- Thoughts on the Education of Daughters
"Thoughts on the education of daughters: with reflections on female conduct, in the more important duties of life" is the first published work of the British feminist
Mary Wollstonecraft . Published in 1787 by her friend Joseph Johnson, "Thoughts" is aconduct book that offers advice onfemale education to the emerging Britishmiddle class . Although dominated by considerations of morality and etiquette, the text also contains basic child-rearing instructions, such as how to care for an infant.An early version of the modern
self-help book , the 18th-century British conduct book drew on many literary traditions, such as advice manuals and religious narratives. There was an explosion in the number of conduct books published during the second half of the eighteenth century, and Wollstonecraft took advantage of this burgeoning market when she published "Thoughts". However, the book was only moderately successful: it was favourably reviewed, but only by one journal and it was reprinted only once. Although it was excerpted in popular contemporary magazines, it was not republished until the rise offeminist literary criticism in the 1970s.Like other conduct books of the time, "Thoughts" adapts older genres to the new middle-class ethos. The book encourages mothers to teach their daughters analytical thinking, self-discipline, honesty, contentment in their social position, and marketable skills (in case they should ever need to support themselves). These goals reveal Wollstonecraft's intellectual debt to
John Locke ; however, the prominence she affords religious faith and innate feeling distinguishes her work from his. Her aim is to educate women to be useful wives and mothers, because, she argues, it is through these roles that they can most effectively contribute to society. The predominantly domestic role Wollstonecraft outlines for women—a role that she viewed as meaningful—was interpreted by 20th-century feminist literary critics as paradoxically confining them to the private sphere.Although much of "Thoughts" is devoted to platitudes and advice common to all conduct books for women, a few passages anticipate Wollstonecraft's feminist arguments in "
A Vindication of the Rights of Woman " (1792), such as her poignant description of the suffering single woman. However, several critics suggested that such passages only seem to have radical undertones in light of Wollstonecraft's later works.Biographical background
Like many impoverished women during the last quarter of the eighteenth century in Britain, Wollstonecraft attempted to support herself by establishing a school; she, her sister, and a close friend founded a school in the Dissenting community of
Newington Green . However, in the late 1780s she was forced to close it because of financial difficulties. Desperate to escape from debt, Wollstonecraft wrote her first book, "Thoughts on the Education of Daughters", and sold thecopyright for only tenguineas to Joseph Johnson, a publisher recommended to her by a friend. Wollstonecraft and Johnson became friends and he encouraged her writing throughout her life.Wollstonecraft next tried her hand at being a
governess , but she chafed at her lowly position and refused to accommodate herself to her employers. The modest success of "Thoughts" and Johnson's encouragement emboldened Wollstonecraft to embark on a career as a professional writer, a precarious and somewhat disreputable profession for women during the eighteenth century. She wrote to her sister that she was going to become the “first of a new genus” and published "", an autobiographical novel, in 1788. [Sapiro, 13; 239; Taylor, 6–7; Jones, "Literature of advice", 120; Richardson, 24-25; Todd, 75-77.]Overview
Addressed to mothers, young women, and teachers, "Thoughts on the Education of Daughters" explains how to educate a woman from infancy through marriage. Its twenty-one chapters are not arranged in any particular order and cover a wide variety of topics. The first two chapters, "The Nursery" and "Moral Discipline", offer advice on shaping the child's "constitution" and "temperament", arguing that the formation of the rational mind must begin early. These chapters also offer specific recommendations regarding the care of infants and endorse breastfeeding (a hotly debated topic in the eighteenth century). [Todd, 257-58.] Much of the book criticizes what Wollstonecraft considers the damaging education usually offered to women: "artificial manners", card-playing, theatre-going, and an emphasis on fashion. She complains, for example, that women "squander" their money on clothing, “which if saved for charitable purposes, might alleviate the distress of many poor families, and soften the heart of the girl who entered into such scenes of woe". [Wollstonecraft, "Thoughts on the Education of Daughters" (1787), 37.] She contrasts this common but ineffectual education with one based on early childhood reading, benevolence, and love. Wollstonecraft also delves into a description of social issues, addressing the "Unfortunate Situation of Females, Fashionably Educated, and Left without a Fortune" in addition to the "Treatment of Servants". Religious faith plays a prominent role in Wollstonecraft's educational plan; she advocates Sabbath observance and describes the "Benefits which arise from Disappointments", that is, the benefits which arise from suffering sent by God.
In her later works, such as "
A Vindication of the Rights of Men " (1790) and "A Vindication of the Rights of Woman " (1792), Wollstonecraft repeatedly returns to the topics addressed in "Thoughts", particularly the virtue of hard work and the imperative for women to learn useful skills. Wollstonecraft suggests that the social and political life of the nation would greatly improve if women were to acquire valuable skills instead of being mere social ornaments. [Taylor, 32; Kelly, 29–30; Sapiro, 13; Richardson, 26; Jones, "Literature of advice", 127.]Genre: the conduct book
Between 1760 and 1820,
conduct book s reached the height of their popularity in Britain; one scholar refers to the period as "the age of courtesy books for women". [Qtd. in Armstrong, 61.] AsNancy Armstrong writes in her seminal work on this genre, "Desire and Domestic Fiction" (1987): "so popular did these books become that by the second half of the eighteenth century virtually everyone knew the ideal of womanhood they proposed". [Armstrong, 61.]Conduct books integrated the styles and rhetorics of earlier genres, such as devotional writings, marriage manuals, recipe books, and works on household economy. They offered their readers a description of (most often) the ideal woman while at the same time handing out practical advice. Thus, not only did they dictate morality, but they also guided readers' choice of dress and outlined "proper" etiquette. [Sutherland, 26.] Typical examples include Bluestocking Hester Chapone's "
Letters on the Improvement of the Mind " (1773), which went through at least sixteen editions in the last quarter of the eighteenth century, and the classically-educated historian Catharine Macaulay's "Letters on Education" (1790). [Sutherland, 28; 35.] Chapone's work, in particular, appealed to Wollstonecraft at this time and influenced her composition of "Thoughts" because it argued "for a sustained programme of study for women" and was based on the idea that Christianity should be "the chief instructor of our rational faculties". [Sutherland, 29.] Moreover, it emphasized that women should be considered rational beings and not left to wallow in sensualism. [Sutherland, 41.] When Wollstonecraft wrote "A Vindication of the Rights of Woman " in 1792, she drew on both Chapone and Macaulay's works. [Sutherland, 42–43.]Conduct books have traditionally been viewed by scholars as an integral factor in the creation of a bourgeois sense of self. [Jones, "Literature of advice", 121; see Mary Poovey's "The Proper Lady and the Woman Writer" and Nancy Armstrong's "Desire and Domestic Fiction" for discussions of the conduct book.] The conduct book “helped to generate the belief that there was such a thing as a 'middle class' and that the modest, submissive but morally and domestically competent woman it described was the first 'modern individual'”. [Jones, "Literature of advice", 121.] By developing a specifically bourgeois ethos through genres such as the conduct book, the emerging middle class challenged the primacy of the aristocratic code of manners.Kelly, 31.] However, conduct books simultaneously constricted women's roles, propagating what has been called "the angel in the house" image (alluding to Coventry Patmore's poem of that name). Women were encouraged to be chaste, pious, submissive, modest, selfless, graceful, pure, delicate, compliant, reticent, and polite. [Gubar, Susan and
Sandra Gilbert . "". New Haven: Yale University Press (1984), 23.]More recently, a few scholars have argued that conduct books should be differentiated more carefully and that some of them—such as Wollstonecraft's "Thoughts"—transformed traditional female advice manuals into "proto-feminist tracts".Jones, "Literature of advice", 122.] These scholars view "Thoughts" as part of a tradition that adapted older genres to a new message of female empowerment, genres such as advice manuals for women's education, moral satires, and moral and spiritual works by religious Dissenters (those not associated with the
Church of England ). [Jones, "Literature of advice", 122–23.] Wollstonecraft's text resembles conventional conduct books in promoting self-control and submission, traits that were supposed to attract a husband. Yet at the same time, the text challenges this portrait of the “proper lady” by introducing strains of religious Dissent that promote equality of the soul. Thus, "Thoughts" appears to be torn between several sets of binaries, such as compliance and rebellion; spiritual meekness and rational independence; and domestic duty and political participation. This view of the conduct book, and of "Thoughts" in particular, questions the earlier interpretation of the genre as a mere tool of ideological indoctrination, an interpretation that grew out of criticism influenced by theorists such asMichel Foucault . [Jones, "Literature of advice", 128–29; see also Poovey, 55 and Jones, "Literature of advice", 126.]Pedagogical theory
By the end of her life, Wollstonecraft had been involved in almost every arena of education: she had been a governess, a teacher, a children's writer, and a pedagogical theorist. Most of her works deal with education in some way. For example, her two novels are "
bildungsroman e" (novels of education); she translated educational works such as Christian Gotthilf Salzmann's "Elements of Morality"; she wrote a children's book, "Original Stories from Real Life " (1788); and her "Vindication of the Rights of Woman" is largely an argument for the value of female education. As is evidenced by this broad range of genres, “education” for Wollstonecraft and her contemporaries included much more than scholastic training; it encompassed everything that went into forming a person's character, from infantswaddling to childhood curricular choices to adolescent leisure activities. [Sapiro, 13; 239; Richardson, 24.]Wollstonecraft and other political radicals during the last quarter of the eighteenth century focused their reform efforts on education because they believed that if people were educated correctly, Britain would experience a moral and political revolution. Religious Dissenters, especially, embraced this view; Wollstonecraft's philosophy in "Thoughts" and elsewhere closely resembles that of the Dissenters she met while teaching in Newington Green, such as the theologian, educator, and scientist
Joseph Priestley and the ministerRichard Price . Dissenters “were most concerned with molding children into people of good moral character and habits”. [Sapiro, 239.] However, political conservatives, who also believed that childhood was the crucial time for the formation of a person's character, used their own educational works to deflect rebellion by promoting theories of compliance. Liberals and conservatives alike subscribed to Lockean and Hartleian associationist psychology: that is, they believed that a person's sense of self was built up through a set of associations made between things in the external world and ideas in the mind. Both Locke and Hartley had argued that the associations formed in childhood were nearly irreversible and must thus be formed with care. [Richardson, 24–25; Sapiro, 239.] Locke famously advised parents to keep their children away from servants, as they would only tell children frightening stories that would foster a fear of the dark. [Locke, John. "An Essay Concerning Human Understanding". Ed. Roger Woolhouse. New York: Penguin Books (1997), 357.]Wollstonecraft was significantly influenced by Locke's "
Some Thoughts Concerning Education " (1693) (her title alludes to it) and Jean-Jacques Rousseau's "" (1762), the two most important pedagogical treatises of the eighteenth century. "Thoughts" follows in the Lockean tradition with its emphasis on a parent-directed domestic education, a distrust of servants, a banning of superstitious and irrational stories (e.g.fairy tale s), and an advocacy of clear rules. Wollstonecraft breaks from Locke, however, in her emphasis on piety and her insistence that the child has “innate” feelings that guide her towards virtue, ideas likely drawn from Rousseau. [Sapiro, 13; 239–40; Richardson 24–27; Jones, "Literature of advice", 125.]Themes
"Thoughts" advocates several educational goals for women: independent thought, rationality, self-discipline, truthfulness, acceptance of one's social position, marketable skills, and faith in God. [Sapiro, 104; 240; Taylor, 32; Richardson, 26; Kelly, 29–31.]
Education of women
Wollstonecraft assumes that the “daughters” in her book will one day become mothers and teachers. She does not propose that women abandon these traditional roles, because she believes that women can most effectively improve society as pedagogues.Richardson, 25–27; Jones, "Literature of advice", 124.] Wollstonecraft and other writers as diverse as the evangelical moralist
Hannah More , the historianCatherine Macaulay , and the feminist novelistMary Hays , argue that since women are the primary caregivers of the family and educators of children, they should be given a sound education. "Thoughts" is insistent, following Locke and associationist psychology, that a poor education and an early marriage will ruin a woman. Wollstonecraft argues that if no attention is paid to girls as they are growing, they will turn out poorly and marry while still intellectual and emotional children. Such wives, she contends, perform no useful role in society and, indeed, contribute to its immorality. She expanded upon this argument five years later in "A Vindication of the Rights of Woman ".Wollstonecraft and others criticized the traditional "accomplishment"-based education traditionally offered women; they argued that this kind of education, which emphasized the acquisition of skills such as drawing and dancing, was useless and decadent. [Taylor, 34; Richardson, 25.] The ideal woman in "Thoughts" is, as Wollstonecraft scholar Gary Kelly writes, “rational, provident, realistic, self-disciplined, self-conscious and critical", an image that resembles that of the professional man. Wollstonecraft argues that women should have all of the intellectual and moral training given to men, though she does not provide women with a place to use these new skills beyond the home. [Kelly, 30.]
Wollstonecraft's feminist critics charged that the masculine role for women that she envisioned — one designed for the public sphere but which women could not perform in the public sphere — left women without a specific social position. They saw it as ultimately confining and limiting-- as offering women more in the way of education without a real way to use it.
Wollstonecraft's most passionate writing in "Thoughts" focuses on the lack of career opportunities for women, a theme that would dominate her later novel "" (1798). [Richardson, 27.] In the chapter entitled "Unfortunate Situation of Females, Fashionably Educated, and Left without a Fortune" she writes, perhaps describing her own experiences:
[T] o be an humble companion to some rich old cousin … It is impossible to enumerate the many hours of anguish such a person must spend. Above the servants, yet considered by them as a spy, and ever reminded of her inferiority when in conversation with the superiors. … A teacher at a school is only a kind of upper servant, who has more work than the menial ones. A governess to young ladies is equally disagreeable. … life glides away, and the spirits with it; 'and when youth and genial years are flown,' they have nothing to subsist on; or, perhaps, on some extraordinary occasion, some small allowance may be made for them, which is thought a great charity. … It is hard for a person who has a relish for polished society, to herd with the vulgar, or to condescend to mix with her formal equals when she is considered in a different light. … How cutting is the contempt she meets with!—A young mind looks round for love and friendship; but love and friendship fly from poverty: expect them not if you are poor! [Wollstonecraft, "Thoughts on the Education of Daughters" (1787), 69–74.]
Although Wollstonecraft's comments on female education hint at some of her more radical arguments in "A Vindication of the Rights of Woman", the religious tone of the text—also found in her first novel, ""—is generally viewed by scholars as conservative.Jones, "Literature of advice", 124-25.] The religion presented in "Thoughts" is one that celebrates the “pleasures of resignation”, the belief that the afterlife is awaiting and that the world is ordered by God for the best. Wollstonecraft writes:
He who is training us up for immortal bliss, knows best what trials will contribute to make us [virtuous] ; and our resignation and improvement will render us respectable to ourselves, and to that Being, whose approbation is of more value than life itself. [Wollstonecraft, "Thoughts on the Education of Daughters" (1787), 78.]
Although she drifted away from these beliefs and later adopted a more permissive theology, "Thoughts" is “steeped in orthodox attitudes, advocating 'fixed principles of religion' and warning of the dangers of rationalist speculation and deism".Taylor, 95.] Wollstonecraft even agrees withRousseau that women should be taught religious dogma rather than theology; clear rules, she maintains, will restrain their passions.Reception
"Thoughts" was only moderately successful: it was reprinted in
Dublin a year after its initial publication in London, extracts were published in "The Lady's Magazine", and Wollstonecraft included excerpts from it in her own "Female Reader" (1789), an anthology of writings designed “for the Improvement of Young Women”. "The English Review" noticed "Thoughts" favourably:These thoughts are employed on various important situations and incidents in the ordinary life of females, and are, in general, dictated with great judgment. Mrs. Wollstonecraft appears to have reflected maturely on her subject; … while her manner gives authority, her good sense adds irresistible weight to almost all her precepts and remarks. We should therefore recommend these Thoughts as worthy the attention of those who are more immediately concerned in the education of young ladies. [Qtd. in Jones, "Literature of advice", 129.]
However, no other journal reviewed the book and "Thoughts" was not reprinted until the late twentieth century, when there was a resurgence of interest in Wollstonecraft among feminist literary critics. [Sapiro, 13; 20; Jones, "Literature of advice", 129; Wardle, 52–53.]Alan Richardson, a scholar of eighteenth-century education, points out that if Wollstonecraft had not written "
A Vindication of the Rights of Men " (1790) and "A Vindication of the Rights of Woman ", it is unlikely that "Thoughts" would have been considered progressive or even worthy of notice. [Richardson, 26.] One critic has even said that the text reads as if it were simply trying to please the public. [Kelly, 34; Richardson, 26.] Although some scholars have argued that there are glimmers of Wollstonecraft's radicalism in this text, they admit that the “potential for critique remains largely latent”. [Jones, "Literature of advice", 124.] "Thoughts" is therefore usually interpreted either teleologically, as a first step towards the more radical "Rights of Woman", or dismissed as a “politically naïve potboiler” written prior to Wollstonecraft's conversion to radicalism while she was writing the "Rights of Men".ee also
Timeline of Mary Wollstonecraft Notes
Modern reprints
*Wollstonecraft, Mary. "Thoughts on the Education of Daughters". Clifton, NJ: A. M. Kelley, 1972. ISBN 0-678-0090-15.
*Wollstonecraft, Mary. "Thoughts on the Education of Daughters". Oxford: Woodstock Books, 1994. ISBN 1-85477-195-7.
*Wollstonecraft, Mary. "Thoughts on the Education of Daughters". London: Printed by J. Johnson, 1787. Eighteenth Century Collections Online (by subscription only). Retrieved on 18 July 2007.
*Wollstonecraft, Mary. "The Complete Works of Mary Wollstonecraft". Ed.Janet Todd andMarilyn Butler . 7 vols. London: William Pickering, 1989. ISBN 0-8147-9225-1.Bibliography
*Armstrong, Nancy. "Desire and Domestic Fiction: A Political History of the Novel". Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987. ISBN 0-19-506160-8.
*Jones, Vivien. "Mary Wollstonecraft and the literature of advice and instruction". "The Cambridge Companion to Mary Wollstonecraft". Ed. Claudia Johnson. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002. ISBN 0-521-78952-4.
*Jones, Vivien. "The Seductions of Conduct: Pleasure and Conduct Literature". "Pleasure in the Eighteenth Century". Eds. Roy Porter and Marie Mulvey Roberts. London: Macmillan, 1996. ISBN 0-8147-6644-7.
*Kelly, Gary. "Revolutionary Feminism: The Mind and Career of Mary Wollstonecraft". New York: St. Martin's Press, 1992. ISBN 0-312-12904-1.
*Myers, Mitzi. "Pedagogy as Self-Expression in Mary Wollstonecraft: Exorcising the Past, Finding a Voice". "The Private Self: Theory and Practice of Women's Autobiographical Writing". Ed. Shari Benstock. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1988. ISBN 0-8078-1791-0.
*Poovey, Mary. "The Proper Lady and the Woman Writer". Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1984. ISBN 0-226-67528-9.
*Richardson, Alan. "Mary Wollstonecraft on education". "The Cambridge Companion to Mary Wollstonecraft". Ed. Claudia Johnson. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002. ISBN 0-521-78952-4.
*Sapiro, Virginia. "A Vindication of Political Virtue: The Political Theory of Mary Wollstonecraft". Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1992. ISBN 0-226-73491-9.
*Sutherland, Kathryn. "Writings on Education and Conduct: Arguments for Female Improvement". "Women and Literature in Britain 1700–1800". Ed. Vivien Jones. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000. ISBN 0-521-58680-1.
*Taylor, Barbara. "Mary Wollstonecraft and the Feminist Imagination". Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003. ISBN 0-521-66144-7.
*Todd, Janet. "Mary Wollstonecraft: A Revolutionary Life." London: Weidenfeld and Nicholson, 2000. ISBN 0-231-12184-9.
*Wardle, Ralph M. "Mary Wollstonecraft: A Critical Biography". Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1951.
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