Peeter Võsu

Peeter Võsu


imagesize = 150px
name =Peeter Võsu
width =300px
height =100px
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birth_date =March 9, 1958
birth_place =Tallinn, Estonia
residence =
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party = Estonian Christian Democrats
religion =
constituency =
majority =
spouse =
children =
website =
footnotes =

Peeter Võsu (born March 9, 1958, Tallinn) is the chairman of the European Christian Political Movement, international Secretary of the Estonian Christian Democratic Party, chairman of Estonian Christian Television, chairman of the Estonian branch of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem, board member of the Evangelical Alliance of Estonia and YWAM Estonia.

He is married, has three children and lives in Tallinn, Estonia. He has a Bachelor's degree Electronic Media and is studying in a Master's programme Communication management. Peeter makes a living as managing director of Estonian Christian Television.

Peeter Võsu ran for the Riigikogu (Estonian national parliament) on March 4, 2007. He was the second candidate on the Estonian Christian Democrats party list.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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