ACTIVE - sobriety, friendship and peace (formerly "EGTYF, European Good Templar Youth Federation") is a non-governmental umbrella organisation gathering European youth temperance organisations. ACTIVE is member of the Youth Forum Jeunesse and cooperates with IOGT International.

The main aim of Active is peace and tolerance in the world. Active considers alcohol and other drugs one of the main reasons for violence and conflicts in today's world and therefore members of Active promote a drug-free lifestyle by their own abstinence--to prove that having fun, making friends, and being free is possible without getting addicted and without any risk of hurting somebody or being hurt. Active provides the space for self-realisation, for making new contacts, for exchange projects, education and for being active on political level in order to make a difference. Active is a support for each national organisation in reaching the main common goal--peace and human dignity.


Political work on local, national and European level, training courses and social activities are the main activities of ACTIVE. It builds on international meetings, study sessions and workshops in order to foster intercultural learning and mutual understanding as well as to educate its members in terms of democracy, human rights or alcohol and other drugs. ACTIVE recognizes that mutual understanding creates the foundation of equality and peace.

Every year 2-4 seminars are held:

*Spring 2007: "The secret of getting ahead is getting started"

*Winter 2006: "Designers of society - Designers of Future"

*Automn 2006: "Democracy - space for engagement"

A summer camp takes place in one of the member organizations' country every summer, the congress every other summer, and winter camps every year.

"Where and when'
**Summer camp 2007: "Wild Space", Bulgaria, Semkovo
*Congress 2006: "Jump", Switzerland, Basel-Münchenstein
**Summer camp 2005: "Nemo", Germany, Altthymen
*Congress 2004: "Cassiopeia", Slovak Republic, Bystra
**Summer camp 2003: "Merkurijs", Lithuainia
*Extraordinary Congress 2002: England, Eastbourne
*Congress 2002: "Mosquito", Norway, Botnhamn
**Summer camp 2001: Estonia, Ahijärve
*Congress 2000: "The Camp", Switzerland, Fiesch
**Summer camp 1999: Slovakia, High Tatra
*Congress 1998: Sweden, Östersund
**Summer camp 1997: Latvia
*Congress 1996: Faroe Islands, Tórshavn
*Congress 1994: Germany, Berlin
*Congress 1992: Finland, Turku
*Founding Congress 1990: Danmark, Copenhagen

Member organisations

In 2006, Active has 31 member organisations:
* Albania: Free Youths of Albania (FYA)
* Belarus: Atmosphere "F"
* Bosnia and Herzegovina: [ LINK]
* Bulgaria: [ Free Youth Bulgaria]
* Croatia: Juvente - Klub Mladih
* Estonia: [ Juvente Estonia]
* Faroe Islands: Ungtemplarasamband Føroya (UTF)
* Finland: [ UNF Finland] , [ Sinuli ry.]
* Germany: [ Juvente Deutschland] , Kinder im Mittelpunkt
* Iceland: IOGT Junior Island, Islenskir Ungtemplarar, Ungmennaregla IOGT
* Italy, [ GGPF]
* Latvia: [ JAF]
* Lithuania: Baltu Ainiai
* Norway: [ IOGT Junior] , [ Juvente Norway]
* Republic of Macedonia, REACT Macedonia
* Russia IOGT Youth Federation
* Slovak Republic: [ NOM]
* Serbia: Together Against Drugs
* Sweden: [ Nykterhetsrörelsens Scoutförbund (NSF)] , [ UNF Sweden]
* Switzerland: [ Kinder im Mittelpunkt] , [ Juvente Switzerland]
* Transnistria/Moldova: World Window
* Ukraine: [ Better - Youth Temperance Movement] , Ukraine

* England and Wales: IOGT Youth Council of (associated member)

ACTIVE Board 2006-2008

*President: Linn Landmark IOGT Junior Norway
*Vice President: Emil Österlund, UNF Sweden
*Treasurer: Kadri Vanem, Juvente Germany
*Secretary: Madlena Tzvetkova, Free Youth Bulgaria
*Board member: Hege Sørvig, Juvente Norway
*Board member: Jan Jobmann, Juvente Germany
*Board member: Ljupco Jovanovski, REACT Macedonia
*Board member: Minja Nuspahic, LINK Bosnia and Herezegovina
*Board member: Kristiina Leepa, Juvente Estonia


In 1962 the International Good Templar Youth Federation (IGTYF) was founded.In 1990 IGTYF and IOGT merge to one organization: IOGT International. EGTYF (European Good Templar Youth Federation) is created.At the congress 2006 in Basel, Switzerland "EGTYF" changed its name into Active - sobriety, friendship and peace.

Former boards

"EGTYF board 2004-2006"
*President: Hege Sørvig, Juvente Norway
*Vice President: Jan Jobmann, Juvente Germany
*Treasurer: Kadri Vanem, Juvente Estonia
*Secretary: Josy Häusermann, Juvente Schwitzerland
*Board member: Hanna Rönnmark, UNF Sweden
*Board member: Caroline Spångberg, NSF Sweden
*Board member: Andrii Tvardiievych, Better Ukraine
*Board member: Pål Jostein Didriksen, IOGT Junior Norway
*Board member: Aira Taparauskaite, Baltu Ainai Lithuainia

"EGTYF board 2002-2004"
*President: Åsa Hagelstedt, UNF Sweden
*Vice President: Pål Jostein Didriksen, IOGT Junior Norway
*Treasurer: Beata Dubenova, NOM Slovakia
*Secretary: Elke Richter, Juvente Germany
*Board member: Fabiano Deana, GGPF Italy
*Board member: Aira Taparauskaite, Baltu Ainai Lithuainia
*Board member: Ghanna Dovbak, Better Ukraine
*Board member: Johan, UNF Sweden
*Board member: Nils Johan Svalastog Garnes, Juvente Norway (2002 only)
*Editor: Ermanno Passalenti, GGPF Italy

"ACTIVE/ EGTYF Presidents"
*2006-2008: Linn Landmark, IOGT Junior, Norway
*2004-2006: Hege Sørvig, Juvente, Norway
*1998-2004: Åsa Hagelstedt, UNF, Sweden
*1996-1998: Alex Klee, Juvente, Switzerland
*1994-1996: Jørgen Kaurin Fossum, Juvente, Norway
*1990-1994: Birgitta Eriksson, UNF, Sweden

"EGTYF Office Managers 1992-today:"
*Jørgen Kaurin Fossum, Jørund Skurdal, Helge Stahl, Geir Nybraaten, Sten Magne Berglund (all based in Oslo/N)
*Fredrik Persson (based in Örebro/S)
*Kristina Sperkova (based in Örebro/ S)

External links

* [ Official ACTIVE website]

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