Adventus Interactive

Adventus Interactive

Adventus Incorporated is a Canadian IT company founded in 1996 specializing in educational software. Based in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Adventus is a recognized leader in music learning software. In 1996, Adventus began designing piano software that allowed MIDI instruments to communicate with a computer.
Software Titles
Piano Suite Premier []
Children's Music Journey []
Ear Training Coach []
MusIQ Challenger Game []
----Piano Suite Premier
Unveiled in 1998 and developed in accordance with accepted piano pedagogy, Piano Suite guides beginner and intermediate musicians through interactive lessons by providing immediate feedback on their playing. Piano Suite Premier is published in four languages and is rated “Best in Class” by the International Society for Technology in Education [] . Piano Suite Software has been updated numerous times (version 2.6 is most recent), and remains the popular choice in piano learning software.

----Children's Music Journey (3 Level Series)
In 2005, Adventus released Children's Music Journey [] , an animated interactive program that enables teaching young children how to read music, play the piano with both hands, and compose. In 2005, a study was launched to check whether this software can increase rates of learning math, science, and reading, just as traditional instrumental instruction does. [] This study will use the software to teach music to students in the USA and Canada, from kindergarten to the second grade. It is being funded by the Keys to Achievement Foundation and monitored by James Catterall, Education expert from the University of California, Los Angeles. [] Concepts learned (by level):

Level 1
High notes, low notes and middle C * Repeating short rhythmic patterns * Variety of great piano works presented with some history * Directional note sequences, descending/ascending, from/to, middle C * ‘Double’ notes * ‘Holding’ notes * Finger numbers * Middle C position (either by stepwise movement, or finger number) * Stepping notes * Musical alphabet * Keyboard letter names * Half notes and whole notes
Level 2 - Release Date: March, 2007
Dotted half notes * Grand staff, treble and bass clef * Progressive history of music with notable compositions * Notation of middle C position notes * Time signatures and bar lines * Tempo, and Italian terms: andante, allegro, moderato * Dynamics f, mf, mp, p * Repeat sign * Rests * Playing hands together * Eighth notes * Ties
Level 3 - Release Date: March, 2007
Sharps, flats and naturals * Music history with examples continued * Notation of standard C position * Staccato, legato, Accents, Fermata * Increase range and diversity of repertoire * Dotted quarter/eighth note patterns * Intervals of 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th * Notation of G position * Introduction of orchestra instruments * Moving hand positions * Key signatures

External links

* [ Adventus Inc.]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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