Hamburg Ravensbrück Trials
- Hamburg Ravensbrück Trials
The Hamburg Ravensbrück Trials were a series of seven trials for war crimes against camp officials from the Ravensbrück concentration camp that the British authorities held in their occupation zone in Germany in Hamburg after the end of World War II. These trials were heard before a military tribunal; the judges in these trials were three to five British officers, assisted by a lawyer. The defendants included concentration camp personnel of all levels: camp leaders, camp doctors, male wardens, female wardens ("Aufseherinnen"), and even a few former inmates of the camp who had tortured or mistreated other inmates. In total, 38 defendants stood trial in these seven processes, of which 21 were women.
The trials
All seven trials took place in the "Curiohaus" in the quarter Rotherbaum.
First Ravensbrück Trial
The first Ravensbrück trial was held from December 5, 1946 until February 3, 1947.Ganzer had already stood trial for her activities in Ravensbrück in 1946 before a Russian military tribunal and had been acquitted. In Hamburg, she was found guilty, but her death sentence was commuted into lifetime imprisonment on July 3, 1948, which in turn was reduced to 21 years imprisonment in 1950 and further to 12 years in 1954. She was finally released on June 6, 1961.
Fifth Ravensbrück Trial
In the fifth trial, three SS members were accused of having killed allied inmates of the Ravensbrück camp. The trial lasted from June 16 to 29, 1948. The judgments were handed down on July 15, 1948.
*(Ebbinghaus 1987): Ebbinghaus, A.: "Opfer und Täterinnen. Frauenbiographien des Nationalsozialismus." Nördlingen 1987. Reprinted 1996: ISBN 3-596-13094-8. In German.
*Schäfer, S.: " [ Zum Selbstverständnis von Frauen im Konzentrationslager: das Lager Ravensbrück] ". PhD thesis 2002, TU Berlin. (PDF file, 741 kB). In German.
*Taake, C.: " [ Angeklagt: SS-Frauen vor Gericht] "; Bibliotheks- und Informationssystem der Univ. Oldenburg, 1998. In German.
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