- Soviet Unterzoegersdorf
. Debates triggered by postmodern culture have directed monochrom's attention towards questions of representation and relevance of "history" and stories. With Soviet Unterzoegersdorf a fictitious and misplaced handling of the past and the present is being discussed and put to use. In this regard, the project is also taking part in the production as well as the criticism of cultural and collective memories.
monochrom transformed the basic theoretical concept into various projects.
hort film (1999)
A short film ("Der Installateur (bis 14:28)") about a plumber trying to cross the border of Soviet Unterzoegersdorf to repair a nuclear warm-water boiler.
Public theatre performances (2001 and 2002)
In 2001, ten years after the end of the Soviet Union, monochrom transformed the theoretical concept into an
improvisational theatre /performance /LARP that lasted for a couple of days. They organized bus tours fromVienna to Unterzoegersdorf -- a small Lower Austrian village that really exists -- and acted the setting; beginning with the harsh EU Schengen border control.In 2002 they staged the 55th anniversary of the Communist Party of Soviet Unterzoegersdorf. Among other things monochrom presented a computer called “Hyper Hegel” that was powered with burning wood and that would only run a low tech version of
Tetris . Later “Hyper Hegel” was presented as an art installation in exhibitions.Computer Game (2005-)
2005 monochrom presented the first part of a computer game trilogy: "Soviet Unterzoegersdorf - The Adventure Game" (using AGS). To monochrom it was clear that theadventure game would provide the perfect media platform to communicate the idea of Soviet Unterzoegersdorf.The first part of the game was very popular and was well received in the media.
Edge (games magazine) chose the game as their 'internet game of the month' of November 2005.Monochrom is currently creating the second part of the game trilogy, which will be released in December 2008.
Public appearances (2008)
2008 monochrom staged a couple of public appearances of "His Excellency Ambassador of Soviet Unterzoegersdorf, Nikita Chrusov" in theUSA . The "Ambassador" (played by monochrom memberJohannes Grenzfurthner ) visited a [http://en.oreilly.com/et2008/public/schedule/detail/2163 corporate afterparty of "Disney.com"] at the Marriott Hotel inSan Diego (part of O'ReillyEmerging Technology Conference ). He wanted to talk to executives about "the sugar-coated bullets" the corporation is firing at "his country" and other concepts of "cultural imperialism". The "Ambassador" got expelled from the party by Disney personnel. [http://tv.boingboing.net/2008/03/11/nikita-chrusov-crash.html (Boing Boing TV link)]Media references
* [http://monochrom.sil.at/suzoeg_edge112005.jpgThe Edge, Internet Game of the Monath, November 2005]
* [http://strudelinisnackbar.splinder.com/post/5932663 Socialismo, era tutto un gioco?]
* [http://www.the-underdogs.info/game.php?id=5265 Review, The Underdogs]
* [http://www.neural.it/nnews/sovietunterzogersdorf.htm Neural: Soviet-Unterzögersdorf]
* [http://tv.boingboing.net/2008/03/11/nikita-chrusov-crash.html Boing Boing TV]Links
monochrom registered and uses a
.su top level domain : [http://unterzoegersdorf.su unterzoegersdorf.su]
* [http://www.monochrom.at/sowjet-unterzoegersdorf/ Project page]
* [http://www.monochrom.at/suz-game/ Game page]
* [http://sovietunterzoegersdorf.metblogs.com/ Soviet Unterzoegersdorf Metroblogging]
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