- Kabsch algorithm
The Kabsch algorithm is a method for calculating the optimal alignment of two sets of points. It is useful in graphics, and also in
bioinformatics for calculating theRMSD (root mean square d deviation) between twoprotein structures.The algorithm works by calculating a matrix of multiplied components. The destination matrix, "A", is a 3 × 3 matrix with "x", "y" and "z" components for each side. The source is two sets of paired points, "P" and "Q".
: A_{ij} = sum_k P_{ki} Q_{kj}
(sum over the points and multiply components).
The formula is
: A^t A)^{1/2}A^{-1}
or take the square root of the product of the
transpose of "A" and "A" itself, then multiply by the inverse of "A".The algorithm calculates only the rotation matrix. Both sets of coordinates must be transformed to their
centroid first.C source is available at http://www.personal.leeds.ac.uk/~bgy1mm/Bioinformatics/rmsd.html
A free
PyMol plugin easily implementing Kabsch is [http://www.pymolwiki.org/index.php/Cealign Cealign] .References
* Kabsch, Wolfgang, (1976) "A solution of the best rotation to relate two sets of vectors", "Acta Crystallographica" 32:922. doi|10.1107/S0567739476001873
* Lin Ying-Hung, Chang Hsun-Chang, Lin Yaw-Ling (2004) "A Study on Tools and Algorithms for 3-D Protein Structures Alignment and Comparison", "International Computer Symposium", Dec 15-17, Taipei, Taiwan.
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