- Turkish Abductions
The Turkish Abductions (Icelandic: "Tyrkjaránið") were a series of raids that took place in
Iceland betweenJuly 4 –July 19 1627 . BothAusturland (the eastern edge of the country) andVestmannaeyjar (islands off the south coast) were raided byBarbary pirate s; hundreds of the inhabitants were kidnapped, and 242 of them later were sold intoslavery on theBarbary Coast . All those offering resistance were killed. The pirates took only young people and those in good physical condition. They gathered old people into a church, locked it, and burned both it and the people inside.When the pirates invaded Vestmannaeyjar, some of the inhabitants and a minister left for the mountains of the island to hide in a cave. Later that day, the minister left the cave to look; some pirates saw him, killed him, and found the cave with all the people in it.
The most famous captive from that raid was
Guðríður Símonardóttir .External links
* [http://www.heimaslod.is/?title=Tyrkjar%C3%A1ni%C3%B0 Heimaslóð] is icon
* [http://www.visindavefur.hi.is/svar.asp?id=5738 Vísindavefurinn] is icon
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