Eric Foner

Eric Foner

Eric Foner (born February 7, 1943 in New York City) is an American historian. He has been a faculty member in the department of history at Columbia University since 1982 and writes extensively on political history, the history of freedom, the early history of the Republican Party, African American biography, Reconstruction, and historiography. Foner is considered the leading contemporary historian of the post-Civil War Reconstruction period.


Appointed the DeWitt Clinton Professor of History at Columbia University, Foner specializes in nineteenth century American history, the American Civil War, slavery, and Reconstruction. He served as president of the Organization of American Historians in (1993-94), and of the American Historical Association (200).

From 1973-1982, he served as a Professor in the Department of History at City College and Graduate Center at City University of New York. In 1976-1977, he was a visiting professor of American History at Princeton University.

Foner earned his B.A., "summa cum laude", from Columbia University in 1963; a second B.A. from Oriel College, Oxford, as a Kellett Fellow in 1965; and his Ph.D. in 1969, under the tutelage of Richard Hofstadter at Columbia University.

His father was historian Jack D. Foner, who had been blacklisted for his party affiliations. Jon Wiener, professor of history at the University of California, Irvine, wrote that Eric Foner describes his father as his "first great teacher," and recalls how, "deprived of his livelihood while I was growing up, he supported our family as a freelance lecturer... . Listening to his lectures, I came to appreciate how present concerns can be illuminated by the study of the pasthow the repression of the McCarthy era recalled the days of the Alien and Sedition Acts, the civil rights movement needed to be viewed in light of the great struggles of Black and White abolitionists, and in the brutal suppression of the Philippine insurrection at the turn of the century could be found the antecedents of American intervention in Vietnam. I also imbibed a way of thinking about the past in which visionaries and underdogsTom Paine, Wendell Phillips, Eugene V. Debs, and W.E.B. DuBoiswere as central to the historical drama as presidents and captains of industry, and how a commitment to social justice could infuse one's attitudes towards the past." [ [ In Memoriam: Jack D. Foner - Perspectives (April 2000) - American Historical Association ] ]

Eric Foner is married to Lynn Garafola, [ [ Barnard College Newscenter ] ] professor of dance at Barnard College and dance critic, historian, and curator. They have one daughter. He was previously married to screenwriter Naomi Foner Gyllenhaal. [ [ Eric Foner ] ]


Foner serves on the editorial boards of "Past and Present" and "The Nation". He has written for "The New York Times", "Washington Post", "Los Angeles Times", "London Review of Books", and other publications. In addition, he has spoken about history on television and radio, including "Charlie Rose", "Book Notes", and "All Things Considered", and appeared in historical documentaries on PBS and The History Channel. Foner also contributed an essay and conversation with John Sayles in "Past Imperfect: History According to the Movies", published by the Society of American Historians in 1995. He was the historian in "Freedom: A History of US" on PBS in 2003.


Foner was the co-curator, with Olivia Mahoney, of two prize-winning exhibitions on American history: "A House Divided: America in the Age of Lincoln", which opened at the Chicago History Museum in 1990, and "America's Reconstruction: People and Politics After the Civil War," which opened at the Virginia Historical Society in 1995 and traveled to several other locations. He revised the presentation of American history at the Hall of Presidents at Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom, and Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln at Disneyland, and has served as consultant to several National Park Service historical sites and historical museums.

Foner served as an expert witness for the University of Michigan's defense of affirmative action in its undergraduate and law school admissions ("Gratz v. Bollinger" and "Grutter v. Bollinger") considered by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2003.


In 1991, Foner won the "Great Teacher Award" [] from the "Society of Columbia Graduates". In 1995, he was named, "Scholar of the Year," by the New York Council for the Humanities. He is an elected fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and of the British Academy and holds an honorary doctorate from Iona College. He has taught at Cambridge University as "Pitt Professor of American History and Institutions", at Oxford University as "Harmsworth Professor of American History" and at Moscow State University as "Fulbright Professor". In 2007, the alumni of Columbia College voted him the "John Jay Award for Distinguished Professional Achievement".


Journalist Nat Hentoff called his "Story of American Freedom" "an indispensable book that should be read in every school in the land." [] "Eric Foner is one of the most prolific, creative, and influential American historians of the past 20 years," according to a write-up in the "Washington Post". His work is "brilliant, important" a reviewer wrote in the "Los Angeles Times". []

Historian Michael Perman notes Foner's significance as an historian of the Reconstruction era:


Theodore Draper regarded Foner as "one of our most distinguished historians" and "a partisan of radical sects and opinions." [] John Patrick Diggins of the City University of New York, wrote that "Reconstruction: America's Unfinished Revolution, 1863-1877," is, "a magisterial narrative," and, "a moving account," but characterized the historian as, "an unforgiving historian of America." [] Conservative activist and "academia-watchdog" David Horowitz described as "anti-American" a Columbia University teach-in that Foner helped organize in 2003; Daniel Pipes named Foner among the "Profs who hate America" (for the historian's opposition to the Iraq War). [] Bernard Goldberg opined that Foner is #75 in Goldberg's personal list of "100 People Who Are Screwing Up America" in 2005.

Foner, in turn, has questioned why modern conservatives such as Gale Norton and John Ashcroft continue to praise the Confederacy. []


"Like all momentous events, September 11 is a remarkable teaching opportunity. But only if we use it to open rather than to close debate. Critical intellectual analysis is our responsibilityto ourselves and to our students." - "Rethinking American History in a Post-9/11 World" [ "History News Network"]

" [S] uccessful teaching rests both on a genuine and selfless concern for students and on the ability to convey to them a love of history." - Eric Foner, "Who Owns History?" (Farrar, Straus & Giroux: 2002), page 7.

"In a global age, the forever-unfinished story of American freedom must become a conversation with the entire world, not a complacent monologue with ourselves." - "American Freedom in a Global Age" Presidential Address to the [ American Historical Association annual meeting] January 2001.

After the attacks of September 11, 2001: "It was a rare commentator indeed who pointed out that Osama bin Laden and the Islamic fundamentalists of Afghanistan were trained and armed by our side during the 1980s or that the list of states that harbour terrorism include some close allies of the United States." [ "London Review of Books"]

"Events are only inevitable after they happen." -"Who Owns History? Rethinking the Past in a Changing World "

Works by Foner


*cite book|title=Free Soil, Free Labor, Free Men: The Ideology of the Republican Party Before the Civil War|year=1995|origyear=1970|publisher=Oxford University Press|location=New York|id=ISBN 0-19-509497-2 Reissued with a new preface.
*cite book|title=America's Black Past: A Reader in Afro-American History|year=1970|publisher=Harper & Row|location=New York,editor
*cite book|title=Nat Turner|year=1971|publisher=Prentice-Hall|location=Englewood Cliffs, N.J.|id=ISBN 0-13-933143-3, editor
*cite book|title=Tom Paine and Revolutionary America|year=1976|publisher=Oxford University Press|location=New York|id=ISBN 0-19-501986-5
*cite book|title=Politics and Ideology in the Age of the Civil War|year=1980|publisher=Oxford University Press|location=New York|id=ISBN 0-19-502781-7
*cite book|title=Nothing but Freedom: Emancipation and Its Legacy|year=1983|publisher=Louisiana State University Press|location=Baton Rouge|id=ISBN 0-8071-1118-X
*cite book|title=Reconstruction: America's Unfinished Revolution, 1863-1877|year=1988|publisher=Harper & Row|location=New York|id=ISBN 0-06-015851-4 Political history; and winner, in 1989, of the Bancroft Prize, the Francis Parkman Prize, the "Los Angeles Times" Book Award, the Avery O. Craven Prize, and the Lionel Trilling Prize.
*cite book|title=A Short History of Reconstruction, 1863-1877|year=1990|publisher=Harper & Row|location=New York|id=ISBN 0-06-096431-6 An abridgement of "Reconstruction: America's Unfinished Revolution".
*cite book|title=A House Divided: America in the Age of Lincoln|year=1990|others=with Olivia Mahoney|publisher=Chicago Historical Society|location=Chicago|id=ISBN 0-393-02755-4
*cite book|title=The Reader's Companion to American History|year=1991|others=ed. with John A. Garraty|publisher=Houghton-Mifflin|location=Boston|id=ISBN 0-395-51372-3, editor
*cite book|title=The Tocsin of Freedom: The Black Leadership of Radical Reconstruction|year=1992|publisher=Gettysburg College|location=Gettysburg, Pa.
*cite book|title=Slavery and Freedom in Nineteenth-Century America|year=1994|publisher=Oxford University Press|location=New York|id=ISBN 0-19-952266-9
*cite book|title=America's Reconstruction: People and Politics After the Civil War|year=1995|others=with Olivia Mahoney|publisher=HarperPerennial|location=New York|id=ISBN 0-06-055346-4
*cite book|title=Freedom's Lawmakers: A Directory of Black Officeholders During Reconstruction|year=1996|edition=rev. ed.|publisher=Louisiana State University Press|location=Baton Rouge|id=ISBN 0-8071-2082-0
*cite book|title=The New American History|year=1997|edition=rev. ed.|publisher=Temple University Press|location=Philadelphia|id=ISBN 1-56639-551-8, editor
*cite book|title=The Story of American Freedom|year=1998|publisher=W.W. Norton|location=New York|id=ISBN 0-393-04665-6
*cite book|title=Who Owns History?: Rethinking the Past in a Changing World|year=2002|publisher=Hill and Wang|location=New York|id=ISBN 0-8090-9704-4
*cite book|title=Give Me Liberty!: An American History|year=2004|publisher=W.W. Norton|location=New York|id=ISBN 0-393-97872-9 A survey of United States history, published with companion volumes of documents, "Voices of Freedom: A Documentary History", ISBN 0-393-92503-X (vol. 1), and ISBN 0-393-92504-8 (vol. 2).
*cite book|title=Forever Free: The Story of Emancipation and Reconstruction|year=2005|publisher=Knopf|location=New York|id=ISBN 0-3754-0259-4Some of his books have been translated into Portuguese, Italian, and Chinese.


* [ Foner, Eric. "Radical Individualism in America: Revolution to Civil War," "Literature of Liberty," vol. 1 no. 3, July/September 1978 pp 1-31 online]
* [ "He's the Worst Ever"] , Dec. 3, 2006, The Washington Post column on George W. Bush
* "Rethinking American History in a Post-9/11 World" [ History News Network] -- September 6 2004
* "Diversity Over Justice" [ "The Nation"] - June 26 2003
* "Dare Call It Treason" [ "The Nation"] - June 2 2003
* "Not All Freedom Is Made In America" [ "The Nation"] April 13 2003
* "The Century, A Nation's Eye View" [ "The Nation"] December 10 2002
* "Changing History" [ "The Nation"] September 5 2002
* "Expert Report of Eric Foner" [ from "Gratz, et al. v. Bollinger, et al."]
* "Rebel Yell" [ "The Nation"] - January 27 2000
* (Additional articles available at [] )

ecession and the Soviet Union

In an article in the February 11th, 1991 edition of The Nation Foner addresses the proposed secession of the Baltic States from the Soviet Union. These states claimedthe right to secede in part because they were annexed in 1940 against the wishes of their citizens after more than two decades of independence”.

Foner takes note of political scientist Ronald Suny's opinion that the current crisis (in 1990) that the Soviet Union was facing with respect to these statesreflect [ed] the failure of Soviet nationality policywhich served tostrengthen nationalism in the republics, while the fate of minorities within those political units became extremely problematic.”

Foner wrote of potential problems with the separatist movements by these states:

Foner asked the question, “What is the proper unit for self-determination? What happens to residents who want to remain part of the larger unit.” Drawing an analogy from the American Civil War, Foner noted that West Virginia successfully separated from Virginia and returned to the Union while the Confederate States of Americaviolently suppress [ed] East Tennessees desire to remain within the Unionwhile Texas treated pro-Union Germans withextreme brutality”. While visiting in Tbilisi Foner was told thatautonomous regions of non-Georgians within the republicwould not be allowed to secede. [;col1]


*Snowman, Daniel, "Eric Foner", "History Today " Volume 50, Issue 1, January 2000, pp. 2627 .


External links

* [] - Professor Foner's homepage
* [ Books written by Eric Foner or edited or introduced by him]
* [ American Historical Association] - Bibliography of Foner's Books
* [ Fathom Source for Online Learning Foner discusses influential history books he has read.]
* [ Excerpt from Eric Foner essay on the John Sayles film, "Matewan" in the book "Past Imperfect: History According to the Movies" edited by historian Mark C. Carnes]
* [ "Who Owns History?"] - Publisher's page of Foner's book by the same title.
* [ "VIDEO: "The Story of American Freedom: 1776-2005"] - MIT SPURS/Humphrey Program sponsored lecture by Eric Foner from the series "Myths About America."
* [] "The Left's Lion: Eric Foner's History" - by Ronald Radosh
* [] Expert report by Eric Foner for University of Michigan Affirmative Action cases

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