List of Pokémon (161-180)

List of Pokémon (161-180)

At the core of the multi-billion dollarcite web|url=|title=Pokémon Franchise Approaches 150 Million Games Sold|publisher=PR Newswire|accessdate=] "Pokémon" media franchise of various electronic games, ongoing anime, several manga series, collectible trading card games, and other media are 493 distinctive fictional species classified as the titular Pokémon. Created by Satoshi Tajiri, "Pokémon" is one of Nintendo's flagship game franchises, which has sold over 143 million copies worldwide as of 2007. [cite web|author=David|publisher=Australia's PAL Gaming Network|year=2005|url=|title=Nintendo reveal sales figures|accessmonthday=|accessyear=] These creatures and entities reside throughout various locations of the fictional Pokémon universe and can be caught by humans designated as Pokémon Trainers often using devices called Poké Balls. These trainers use Pokémon for a variety of purposes, such as being pets and loyal companions and/or being pitted against other trained Pokémon in competitive Pokémon battles. Pokémon are potentially powerful and magical creatures that can employ a variety of talents such as generating fire or heat, martial arts, telekinesis, and so on. Through age and experience many of these species undergo a metamorphosis and transform into a similar but stronger specie in a process referred to as Pokémon evolution.

This is a selected listing of twenty of the Pokémon species, arranged as they are in the main game series' National Pokédex.


number = 161
type = Normal
evolvesfrom =
evolvesto = Furret
nihongo|Sentret|オタチ|Otachi is a very cautious Pokémon, it raises itself up onto its tail to get a better view of its surroundings. While standing on its tail, it can see a long way. If it spots an enemy, it will cry out loudly to warn its kind. It will also hit the ground with its tail. A Sentret will only sleep when another one is standing guard. The Sentret will wake the others at the first sign of danger. Because of this, if one is separated from its pack, then it will be unable to sleep due to fear.


number = 162
type = Normal
evolvesfrom = Sentret
evolvesto =
nihongo|Furret|オオタチ|Ōtachi live in colonies with tunnels much too small for normal Pokémon to traverse, yet it is a perfect fit for the slim build of Furret as it hides from the outside world at the surface by traversing through these tunnels like gophers. These tunnel colonies become very complex, especially if they are very deep, and can potentially stretch for miles. Occasionally, these colonies are found intertwined with Diglett colonies. The Furret evolves from Sentret at level 15.

Furrets rudimentary paws and legs are deceptively nimble, making Furret a quick, unpredictable predator especially skillful at hunting Rattata, its main prey. Also, the fur of the Pokémon is thicker than it appears, and Furret can fluff up its fur to make itself look much stronger and larger than it actually is as an intimidation tactic towards potential foes.


number = 9009
type = Normal/Flying
evolvesfrom =
evolvesto = Noctowl
nihongo|Hoothoot|ホーホー|Hōhō is one of two owl Pokémon. Hoothoot seems to have one foot. However, it actually has two feet; at least one is retracted against its body at almost all times, and Hoothoot can switch between one foot and the other at speeds almost too fast for the human eye. Hoothoot are also known for having precise senses of time, due to a special mechanism in their brain that measures the rotation of the earth. Properly trained, they can be more accurate than all but the most precise of clocks. In nature, they always begin hooting at the same time every night.


number = 164
type = Normal/Flying
evolvesfrom = Hoothoot
evolvesto =
nihongo|Noctowl|ヨルノズク|Yorunozuku is the second owl Pokémon, being the evolution of Hoothoot. It is a large bird whose plumage is colored in various shades of brown. Its round head has two piercing, red eyes and two large "eyebrows". These eyebrows help balance Noctowl while it is flying to increase its aerodynamics. When hunting, Noctowl puts its prodigious eyesight to good use to hunt down prey without fail. It is also very good at sneaking up to its victims unnoticed thanks to its supple, soft-feathered wings that allow it to fly without making any noise. When a Noctowl needs to ponder especially deep thoughts, it can rotate its head 180 degrees, which serves to increase its intellectual faculties.

In the anime, a shiny Noctowl has been part of Ash's team during his travels in Johto. Ash frequently used his Noctowl to explore an area from the sky, or to puncture Team Rocket's hot-air balloon. Ash used it in many battles throughout Johto, but it is currently living in Professor Oak's lab since Ash decided to make a fresh start and leave all of his Pokémon except for Pikachu when he left for Hoenn.


number = 165
type = Bug/Flying
evolvesfrom =
evolvesto = Ledian
nihongo|Ledyba|レディバ|Rediba has a red thorax (ladybug) with black spots, a cream-coloured underbelly, six legs and two black antennae. By itself a Ledyba is very timid, to the point of being afraid to move. When Ledyba become part of a swarm, they become much more active and can cluster next to each other for warmth in cold weather. A Ledyba communicates with others through an aromatic fluid excreted from the points where its legs meet its thorax. By subtly changing the fluid's scent, the Ledyba can convey a number of different feelings. The fluid can also help to determine a Ledyba's location as well as its current feelings.


number = 166
type = Bug/Flying
evolvesfrom = Ledyba
evolvesto =
nihongo|Ledian|レディアン|Redian is a moderately large, bipedal creature with a huge head and six small limbs. It also has star patterns on its back, which grow larger or smaller depending on the number of stars visible in the night sky. Each spot represents a corner of a star shape. These spots have also been observed glowing red during twilight hours as Ledian are attached to trees, making these trees seem like Christmas trees. Male Ledian are shown having longer antennae than females.

Ledian is a nocturnal insect, active mainly during the night and sleeping in curled-up leaves during the day. Countless Ledian live in outdoor areas located a good distance away from the polluted atmospheres of cities, for the star-lit skies are always clearer in these clean lands than in the light pollution of urban areas. Ledian have an affinity to stars for good reason; They take their energy from the light of the stars in order to live healthily. When many stars are visible, the Ledian will sprinkle a mysterious, glowing powder whilst fluttering about.


number = 167
type = Bug/Poison
evolvesfrom =
evolvesto = Ariados
nihongo|Spinarak|イトマル|Itomaru is a six legged spider-like Pokémon with a marking on its back that is similar to a face. It spins a web of fine silk and then waits patiently and with complete motionlessness until prey, such as a bug Pokémon, becomes ensnared in the sticky web. It then waits until nightfall, at which point Spinarak prepares and then devours the prey. The web can be called Spinarak's "second nervous system" because the Pokémon is able to determine the type of prey that has become trapped simply through the vibrations that are created.

In the anime, there is a small town whose police force uses Spinarak to fight crime, honoring a Spinarak that had caught a criminal called the black arachnid in the past. This was shown in the episode Spinarak attack.


number = 168
type = Bug/Poison
evolvesfrom = Spinarak
evolvesto =
nihongo|Ariados|アリアドス|Ariadosu is the evolution of Spinarak. Ariados is able to spin silk out of both its mouth and rear, which is advantageous against unsuspecting foes. It captures prey by spinning its strong silk around the prey, rendering it helpless to be devoured or carried back to the nest. Ariados' feet end in hooks that allow it to grip well enough to walk on vertical surfaces and on horizontal surfaces upside-down. Ariados uses its nest as a base of sorts. A strand of silk is constantly spun from its rear that leads back to its nest. This allows it to wander in search of food, which it usually does at night. This is in contrast to its unevolved form, Spinarak, which instead waits patiently for its prey to come to its web.


number = 169
type = Poison/Flying
evolvesfrom = Golbat
evolvesto =
nihongo|Crobat|クロバット|Kurobatto is the evolution of Golbat as of the "Gold" and "Silver" editions of the game. It's a purple bat with four wings, with two main wings above and two secondary wings below. The development of these lower wings to replace its legs, as a result of its pursuit of faster, yet more silent flight, enables it to fly fast and silently indeed, but also makes it tough to stop and rest. Its extra wings will even allow it to fly long distances by alternating which set of wings it uses when it tires. The only way it can rest is to hang on a tree branch using its lower legs to grab onto it the way normal bats would. It flies so silently through the dark on its four wings that it may not be noticed even when nearby. It uses this to its advantage when hunting prey.

The appearances of Crobat in the anime have been largely of Brock's Crobat. Brock caught a Zubat very early on in the original series, and it evolved into a Golbat, and then a Crobat.


number = 170
type = Water/Electric
evolvesfrom =
evolvesto = Lanturn
nihongo|Chinchou|チョンチー|Chonchī|Chonchie in original Japanese language versions has a small blue body and two antennae sprouting from its head, both of which have a yellow globe at the end. These antennae are said to have evolved from fins. A Chinchou's eyes are yellow and their pupils have the shape of plus signs. When blinking or closing its eyes, only the vertical parts close, making the pupils look like minus signs. Its habitat is the dark depths of the ocean floor. In the absence of any other light, Chinchou sees its surroundings and communicates by shooting positive and negative charged electricity particles between the tips of its antennae, creating an electric current and thus light. This can be said to be a form of bioluminescence. The charges Chinchou shoots between its antennae can also be used offensively, to stun its opponents with a flash of light or shock them with electricity.


number = 171
type = Water/Electric
evolvesfrom = Chinchou
evolvesto =
nihongo|Lanturn|ランターン|Rantān|Lantern in original Japanese language versions uses the bright part of its body, which gradually evolved from a dorsal fin, to lure prey. Given the nickname "deep-sea star", the light it emits is so bright that it can illuminate the sea's surface from a depth of over 3 miles. It uses this light to attract and blind prey, and then swallow the immobilized prey in a single gulp. The light is also useful for Lanturn to navigate through the deep, murky waters. The light from its antenna is produced by bacterial symbiosis. Bioluminescent bacteria in Lanturn's antenna cause a chemical reaction with Lanturn's bodily fluids to create the bright light.


number = 172
type = Electric
evolvesfrom =
evolvesto = Pikachu
nihongo|Pichu|ピチュー|Pichū, known as the "Tiny Mouse" species of Pokémon, are the pre-evolved version of Pikachu. They stand at 1'00" and weight 4.4 lbs. Their cheeks are pink, and they have small, plump bodies with short, jagged tails, and large ears. They are not skilled at storing electricity, so when amused or startled, they often discharge jolts of electricity strong enough to affect adult humans.Pokédex: cite video game|title=Pokémon Gold|developer=Game Freak |publisher=Nintendo |date=2000-10-15 |platform=Game Boy |language=English] Pokédex: Despite its small size, it can zap even adult humans. However, if it does so, it also surprises itself. cite video game|title=Pokémon Silver|developer=Game Freak |publisher=Nintendo |date=2000-10-15 |platform=Game Boy |language=English] This lack of control becomes more stable as they grow older.Pokédex: It is still inept at retaining electricity. When it is startled, it discharges power accidentally. It gets better at holding power as it grows older. cite video game|title=Pokémon Emerald|developer=Game Freak |publisher=Nintendo |date=2005-05-01 |platform=Game Boy Advance |language=English] The electricity that they do manage to keep stored is limited by their small electrical pouches in their cheeks.Pokédex: The electric pouches on its cheeks are still small. They cannot store much electricity yet. cite video game|title=Pokémon Diamond|developer=Game Freak |publisher=Nintendo |date=2007-04-22 |platform=Nintendo DS |language=English] When the air is dry or on stormy days, they charge much more easily, leaving the sound of crackling static electricity emanating from them.Pokédex: PICHU charges itself with electricity more easily on days with thunderclouds or when the air is very dry. You can hear the crackling of static electricity coming off this POKéMON. cite video game|title=Pokémon Ruby|developer=Game Freak |publisher=Nintendo |date=2003-03-17 |platform=Game Boy Advance|language=English] They play with each other by touching tails to set off sparks, which also acts as a test of courage.Pokédex: It plays with others by touching tails and setting off sparks. This appears to be a test of courage. cite video game|title=Pokémon Pearl|developer=Game Freak |publisher=Nintendo |date=2007-04-22 |platform=Nintendo DS |language=English] They run the risk of shorting each other out, and scaring themselves into a crying fit with the flash of sparks that emanates from them.Pokédex: When PICHU plays with others, it may short out electricity with another PICHU, creating a shower of sparks. In that event, this POKéMON will begin crying, startled by the flash of sparks. cite video game|title=Pokémon Sapphire|developer=Game Freak |publisher=Nintendo |date=2003-03-17 |platform=Game Boy Advance|language=English] In the anime, it is said that a Pichu cannot use electric attacks without hurting itself. This is a feature not prominently featured in the games.

Pichu first appeared in "Pokémon Gold" and "Silver", and is one of many pre-evolutions introduced into the series. At one point, a Nintendo GameCube game called Pichu Bros: Party Panic was in development but never released, featuring Pichu as the main character.Fact|date=February 2008 Instead, the game was integrated into Pokémon Channel as an important part of the story-line.Fact|date=February 2008

Pichu is also an unlockable character in "Super Smash Bros. Melee". It has a "cloned" moveset to Pikachu's, but unlike Pikachu, most attacks that Pichu use will cause it to take damage. This quirk is likely influenced by the anime. Pichu also makes an appearance in Melee's sequel "Super Smash Bros. Brawl" as a trophy but not as playable character.

Pichu also made a cameo appearance in "Mario Party DS" on a minigame (Hanger Management) on the grass skipping near the finish line.


number = 173
type = Normal
evolvesfrom =
evolvesto = Clefairy
nihongo|Cleffa|ピィ| is the pre-evolution of Clefairy, a small, bipedal creature, shaped like a five-pointed star. It has short pink fur, with a large brown patch on each of its two pointed ears. Between these ears is a large swirl of pink fur. It has two small eyes, no visible nose, and a small mouth. It also has a patch of darker pink fur under each eye. Cleffa first appears in "Pokémon Gold" and "Silver", as one of the several pre-evolutions introduced into the series.

Cleffa love to stick their tongues out and are often seen hanging around other baby Pokémon such as Igglybuff. For unknown reasons, possibly due to its unusual star-shaped silhouette, when lots of meteors illuminate the night sky, sightings of Cleffa strangely increase. Some people believe that they came to the Pokémon universe on a meteor. If the impact site of any meteorite is found, this Pokémon is certain to be within the immediate area. On nights with many shooting stars, Cleffa can be seen dancing in a ringlike formation. They dance through the night and stop only at the break of day, when these Pokémon quench their thirst with the morning dew. Like Staryu, it is a Starshape Pokémon- consequently, scientists in the Pokémon universe are trying to find a connection between the two. In the same way its evolved form Clefairy loves the moon, Cleffa are fond of shooting stars.


number = 174
type = Normal
evolvesfrom =
evolvesto = Jigglypuff
nihongo|Igglybuff|ププリン|Pupurin resembles a small pink balloon. It has a round body with four tiny appendages. On top of its head there is a tuft, and on its forehead a counter-clockwise swirl. Like its evolutions Jigglypuff and Wigglytuff, Igglybuff's body shares many properties with a balloon. It is very soft, elastic and flexible and somewhat feels and smells like a marshmallow. This enables it to bounce a long way, to the extent that Igglybuff finds it more efficient to move around by bouncing instead of walking on its two short legs.

Although Igglybuff too has the notorious singing ability of its evolutionary chain, its vocal cords are not yet fully developed in this early stage of its life. A prolonged singing effort results in Igglybuff turning a deeper and deeper pink as it strains itself, finally ending up damaging its throat. Igglybuff tends to gargle with clear saltwater to soothe itself. Igglybuff is first introduced in "Pokémon Gold" and "Silver" as one of several of the pre-evolved Pokémon introduced in the game.


number = 175
type = Normal
evolvesfrom =
evolvesto = Togetic
nihongo|Togepi|トゲピー|Togepī is a baby Pokémon that hatches from an egg. The Pokédex says that this Pokémon's "shell is filled with joy" and that it will bring happiness to its trainer as it travels along with him/her. In the "Pokémon Gold", "Silver", and "Crystal" games, Togepi first appears as a mystery egg given to the player by a minor character called "Mr. Pokémon", which he/she has to take back to Professor Elm. In FireRed and LeafGreen a character living in the Sevii Islands will give you a Togepi egg, but this event happens only after obtaining the National Pokédex. Like all infant Pokémon, on the day a Togepi hatches, it develops a parental relationship with the first person it sees. (for example, the Togepi would think of the first female it sees as its mother)

In the "Pokémon" anime, Togepi is the first second-generation Pokémon to be introduced as a character before the release of "Pokémon Gold and Silver". Ash Ketchum discovers an egg in the ancient ruins at Grandfather Canyon. He carries this egg around until the episode "Who Gets to Keep Togepi?". The egg hatches, and after a long dispute it is decided that Misty will keep the newly-hatched Pokémon. Since then, she grows inseparable to it and carries it around everywhere, going frantic whenever it gets lost. She usually keeps it in her backpack when she thinks that it needs protection. The only attacks that it is shown to use are Charm, and more notably, Metronome (which it learned by trying it after witnessing another Pokémon using it), which usually saves Ash and his friends from mortal peril; in one instance, it teleported them out of danger, another, it created a huge explosion, and in another used Reflect.

In a later episode in season six within the Advanced Generation, Misty travels to Hoenn to meet up with Ash, Brock, May, and Max. Due to one of Team Rocket's plans going wrong, they end up in "Mirage Kingdom", a place where people praise Togepi for they believe it will be their savior. Togepi ends up going into a mirage, followed by Ash and his crew, to discover a Togepi Paradise in ruins. To defend it, it evolves into a Togetic, a Pokémon that makes its first Anime appearance and defeats the villain of "Mirage Kingdom". It then makes the difficult decision of staying in the Togepi Paradise to protect it instead of continuing with Misty. In the end, Misty released Togetic so it can defend Mirage Kingdom and returned to her duties as the Cerulean City gym leader.

Togepi also makes a cameo appearance in the "Super Smash Bros. series" as a Pokéball Pokémon. After it comes out of its Pokéball, it uses the move Metronome. Metronome can result in one of these four attacks: Night Shade, Sing, Magnitude, and Leech Seed.

The English DVD release of Mewtwo Strikes Back incorrectly refers to Togepi as Pokémon #152.


number = 176
type = Normal/Flying
evolvesfrom = Togepi
evolvesto = Togekiss
nihongo|Togetic|トゲチック|Togechikku|Togechick in original Japanese language versions is a highly auspicious species. It is associated with good fortune and happiness, but it is said that it will grant its boons and affection only to kind-hearted, caring people. In fact, it will even grow sad itself if it is in mean-spirited company for a prolonged period of time. Togetic's rudimentary wings do not permit it to actually fly, but it has in lost time learned to remain floating in midair without even using them. In the new "Diamond" and "Pearl" games, Togetic is granted an evolution, Togekiss, using the Shiny Stone.

In the anime, Misty's Togepi evolves into Togetic in order to protect the Togepi indigenous to the mystical Mirage Kingdom from a villain. After peace is restored, it decides to remain there in order to watch over its fellow Pokémon and Misty releases it, parting with a Pokémon she has had for most of the series' original generation.-Togetic later appeared in the 11th movie, Near the waters with its partner,Riolu.


number = 177
type = Psychic/Flying
evolvesfrom =
evolvesto = Xatu
nihongo|Natu|ネイティ|Neiti|Naty in original Japanese language versions are very small, spherical, green birds with underdeveloped, textured wings, red talons, red tail feathers, and a red plume on each of their foreheads. Since their wings are not fully grown, Natu are unable to fly and therefore must hop around in order to get around. As a result of this, however, Natus jumping abilities are quite developed and they can hop great distances. They are diurnal herbivores that live in savanna areas. They forage for food on the ground by custom, but when a lack of food on the ground is apparent, Natu turn to the trees that grow in the savannas. With their strong jumping ability in their talons, Natu may either charge forward and quite literally run up the trunk of a small tree to reach a branch or use both their legs and their flapping wings to propel themselves onto higher tree branches well over seven feet off the ground. Once there, they peck at and feed on the trees recently grown shoots.

Natu have a peculiar nature in observing. Whenever they are seen, they always appear to be looking at something intently in particular. When a human makes eye contact with a Natu, the Pokémon will unfailingly stare back intently at him or her without hopping to safety, even though humans in comparison should be intimidatingly large. However, if that human moves even slightly, the Natu will suddenly hop away to safety.


number = 178
type = Psychic/Flying
evolvesfrom = Natu
evolvesto =
nihongo|Xatu|ネイティオ|Neitio|Natio in original Japanese language versions has a colorful and elaborate plumage with two red eyes imprinted on its breast; making the Pokémon look like an Native American totem pole. In "Pokémon Diamond" and "Pokémon Pearl", male Xatu have three yellow stripes along its lower area, while female Xatu only have two. It possesses the power of precognition, rendering it able to see into the past and the future. It often remains motionless for an entire day staring at the sun while it views the past and present. It will also meditate from morning to sunset without moving. Xatu is said to be overwhelmed by the visual feedback of seeing two different time periods at once, or in terror at seeing the perils the future holds. In the game it is said that in some South American countries, Xatu is highly revered as a mystical Pokémon for its abilities.


number = 179
type = Electric
evolvesfrom =
evolvesto = Flaaffy
nihongo|Mareep|メリープ|Merīpu are blue skinned sheep or lamb-like creatures which have long, striped tails with a yellow ball at the tip. Their fleece is yellow, while their bodies are a dark blue color. Their ears are a rounded cone shape and channel the electricity that they keep in their fleece. "Pokemon Johto Journeys; Volume 46 - Crimson Warrior" Viz Video., September 25, 2001. ASIN B00005MM7E.] Mareep are said to build up a stockpile of static electricity by rubbing the fluffy woolen fleece on their body, with that of other Mareep. The electricity is then stored in their fleece, and will shock predators on contact. The more electricity that is stored, the brighter the ball on the tip of a Mareep's tail is thought to glow. In summer, the fleece is fully shed, but would grow back within a week. Mareep also are thought to store air in the fleece, enabling it to control its body temperature whatever the weather.


number = 180
type = Electric
evolvesfrom = Mareep
evolvesto = Ampharos
nihongo|Flaaffy|モココ|Mokoko is the evolution of Mareep. Flaaffy is dark pink in color. Its fleece is white, and it grows over the top half of its body and its head. It has black stripes on its ears and its long tail, and it has small, beady eyes that look like black dots. It has a blue ball on the tip of its tail. Flaaffy usually likes to sit upright, although it can stand on two legs if necessary. Its wool quality changes as it matures so that it can generate a high amount of strong static electricity while still having a small amount of wool. Its bare, electric-resistant, parts of its hides enable it to prevent electrocution. As a result of storing too much, it develops patches even where wool won't grow.


External links

* [ Bulbapedia] - A Pokémon Wiki Project

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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