throat, and head and neck… … Wikipedia