Charles Gates, Jr.

Charles Gates, Jr.

Charles Cassius Gates, Jr. (May 27, 1921August 28, 2005) was a businessman and philanthropist. His father, Charles Gates Sr., bought Colorado Tire & Leather for $3,500 in 1911. The company was renamed The Gates Rubber Company in 1919. It became world's largest non-tire rubber manufacturer. Charles Gates Jr. took over in 1961, upon the death of his father. The Gates Corporation continued to grow, diversify, and acquire other companies, including Learjet. By 1996, the privately held Gates Corporation employed over 14,000 people. It was sold to London-based Tomkins plc that year for US$1.1 billion.

Charles C. Gates, Jr. was trustee emeritus of the Gates Family Foundation, a large, Colorado-based charitable organization that has distributed over $147 million dollars in grants over its 60-year history. He also sat on the boards of many other organizations, including the Denver Museum of Nature & Science, home to Gates Planetarium.

Charles' uncle John Gates invented the V-belt in 1917, a staple component in all modern automotive and industrial applications.

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  • Charles Gates Jr. — Charles Cassius Gates, Jr., auch: Charles C. Gates, Jr., (* 27. Mai 1921 in Denver, Colorado; † 28. August 2005 ebenda) war ein US amerikanischer Geschäftsmann und Philanthrop. Leben Gates war das fünfte von sechs Kindern der Eltern Hazel und… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • Charles Gates junior — Charles Cassius Gates, Jr., auch: Charles C. Gates, Jr., (* 27. Mai 1921 in Denver, Colorado; † 28. August 2005 ebenda) war ein US amerikanischer Geschäftsmann und Philanthrop. Leben Gates war das fünfte von sechs Kindern der Eltern Hazel und… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • Charles C. Gates — Charles Cassius Gates, Jr., auch: Charles C. Gates, Jr., (* 27. Mai 1921 in Denver, Colorado; † 28. August 2005 ebenda) war ein US amerikanischer Geschäftsmann und Philanthrop. Leben Gates war das fünfte von sechs Kindern der Eltern Hazel und… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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