- European Christian Political Movement
The European Christian Political Movement (ECPM) is a European political association for reflection and working on Christian Democratic
politics inEurope from an explicit Christian Social view. The ECPM tries to fill a gap in the European political landscape. The ECPM enjoys the informal atmosphere and the broad possibilities to participate. Parties, think tanks and individual politicians can participate in activities and be involved in the development of the ECPM.This platform had started in November 2002 when representatives of political parties from more than 15 countries decided to examine new chances for Christian politics in Europe on the conference "For a Christian Europe" at
Lakitelek ,Hungary .The ECPM started with parties and organizations regardless their denominative background. Parties residing in and outside the EU participate in this first years and make it possible to create a movement that is solidly continuing. In 2003 the ECPM adopted eight Guiding Principles in the Lakitelek declaration “Values for Europe”, which shapes ECPM’s vision on Europe and in January 2005 in
Tallinn ,Estonia the ECPM elected its first board. On 15 September 2005 ECPM was officially registered with statutes as an association under Dutchlaw . ECPM is chaired by Peeter Võsu.Youth movements are also welcome in the
European Christian Political Youth Network that started in 2004 and installed its first board in summer 2005.Member parties
Christian Peoples Unity of Armenia (CPUA)*Belaruskaja Hhristsijanskaja Demakratija (BHD) (Belarusan Christian Democracy)
*Chrétiens Démocrates Fédéraux - Federale Christen-Democraten (CDF - FDC) (Federal Christian Democrats)*Balgarska Hristijanska Koalitsija (BHK) (Bulgarian Christian Coalition)
*Eesti Kristlikud Demokraadid (EKD) (Estonian Christian Democrats)
Partei Bibeltreuer Christen (PBC) (Party of Bible-Faithful Christians)
*Deutsche Zentrumspartei (ZENTRUM) (German Centre Party)*Kristīgie demokrātiskā savienība (KDS) (Christian Democratic Union)
*Lietuvas Krikscionys Demokratai (LKD) (Lithuanian Christian Democrats)
*Partidul Popular Creştin Democrat (PPCD) (Christian Democratic Peoples Party)
*Narodna Stranka (NS) (People's Party)
ChristenUnie (CU) (Christian Union)*Partidul Naţional Ţărănesc Creştin şi Democrat (PNŢCD) (Christian-Democratic National Peasants' Party)
*Eidgenössisch Demokratische Union - Union Democratique Fédérale (EDU - UDF) (Federal Democratic Union)
*Evangelische Volkspartei - Parti Evangelique Suisse (EVP - PEV) (Evangelical Peoples Party)Associates
Areopagus Centru de Educaţie Creştină şi Cultură Contemporană (Areopagus Center for Christian Studies and Contemporary Culture)*
Jubilee Centre *
Care for Europe *
Center for Public Justice *
Research Institute ChristianUnion *
European Evangelical Alliance *
European Christian Political Youth Network Congresses
The ECPM organizes annually a member congress. Specific themes will be discussed during these congresses. The ECPM also organizes regional conferences all over Europe.
External links
* [http://www.ecpm.info ECPM]
* [http://www.ecpyn.org ECPYN]
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