

Known as the "King of Cakes," the Baumkuchen is a kind of layered cake, known in many countries throughout Europe. When cut, the cake reveals the characteristic golden rings that give it its German name, "Baumkuchen", which literally translates to "tree cake". To get the ring effect, a thin layer of batter is brushed evenly onto a spit and allowed to bake until golden, after which the process is repeated. The most skilled bakers will repeat the process numerous times. Some bakers have been known to create convert|3|ft|m|sing=on long "Baumkuchens" consisting of 25 layers and weighing over 100 pounds (45 kg).

A simpler horizontally layered version of the cake also exists. It is baked without a spit and it thus does not have circular rings but horizontal layers. To make this variant, a thin layer of batter is spread in a baking tin, then baked, after which the next layer is added, and so forth. The horizontally layered version results in a Baumkuchen that is more similar in shape to conventional cakes. The horizontally layered version can also be baked in a conventional household oven, whereas the spit version requires special equipment normally not available in an average household. However, unlike with the spit variant, the horizontal layers are not quite as reminiscent of tree growth rings.

Baumkuchen may be covered with sugar or chocolate glaze. With some recipes, the fully baked and cooled Baumkuchen is first coated with marmalade or jam, and then covered with chocolate.

The cake requires some level of skill to bake and can get messy if made in the traditional way (on a spit).

It is highly disputed who made the first Baumkuchen and where it was first baked. Traditionally the town of Salzwedel and the Master Baker for the Prussian King have been associated with its creation in the year 1790.

Nowadays "Baumkuchen" is one of the most popular pastries in Japan (where it is called バウムクーヘン "baumukūhen" or バームクーヘン "bāmukūhen") and is available in any grocery shop.

Baumkuchen (called Baamkuch) has also become a traditional dish in Luxembourg, where it is served mostly on special occasions like weddings.

A quite interesting version of "Baumkuchen" is Lithuanian "šakotis", which is distinctive by its shape. Šakotis is made by pouring liquid dough on a rotating spit. Known in Poland as Sękacz.

A related cake is the Swedish "Spettekaka" (turnspit cake).


The baumkuchen has been said to have originated with a Hungarian Wedding Cake, which derives from the oldest Hungarian pastry -- kürtőskalács -- stove cake or chimney cake.Fact|date=March 2008

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