Theobald Mathew

Theobald Mathew

The name Theobald Mathew can refer to at least two individuals.
*Theobald Mathew (temperance reformer), an Irish temperance reformer
*Theobald Mathew (officer of arms), an English Officer of Arms

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  • Theobald Mathew —     Theobald Mathew     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Theobald Mathew     Apostle of Temperance, born at Thomastown Castle, near Cashel, Tipperary, Ireland, 10 October, 1790; died at Queenstown, Cork, 8 December, 1856. His father was James Mathew, a… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Theobald Mathew — Father Mathew Theobald Mathew (* 10. Oktober 1790 auf Thomastown Castle bei Golden, County Tipperary; † 8. Dezember 1856 in Cobh) war ein irischer katholischer Geistlicher. Er gründete 1838 den Verein der Abstinenzler (Knights of Father …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Theobald Mathew (officer of arms) — Theobald David Mathew, Esq, MA, (7 April 1942 ndash; 24 December 1998) was an officer of arms at the College of Arms in London.Theobald Mathew was the son of solicitor Robert Mathew and Joan Young, and great nephew of Sir Arthur Cochrane,… …   Wikipedia

  • Theobald Mathew (temperance reformer) — For other people named Theobald Mathew, see Theobald Mathew (disambiguation). Father Mathew Theobald Mathew (1790–1856), an Irish teetotalist reformer, popularly known as Father Mathew was born at Thomastown, near Golden, County Tipperary, on… …   Wikipedia

  • Theobald — Theobald, or the French form Thibau(l)t, derived from the Germanic elements þeud people and bald bold , may refer to: *Tedbald, Archbishop of Canterbury *Saint Theobald (Theobald of Marly), an abbot *Theobald of Provins (Saint Theobald) *Lewis… …   Wikipedia

  • Mathew — ist der Vorname folgender Personen: Mathew Baker (1530–1613), englischer Mathematiker und königlicher Schiffsbaumeister Mathew B. Brady (1822–1896), US amerikanischer Fotograf und Chronist des amerikanischen Sezessionskriegs Mathew Cronshaw (*… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Mathew — is a variant of the name Matthew. Gift of god Surname Arnold Mathew (1852–1919), first Old Catholic bishop in the United Kingdom Cyril Mathew, Sri Lankan politician and a writer David Mathew (disambiguation) Eduardo Mathew Edward Mathew (British… …   Wikipedia

  • Mathew, Theobald — • Apostle of Temperance, born at Thomastown Castle, near Cashel, Tipperary, Ireland, 10 October, 1790; died at Queenstown, Cork, 8 December, 1856 Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006 …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Mathew — (spr. Mashjuh), 1) Pater Theobald, der Mäßigkeitsapostel, geb. 1790 in Thomastown in der irischen Grafschaft Cork (nach And. in London), studirte seit 1810 auf dem katholischen Seminar in Maynooth, erhielt 1814 die Priesterweihe u. trat seit 1833 …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Mathew — (spr. mättjū), Theobald, bekannter Mäßigkeitsapostel Irlands, geb. 10. Okt. 1790 zu Thomastown in Irland, gest. 6. Dez. 1856 in Queenstown, ward 1814 in Dublin zum Priester geweiht und wirkte seit 1833 durch Gründung von Mäßigkeitsvereinen, die… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

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