Temperance movement

Temperance movement

The Temperance Movement attempted to reduce the amount of alcohol consumed within a community or society in general -- and even to prohibit its production and consumption entirely. The Woman's Christian Temperance Union is a prominent example of a religion-based temperance movement.

Most of its main supporters (in all countries) have been women, often as part of what some describe as feminism [ref?] . The strong temperance movements of the early 20th century found support from women who were opposed to the domestic violence associated with alcohol abuse, and the large share of household income it could consume, which was especially to the low-income working class.

United States

In colonial America, informal social controls in the home and community helped maintain that the abuse of alcohol was unacceptable. As the colonies grew from a rural society into a more urban one, drinking patterns began to change. As the American Revolution approached, economic change and urbanization were accompanied by increasing poverty, unemployment, and crime. These emerging social problems were often blamed on drunkenness. Social control over alcohol abuse declined, anti-drunkenness ordinances were relaxed and alcohol problems increased dramatically.

In this environment many people began seeking explanations of and a solution for drinking problems. One suggestion came from one of the foremost physicians of the period, Dr. Benjamin Rush. In 1784, Dr. Rush argued that the excessive use of alcohol was injurious to physical and psychological health (he believed in moderation rather than prohibition). Apparently influenced by Rush's widely discussed belief, about 2000 farmers in a Connecticut community formed a temperance association in 1789. Similar associations were formed in Virginia in 1800 and New York State in 1808. Within the next decade, other temperance organizations were formed in eight states, some being state-wide organizations.

The future looked bright for the young movement, which advocated temperance or moderation rather than abstinence. But many of the leaders overestimated their strength; they expanded their activities and took positions on profanation of the Sabbath, and other moral issues. They became involved in political in-fighting and by the early 1820s their movement stalled.

But some leaders persevered in pressing their cause forward. Americans such as Lyman Beecher, who was a Connecticut minister, had started to lecture his fellow citizens against all use of liquor in 1825. The American Temperance Society was formed in 1826 and benefited from a renewed interest in religion and morality. Within 12 years it claimed more than 8,000 local groups and over 1,500,000 members. By 1839, 18 temperance journals were being published. Simultaneously, many Protestant churches were beginning to promote temperance.

History of Temperance Organizations

Between 1830 and 1840, most temperance organizations began to argue that the only way to prevent drunkenness was to eliminate the consumption of alcohol. The Temperance Society became the Abstinence Society. The Independent Order of Good Templars, the Sons of Temperance, the Templars of Honor and Temperance, the Anti-Saloon League, the National Prohibition Party and other groups were formed and grew rapidly. With the passage of time, "The temperance societies became more and more extreme in the measures they championed." Fact|date=January 2008

While it began by advocating the temperate or moderate use of alcohol, the movement now insisted that no one should be permitted to drink any alcohol in any quantity. It did so with religious fervor and increasing convictions.

The Maine law, passed in 1851 in Maine, was one of the first statutory implementations of the developing temperance movement in the United States. Temperance activist Neal Dow helped force the law into existence. The passage of the law, which prohibited the sale of all alcoholic beverages except for "medicinal, mechanical or manufacturing purposes," quickly spread elsewhere, and by 1855 twelve states had joined Maine in total prohibition. Fact|date=January 2008 These were "dry" states; states without prohibition laws were "wet."

The act was unpopular with many working class people and immigrants. Fact|date=January 2008 Opposition to the law turned violent in Portland, Maine on June 2, 1855 during an incident known as the Maine law riot.

Temperance Education

In 1880 the Woman's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) established a Department of Scientific Temperance Instruction in Schools and Colleges, with Mary Hunt as National Superintendent. She believed that voters "must first be convinced that alcohol and kindred narcotics are by nature outlaws, before they will outlaw them.Fact|date=January 2008" Elizabeth D. Gelok was one of the women that taught Scientific Temperance Instruction at the Schools and Colleges for the students. She was also a member of the WCTU along with Mary Hunt. She was one of the most well-known and loved Scientific Temperance Instruction teachers because the students loved her strong faith in the WCTU.Fact|date=January 2008 She really believed in the Woman's Christian Temperance Union and wanted to do anything in her power to be heard. Fact|date=January 2008 Elizabeth decided to use legislation to coerce the moral suasion of students, who would be the next generation of voters. This gave birth to the idea of the compulsory Scientific Temperance Instruction Movement.

By the turn of the century, Mary Hunt’s efforts along with Elizabeth's and the other teacher's proved to be highly successful. Virtually every state, the District of Columbia, and all United States possessions had strong legislation mandating that all students receive anti-alcohol education.Fact|date=January 2008 Furthermore, the implementation of this legislation was closely monitored down to the classroom level by legions of determined and vigilant WCTU members throughout the nation.

Temperance writers viewed the WCTU's program of compulsory temperance education as a major factor leading to the establishment of National Prohibition with passage of the 18th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Other knowledgeable observers, including the U.S. Commissioner of Education, agreed.Fact|date=January 2008

Because of the correlation between drinking and domestic violence -- many drunken husbands abused family members-- the temperance movement existed alongside various women's rights and other movements, including the Progressive movement, and often the same activists were involved in all of the above. Many notable voices of the time, ranging from Lucy Webb Hayes to Susan B. Anthony, were active in the movement. In Canada, Nellie McClung was a longstanding advocate of temperance. As with most social movements, there was a gamut of activists running from violent (Carrie Nation) to mild (Neal S. Dow).

Many former abolitionists joined the temperance movement and it was also strongly supported by the second that began to emerge after 1915.Fact|date=January 2008

For decades prohibition was seen by temperance movement zealots and their followers as the almost magical solution to the nation's poverty, crime, violence, and other ills. On the eve of prohibition the invitation to a church celebration in New York said "Let the church bells ring and let there be great rejoicing, for an enemy has been overthrown and victory crowns the forces of righteousness."Fact|date=January 2008 Jubilant with victory, some in the WCTU announced that, having brought Prohibition to the United States, it would now go forth to bring the blessing of enforced abstinence to the rest of the world.

The famous evangelist Billy Sunday staged a mock funeral for John Barleycorn and then preached on the benefits of prohibition. "The reign of tears is over," he asserted. "The slums will soon be only a memory. We will turn our prisons into factories and our jails into storehouses and corncribs." Fact|date=January 2008 Since alcohol was to be banned and since it was seen as the cause of most, if not all, crime, some communities sold their jails.Fact|date=January 2008 One sold its jail to a farmer who converted it into a combination pig and chicken house while another converted its jail into a tool house.Fact|date=January 2008

Anti-Saloon League

The Anti-Saloon League, under the leadership of Wayne Wheeler stressed political results and utilized pressure politics. It did not demand that politicians change their drinking habits, only their votes in the legislature. Other organizations like the Prohibition Party and the WCTU lost influence to the League. The League mobilized its religious coalition to pass state (and local) legislation. Energized by the anti-German sentiment during World War I, in 1918 it achieved the main goal of passage of the 18th Amendment establishing National Prohibition.

Temperance organizations

Temperance organizations of the United States played an essential role in bringing about ratification of the Eighteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution establishing national prohibition of alcohol. They included:
* the American Issue Publishing House
* the American Temperance Society
* the Anti-Saloon League of America
* the British Women's Temperance Association
* the Catholic Total Abstinence Union of America
* the Committee of Fifty (1893)
* the Daughters of Temperance
* the Department of Scientific Temperance Instruction
* the Flying Squadron of America
* the Independent Order of Good Templars
* the Knights of Father Matthew
* the Lincoln-Lee Legion
* the Methodist Board of Temperance, Prohibition, and Public Morals
* the National Temperance Society and Publishing House
* the Prohibition Party
* the Scientific Temperance Federation
* the Sons of Temperance
* the Templars of Honor and Temperance
* the Abstinence Society
* the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union
* the National Temperance Council
* the World League Against Alcoholism (a pro-prohibition organization)

There was often considerable overlap in membership in these organizations, as well as in leadership. Prominent temperance leaders in the United States included Bishop James Cannon, Jr., James Black, Ernest Cherrington, Neal S. Dow, Mary Hunt, William E. Johnson (known as "Pussyfoot" Johnson), Carrie Nation, Howard Hyde Russell, John St. John, Billy Sunday, Father Mathew, Andrew Volstead and Wayne Wheeler.

United Kingdom

In March 1832 Joseph Livesey started his Temperance Movement in Preston requiring followers to sign a pledge of total abstinence [ [http://www.fulwood.org.uk/magazine/fmcmag/2003/harvest/livesey/joseph_livesey.php Joseph Livesey— the poor people's friend ] ] . The term Teetotal is derived from a speech by John Turner, a follower of Livesey, in Preston in 1833 [ [http://www.askoxford.com/concise_oed/teetotal?view=uk AskOxford: teetotal ] ] . The British Association for the Promotion of Temperance was established by 1835. [cite book| last = Harrison| first = Brian| title = Drink & the Victorians, The Temperance Question in England 1815-1872| publisher = Faber and Faber| date = 1971] Within a few years the Temperance movement was advocating complete teetotalism rather than moderation.

In 1847 the Band of Hope was founded in Leeds, to save for working class children from the perils of drink. The members had to pledge to abstain "from all liquors of an intoxicating quality, whether ale, porter, wine or ardent spirits, except as medicine" [Nick Brownlee (2002) "This is Alcohol": 99]

In 1853, inspired by the Maine law in the USA, the United Kingdom Alliance led by John B. Gough was formed aimed at promoting a similar law prohibiting the sale of alcohol in the UK. This hard-line group of prohibitionists was opposed by other temperance organisations who preferred moral persuasion to a legal ban. This division in the ranks limited the effectiveness of the temperance movement as a whole. The impotence of legislation in this field was demonstrated when the Sale of Beer Act 1854 which restricted Sunday opening hours had to be repealed, following widespread rioting. In 1859 a prototype prohibition bill was overwhelmingly defeated in the House of Commons. [Nick Brownlee (2002) "This is Alcohol": 99-100] Despite this setback Quakers and the Salvation Army (founded in 1865) still lobbied parliament to restrict alcohol sales. Nonconformists were active with large numbers of Baptist and Congregational ministers being teetotal. In Wales Lady Llanover closed all the public houses on her estate and was an outspoken critic of the evils of drink.

The League of the Cross was a Catholic total abstinence organisation founded in 1873 by Cardinal Manning. In 1876 the British Women's Temperance Association was formed to persuade men to stop drinking and in 1884 the National Temperance Federation, associated with the Liberal Party was founded. [ [http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/REtemperance.htm Sparatacus.schoolnet] ]

The temperance movement received an unexpected boost due to state intervention when the Liberal government passed the Defence of the Realm Act in 1914 at the beginning of the First World War. According to the provisions of this act pub hours were licensed, beer was watered down and was subject to a penny a pint extra tax. [Nick Brownlee (2002) "This is Alcohol": 106] This situation was maintained by the subsequent establishment of the State Management Scheme in 1916 which nationalised breweries and pubs in certain areas of Britain where armanents manufacture was taking place.

However in the end the dismal example of the complete failure of National Prohibition in America in the 1920's put paid to any remote chance that the temperance lobby would succeed in achieving its aims in the UK [Nick Brownlee (2002) "This is Alcohol": 107]


In Ireland, a Catholic priest Theobald Matthew persuaded thousands of people to sign the pledge, therefore establishing the Teetotal Abstinence Society in 1838.

Many years later, in 1898 James Cullen founded the Pioneer Total Abstinence Association in response of the fading influence of the original temperance pledge.

New Zealand

In New Zealand at the end of the 19th Century it became apparent that problems associated with settlement, such as larrikinism and drunkenness, were growing in society. Increasing urbanisation heightened public awareness of the gap between social aspirations and reality of the young colony. Generalisations from newspapers, visiting speakers & politicians in the 1890s allowed development of large public overreaction and fervour to the magnitude of the problem of alcohol. [ [http://www.teara.govt.nz/1966/P/Prohibition/TheActOf1893/en 1893 Act] ] It became the firm opinion of a number of prominent New Zealanders that the colony’s problems were associated with alcohol.Fact|date=January 2008

Despite the efforts of the temperance movement, the rate of convictions for drunkenness remained constant in New Zealand.Fact|date=January 2008 The rapid increase in the number of convictions for public drunkenness was more a reflection of the growing population rather than social denigration.Fact|date=January 2008

The pressure applied from the temperance movement crippled New Zealand’s young wine industry post WWI.Fact|date=January 2008

In 1834, the first recorded temperance meeting was held in the Bay of Islands (Northland). [ [http://www.teara.govt.nz/1966/P/Prohibition/TheMovementInNewZealand/en The temperance movement in New Zealand] ] The 1860’s saw the foundation of a large number of temperance societies. [ [http://www.teara.govt.nz/1966/P/Prohibition/TheMovementInNewZealand/en ibid] ] Many provinces passed licensing ordinances giving residents the right to secure, by petition, the cancellation or granting of liquor licenses in their district. [ [http://www.teara.govt.nz/1966/P/Prohibition/TheMovementInNewZealand/en ibid] ] The Licensing Act of 1873 allowed the prohibition of liquor sales in districts if petitioned by two-thirds of residents. [ [http://www.teara.govt.nz/1966/P/Prohibition/EarlyLegislation/en Licensing Act of 1873, New Zealand] ] In 1886 a national body called the New Zealand Alliance for Suppression and Abolition of the Liquor Traffic was formed pushing for control of the liquor trade as a democratic right. [ [http://www.teara.govt.nz/1966/P/Prohibition/TheNewZealandAlliance/en New Zealand Alliance] In 1893 the Alcoholic Liquors Sale Control Act aligned licensing districts with parliamentary electorates. [ [http://www.teara.govt.nz/1966/P/Prohibition/TheActOf1893/en 1893 Act] In 1894 Clutha electorate voted ‘no-license’ and in 1902 Mataura and Ashburton followed suit. In 1905 Invercargill, Oamaru and Greylynn voted ‘no-license’. In 1908 Bruce, Wellington suburbs, Wellington South, Masterton, Ohinemuri and Eden voted ‘no-license' and many wine makers were denied the right to sell their wines locally and were forced out of business.

In 1911 the Liquor Amendment Act provided for national poll on prohibition and the New Zealand Viticultural Association was formed to “save this fast decaying industry by initiation of such legislation as will restore confidence among those who after long years of waiting have almost lost confidence in the justice of the Government. Through harsh laws and withdrawal of government support and encouragement that had been promised, a great industry had been practically ruined.”Fact|date=January 2008

In 1914 sensing a growing feeling of wowserism, Prime Minister Massey lambasted Dalmatian wine as "a degrading, demoralizing and sometimes maddening drink."

On April 10, 1919 a national poll for continuance was carried with 51%, due only to votes of Expeditionary Force soldiers returning from Europe. [ [http://www.teara.govt.nz/1966/P/Prohibition/TheCompact/en New Zealand referendum, 1919] ] On December 7 a second poll failed by 3363 votes to secure prohibition over continuance or state purchase and control of liquor.Fact|date=January 2008 Restrictive legislation was introduced on sale of liquor, and by 1928 the percentage of prohibition votes begin to decline.Fact|date=January 2008



* Jack S. Blocker, David M. Fahey, and Ian R. Tyrrell eds. "Alcohol and Temperance in Modern History: An International Encyclopedia" 2 Vol. (2003)
* Bordin, Ruth. "Woman and Temperance: The Quest for Power and Liberty, 1873-1900" 1981
* Ernest Cherrington, "Evolution of Prohibition in the United States" (1926). by dry leader
* Ernest Cherrington, ed., "Standard Encyclopaedia of the Alcohol Problem" 6 volumes (1925-1930), comprehensive international coverage to late 1920s
* Clark; Norman H. "Deliver Us From Evil: An Interpretation of American Prohibition." W.W. Norton , 1976. supports prohibition
* Dannenbaum, Jed. "The Origins of Temperance Activism and Militancy among American Women", "Journal of Social History" vol. 14 (1981): 235-36.
* Heath, Dwight B. (ed.) "International Handbook on Alcohol and Culture". Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1995.
* Harrison, Brian "Drink & the Victorians, the Temperance question in England 1815-1872", Faber and Faber, 1971
* Jensen, Richard. "The Winning of the Midwest, Social and Political Conflict, 1888-1896" University of Chicago Press, 1971
* McConnell, D. W. Temperance Movements. In: Seligman, Edwin R. A., and Johnson, Alvin (eds.) "Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences". , 1933.
* Odegard, Peter H. "Pressure Politics: The Story of the Anti-Saloon League". 1928.
* Seabury, Olive "The Carlisle State Management Scheme: A 60 year experiment in Regulation of the Liquor Trade", Bookcase Carlisle, 2007
* Sheehan, Nancy M. The WCTU and education: Canadian-American illustrations. "Journal of the Midwest History of Education Society", 1981, P, 115-133.
* Smith, Rebecca. The Temperance Movement and Class Struggle in Vicorian England. Loyola University, 1993.
* Timberlake, James H. "Prohibition and the Progressive Movement, 1900-1920". Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1963.
* Tracy, Sarah W. and Caroline Jean Acker; "Altering American Consciousness: The History of Alcohol and Drug Use in the United States, 1800-2000" U of Massachusetts Press, 2004
* Tyrrell, Ian; "Woman's World/Woman's Empire: The Woman's Christian Temperance Union in International Perspective, 1880-1930" U of North Carolina Press, 1991

ee also

*Christianity and alcohol
*Coffee Palace
*Daisy Douglas Barr
*Diocletian Lewis
*Edith Smith Davis
*Eliza Thompson
*International Organisation of Good Templars
*Mary Hunt
*Purley Baker
*The Hallelujah Trail
*Thomas Sewall
*Washington movement
*Wedding of the Weddings
*William Hogarth's "Gin Lane"

External links

* [http://library.stanford.edu/depts/spc/rbc/other_colls/temperance_collection.htm DRINK AND THE VICTORIANS: A HISTORY OF THE BRITISH TEMPERANCE MOVEMENT] (ca. 1200 items) is housed in the [http://library.stanford.edu/depts/spc/spc.html Department of Special Collections and University Archives] at [http://library.stanford.edu/ Stanford University Libraries]
* [http://www.georgiaencyclopedia.org/nge/Article.jsp?id=h-828 In the South] (entry in the New Georgia Encyclopedia)
* [http://historyofalcoholanddrugs.typepad.com/alcohol_and_drugs_history/temperance/index.html Temperance news page] - Alcohol and Drugs History Society
* [http://www.abandonedcommunities.co.uk/temperancetown.html Temperance Town, a suburb in Cardiff, Wales, where alcohol was banned]

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