
Togo's restaurant in Los Angeles, California

Togo's Eateries, Inc., is a chain of fast casual sandwich restaurants owned by Mainsail Partners. Its headquarters are in San Jose, California.[1]

On the East Coast of the U.S. it is often combined with Dunkin' Donuts' donut shops and Baskin-Robbins' ice cream shops (which were both owned by the same parent company from 1997 to 2007) in the same building. Togo's was sold off to a private equity firm in 2007. Most of Togo's stores are franchises. Some Togos that were co-located with Dunkin' Donuts were rebranded as Dunkin' Deli, with the same menu as Togos.


The first "Togos" was opened in downtown San Jose, California, in 1967. At that time the sandwich shack was so small that the sign out front read "Sandwiches To Go" with To Go being on the second line. It was so small that only 4 people at a time could be inside. In 1971 the shop was purchased by a college student. In 1997, Togos was acquired by the Dunkin' Brands portfolio of fast-food restaurants. By 2001, there were approximately 350 Togos sandwich shops, serving more than 25 different types of sandwiches.

On November 30, 2007, Togo's was acquired by Mainsail Partners, a San Francisco−based private equity firm, in partnership with Tony Gioia, a former president of Baskin-Robbins. Tony Gioia is serving as chairman and chief executive officer of Togo's Holdings, LLC.


  1. ^ "Privacy Policy." Togo's. Retrieved on January 25, 2010.

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