
Type Private
Industry Cash and carry
Headquarters Diksmuide, West Flanders
Website Metro AG site
SHV site
Makro in Kraków, Poland
Makro in Reading, England
Makro in Spain
Makro in Czech Republic

Makro is a (originally) Dutch chain of Warehouse clubs, also called cash and carries. The first one opened in 1968 in Amsterdam. In the following years more stores opened in the Netherlands and in several other countries within Europe. In the 1970s and 1980s Makro extended its business to the Americas and Asia. Makro later closed its North American sites, however. The stores are not open to the general public, only to businesses which must be registered members in order to gain entry to the store.



The still privately owned SHV originated in 1896 from a merger between a number of large coal mining companies, some of which had been active since the 18th century.

In 1998 the European Makro stores were acquired by Metro a German-based retail and wholesale company.

Latest news

  • UK
    • In 2009 Makro is the third largest cash & carry wholesaler in the UK with a turnover of £1.1bn and a portfolio of 30 depots nationally.
  • Philippines
    • The Pilipinas Makro, which operates the Makro stores in the Philippines, originally was a partnership between the Sy familys SM group, SHV Holdings N.V. of the Netherlands, and the Ayala group. But in 2004 the Ayala group sold its 28-percent interest in Makro to its joint-venture partners, and in late 2007 SM Investments folded the Makro stores into its operations after it increased its ownership of Pilipinas Makro to 60 percent. The SM group now holds 100 percent of Makro, and in the next few years, all Makro outlets will be converted into SM Hypermarkets. As of 10 December 2010, 6 Makro Stores in the Philippines have been converted to SM Hypermarkets.
  • Malaysia
    • On 31 January 2007, Makro Malaysia was acquired by Tesco. All 8 stores in Malaysia were converted to Tesco Extra.
  • Indonesia
    • In September 2008, Makro Indonesia was acquired by Lotte. As of 14 April 2010, Makro Indonesia changed their name into Lotte Mart Wholesale.[1]
  • South Africa
    • The first Makro in South Africa was opened in Germiston in 1971. In 1990 Massmart was established with the six South African Makro's as its cornerstone. In June 2011 Walmart completed the purchase of 51% of Massmart. With this purcahase Walmart now has controlling interest of the 14 Makro stores in South Africa.

Store locations

European stores can be found in the Netherlands, Belgium, Poland, Czech Republic, Greece, Portugal, Spain, Italy and the United Kingdom. Stores have stretched as far as Pakistan, Philippines, and eastern Asia, South Africa, Colombia, Peru, Venezuela, Argentina, and Brazil.

Product range

Makro sells food and non-food products, usually located in different sections of the store. Each store also contains a hot-food cafeteria, and a cash machine.

The food section always includes an in-store bakery, a wine section, fresh meat and butchery department, and refrigerated aisles. The non-food area includes clothing, DIY, jewellery, office supplies, electricals, computing, and seasonals such as garden furniture.

Special offers are featured via a printed and online fortnightly brochure known as Makro Mail.

The stores are not open to the general public, but serve the following sectors:

  • Traders, such as newsagents and convenience stores.
  • Caterers, such as restaurants and hotels.
  • Complementary business users, such as doctor's surgeries, schools, universities, sport clubs and associations.

Customers can shop at Makro with a membership card.

Makro UK used to have the tag-line "The UK's No.1 Discounter". This tag-line was replaced with "For Professionals". Makro has subsequently changed this to "Your business partner everyday".

Recent changes to the Makro UK structure include the closure of three stores: Wolverhampton, Coventry and Swansea. Metro have announced that the company has to be financially independent by 2011.


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