- Igelbäcken
Infobox River
river_name = IgelbäckenVattenprogram, p 28.1]
image_size = 250px
caption = One of the two Blackamoors standing by the bridgeMorianbron .
origin =Säbysjön (coord|59|25|40|N|17|52|22|E|region:SE_type:river)
mouth =Edsviken (coord|59|23|21|N|18|0|59|E|region:SE_type:river)
basin_countries =Sweden
length = 10 km
elevation = 17 m
mouth_elevation = ~0 m
discharge = 1,4 (low), 600 l/s (max)
watershed = 1,458 haIgelbäcken ( _sv. Leech Rill) is a small
stream in northernStockholm ,Sweden . The drainage area, part of the national parkEkoparken and divided into several nature reserves, is shared by the municipalities ofJärfälla ,Sollentuna , Solna, Stockholm, andSundbyberg .Watershed
Stretching more than 10 kilometres west to east from
Säbysjön in Järfälla toEdsviken near theUlriksdal Palace , Igelbäcken's main feeder is the streamDjupanbäcken carrying water from the small lakeDjupan . Due to the location in the national park, its untouched character, and to the rare population ofStone Loach , Igelbäcken is considered one of the most valuable water bodies in Stockholm. Nevertheless, samples taken in 2001 showed levels ofphosphorus andnitrogen were moderate while levels of metals were increasing between the stream's origin and mouth. The municipalities sharing the catchment area, together with the county administrative board have initiated various project to enhance the natural value of the river and the surrounding green areas.Igelbäcken] For example, in 2006 Solna and Sundbyberg declared their ambitions to transform the central part of the stream from a straight ditch to a meandering river murmuring over stones, overshadowed by trees and flanked by wetlands intended to attractamphibian s andwader s; a project partly financed by the Swedish state.Restaurering av Igelbäcken]The upper part of the watershed is constituted of Norra Järvafältet, an open-air area characterized by
moraine ridges covered with forests separated by water meadows and tilled fields. While some 20 hectares of the surrounding area is used for pasture, the stream is bordered bydeciduous plant s such asAlder andBirch and Bulrush can be found in non-shadowed patches. Some 2,5 kilometres from its origin, the stream passes down in a culvert under a traffic route (Akallavägen) and theBarkarby Airport before merging with the stream Djupanbäcken. This part of the catchment area contains amotocross track, a golfdriving range , a closed dump, and receives stormwater from theE18 traffic route. Thereafter, the stream flows some 4 km in the valley separating the suburbsAkalla -Hjulsta andTensta -Rinkeby and where are several rural structures including an ecological farm (Hästa Gård), eight allotment-gardens, and some minor overgrown wetlands. East of the valley the river is crossed by a second traffic route (Kymlingelänken) before flowing 2,5 km through an open grassland to reach a railway and the E4 traffic route, water from the latter treated in a local cleaning plant. The last 1.4 km passes more allotment-gardens and the gardens of theUlriksdal Palace before jumping into Edsviken through a low dam.Vattenprogram, p 28.3-4]Environmental influence
In the early 1970s, the stream lost almost a third of its watershed below lake Säbysjön in connection with the construction of a drainage system for the surrounding suburbs. Water leaking into the
stormwater tunnel further diminishes the inflow ofgroundwater . Furthermore, a by-product of the construction of these suburbs were the contaminated tips still located in the catchment area. Though the inflow from Lake Säbysjän remains poorly documented, the lake is known to be rich in nutrients and consequently levels ofphosphorus andnitrogen are high in the stream. Below the lake, the drainage area itself brings 120 kg/year of phosphorus and 3.300 kg/year of nitrogen, most of which comes from unsettled and cultivated terrain, a leakage reduced by keeping uncultivated zones next to the watercourse. Contributions of metals, such aszinc andcopper , are brought to the stream from the surround open terrain and the landfill deposits in the catchment area. While levels ofcadmium , copper, zinc, andnickel were reported as increased in ditches draining these deposits, levels of oil, PCB, and chlorinated hydrocarbons were reported as insignificant.Flora and fauna
Major stands of Greater Spearwort are found in the central valley with minor occurrences both up- and downstream. Next to the poor running waters near Ulriksdal Palace are Intermediate Water-starwort and further upstream two metre tall Great Willowherb is found along the shores as is instances of Blue Water-Speedwell. Some rare plants along the stream include Greater Pond-sedge, Greater Pond-sedge, True Fox-Sedge, and
Cyperus-like Sedge .Vattenprogram, p 28.4-6]Samples of bottom fauna near the palace in 1994 documented an abundance of species of
Oligochaeta , including a new species, "Fridirica ulrikae". Rake samples in 1998 documented more than a hundred species, a biodiversity explained by the oxygen feed produced by increased water flow that year, most of whom were insensitive to pollution. Two species consideredNear Threatened were also documented (the Caddishly "Trichoeochiton fagessi" and the freshwaterGastropoda "Aplexa hypnorum").One of the most notable species in the stream is the rare Loach species Stone Loach ("Barbatula barbatula") attracted by the strong current and stony bottom of the stream. During dry periods sections of Igelbäcken dry up which is the most important threat to the fish. While its presence in the stream is still considered as threatened, the numbers of individuals increased during the period 1999-2001. Other fishes in the stream include
Perch ,Northern Pike , Roach,Tench ,Crucian carp , and, more rarely,Trout . European crayfish was observed in 1989 andSignal crayfish , illegally introduced during the 1990s, is feared to threaten the population of Stone Loach and to bringcrayfish plague into the stream.Numerous birds, such as
Thrush Nightingale ,Common Snipe , andEurasian Woodcock , breed along the stream, and species feeding in and around it includeWhite-throated Dipper , Herons, andLesser Spotted Woodpecker . The cultivated grounds located along the central reach of the stream attract species such asLong-eared Owl ,Common Kestrel ,Red-backed Shrike ,Whinchat , andSkylark .Goshawk breed in the surrounding pine forests.No inventory of
amphibians has been made in the stream itself, but most species common to the Stockholm area have been documented in the surrounding area with an abundant number of European vipers. Four species ofbat s were documented in 1197 near the central part of the stream:Whiskered bat ,Common Noctule ,Common Pipistrelle , andNorthern Bat .See also
Geography of Stockholm
*Rivers of Sweden Notes
* cite web
url = http://www.stockholmvatten.se/Stockholmvatten/Vattnets-vag/Sjovard/Sjoar-och-vattendrag/Igelbacken/
title = Igelbäcken
publisher = Stockholm vatten
date = 2007-03-01
accessdate = 2007-06-03
language = Swedish
* cite web
url = http://www.stockholmvatten.se/Stockholmvatten/commondata/infomaterial/Sjo/28Igelb.pdf
title = Vattenprogram för Stockholm 2000 - Igelbäcken
publisher = Stockholm vatten
accessdate = 2007-06-03
language = Swedish
* cite web
url = http://www.solna.se/templates/Page_solna_submenu____27614.aspx
title = Restaurering av Igelbäcken
publisher = Solna Municipality
date = 2006-03-15
accessdate = 2004-06-03
language = Swedish ( [http://www.solna.se/upload/Dokument/MK/Naturv%C3%A5rd/Restaurering%20IB%202006%20kartbilder.pdf Maps] )External links
* cite web
url =
title = Igelbäcken - Biotopkartering år 2000
author = Hallnäs, Örjan
publisher = Stockholm County Administrative Board
year = 2001
accessdate = 2007-06-05
language = Swedish
* cite web
url = http://www.overjarvagard.se/english.htm
title = Welcome to Överjärva Country Estate
author = Elisabet Brömster
publisher = Solna Municipality
date = 2007-01-19
accessdate = 2007-06-03
language = English
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