- Los Angeles National Impeachment Center
The Los Angeles National Impeachment Center (LANIC) is a nonprofit and nonpartisan organization that works with progressive groups across Los Angeles and across the United States with the goal of furthering the impeachment of President of the United States
George W. Bush and Vice PresidentDick Cheney . The focus LANIC is on identifying and resolving pressing concerns related to the executive branch of government, as well as making measurable changes in communities effected by the current executive branch.History
Founded in Los Angeles, on July 4, 2007, LANIC was launched by Executive Director, attorney and Green Party peace activist, [http://www.peterthottam.com. Peter Thottam] . LANIC is particularly focused on the passage of
H Res 333 , the resolution to impeach Vice President Richard Cheney. On its website there is an updating set of resolutions, volunteer videoclips and other information.On July 16, 2007, LANIC was successful in working with the West Hollywood City Council in the Los Angeles area to obtain the unanimous approval of a symbolic, non-binding resolution calling for the impeachment of President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney. This was the first such city council passage of an impeachment resolution in Southern California. "The time has come to call for impeachment," said West Hollywood Councilmember Abbe Land. "Bush and Cheney lied to Congress and the American public on the justifications for the Iraq war, conducted illegal wiretaps of American citizens and violated the Geneva Convention by torturing prisoners of war. The U.S. Constitution provides a mechanism to hold them accountable. West Hollywood is proud to add its voice to the growing movement across the nation in calling for a full investigation to be undertaken by the U.S. Congress."
Also in July, LANIC was able to successfully advance and obtain the passage of a joint Bush/Cheney Impeachment resolution at the 2007 U.S. Social Forum in Atlanta, Georgia. Building on this success and its recent West Hollywood unanimous Impeachment Resolution passage, organizers of the project said the Los Angeles National Impeach Center is now focused on convincing the Santa Monica and Los Angeles city councils, and California legislative and federal representatives to approve resolutions calling for impeachment of both Bush and Cheney for high crimes involving abuse of executive power. The center is also serving as a model for citizens in states such as Vermont, Florida, Georgia, Missouri and Minnesota where citizens are now seeking to establish their own Impeachment Centers.
Congressional endorsement
On July 4, 2007, LANIC was endorsed by Congresswoman
Maxine Waters and many other local Southern Californian politicians. Congresswoman Waters noted that LANIC's headquarters was the first of its kind in the U.S. and that it was particularly notable for creating a public space facilitating the cooperative sponsorship of impeachment goals by the Green Party, Progressive Democrats of Los Angeles, Westside Greens, Santa Monica Democratic Club, World Can't Wait, 911TruthLA.net, the Impeach '07 coalition and many other progressive groups throughout the country.On October 13, 2007, in response to a request that the [http://www.bcimpeach.com L.A. National Impeachment Center's] Executive Director Peter Thottam made during a Los Angeles Town Hall Q&A session (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KhS0poIuz54) -- after having presented Congresswoman Watson with over 10,200 handwritten signatures (with verifiable handwritten addresses) gathered by L.A. impeachment activists and volunteers living in and near Congresswoman Diane Watson's district -- Congresswoman
Diane Watson (33rd District, CA) agreed to immediately endorse the impeachment of both President Bush and Vice President Cheney and stated that she would immediately sign on as an official co-sponsor for H Res 333. Thereafter, RepresentativeDiane Watson officially added her name to the resolution on October 16, 2007. Both Watson and Congresswoman Maxine Waters belong to the CBC, whose members have contributed eleven (half) of the resolution's 22 co-sponsors to date.Media coverage
2. Ari Bloomekatz, [http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-impeach22jul22,0,5956863.story?coll=la-home-center West Hollywood votes to impeach Bush and Cheney] , "Los Angeles Times", July 22, 2007 3. CBS News Stories, [http://www.cbs2.com/topstories/local_story_204182458.html Huntington Beach Rally Urges Bush Impeachment] , , July 23, 2007. 4. Archive of (2) http://pqasb.pqarchiver.com/latimes/access/1307708551.html?dids=1307708551:1307708551&FMT=ABS&FMTS=ABS:FT&type=current&date=Jul+22%2C+2007&author=Ari+B.+Bloomekatz&pub=Los+Angeles+Times&edition=&startpage=B.3&desc=West+Hollywood+votes+to+impeach+Bush+and+Cheney%3B+Council+resolution+cites+abuses+of+power+and+other+misdeeds.+Some+residents+say+they+should+have+been+consulted+first.
ee also
Movement to Impeach George W. Bush External links
* [http://www.bcimpeach.com/ Official Webpage of the Los Angeles National Impeachment Center (LANIC)]
* [http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/ Official co-sponsoring site for LANIC and national Impeachment movement]
* [http://www.pledgetoimpeach.org/ Official Impeachment Site calling for action measures across the U.S.]
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