

] . They are distributed all over the world, but predominantly found in temperate regions.

Most (but not all) sedges are found in marshes, where they can be the dominant vegetation. "C. muricata" is a rare species which occurs in only a handful of locations within England, and consequently is a protected species under the UK Biodiversity Action Plan. [cite web| url=| title=Action Plan for "Carex muricata"| author=UKBAP| accessdate=2007-05-06]

Most carex species are very sensitive to artificial fertilisers, including lime. Their population will decline rapidly as the fertiliser is applied to their habitat.


* "Carex acuta" L.
* "Carex acutiformis" Ehrh.
* "Carex arenaria" L.
* "Carex alba"
* "Carex albida"
* "Carex aligata"
* "Carex asturica" Boiss.
* "Carex atrofusca"
* "Carex binervis" Sm.
* "Carex bohemica"
* "Carex brevicollis" DC.
* "Carex brevior"
* "Carex breweri"
* "Carex brachystachys"
* "Carex brizoides"
* "Carex camposii" Boiss. et Reuter
* "Carex canescens" L. (syn. "C. cinerea" Poll.)
* "Carex capillaris" L.
* "Carex capitata"
* "Carex caryophyllea" Latourrette
* "Carex cespitosa" L.
* "Carex chordorrhiza" Ehrh.
* "Carex curvula" Al.
* "Carex cyperoides"
* "Carex davalliana" Sm.
* "Carex davisii"
* "Carex demissa" Hornern.
* "Carex depauperata" Curtis ex With.
* "Carex despressa" Link
* "Carex digitata" L.
* "Carex distachya" Desf.
* "Carex distans" L.
* "Carex disticha" Hudson
* "Carex divisa" Hudson
* "Carex divulsa" Stokes
* "Carex dioica"
* "Carex dolichostachya"
* "Carex durieui" Steudel
* "Carex echinata" Murray
* "Carex elata" All. (= "C. stricta")
* "Carex ericetorum" Pollich
* "Carex extensa" Good.
* "Carex ferruginea" Scop.
* "Carex festucacea"
* "Carex filiformis" L.
* "Carex fimbriata"
* "Carex firma"
* "Carex flacca" Schieber
* "Carex flava" L.
* "Carex globularis" L.
* "Carex grayi"
* "Carex guestphalica
* "Carex halleriana" Amo
* "Carex haydeniana" OlneyUSDA NCRS. [ "Carex haydeniana (cloud sedge)"] . "United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Natural Resources Conservation Service (NCRS), PLANTS Database". Accessed June 30 2007.]
* "Carex hirta" L.
* "Carex hispida" Willd.
* "Carex hordeistichos" Vill.
* "Carex hostiana" DC.
* "Carex humilis" Leysser
* "Carex hystericina"
* "Carex jamesii" Schwein
* "Carex lachenalii" Schkuhr
* "Carex laevigata" Sm.
* "Carex lasiocarpa"
* "Carex limosa"
* "Carex liparocarpos" Gaudin
* "Carex loliacea" ()
* "Carex longii"
* "Carex lyngbyei"
* "Carex macloviana"
* "Carex macrostylon" Lapeyr.
* "Carex mairii" Cosson et Germ.
* "Carex maritima"
* "Carex microglochin"
* "Carex monostachya"
* "Carex montana" L.
* "Carex muricata" L.
* "Carex muskingumensis" Nutt.
* "Carex nigra" (L.) Reichard
* "Carex nudata" S.Watson
* "Carex obtusata"
* "Carex oedipostyla" Duval-Jouve
* "Carex ornithopoda" Willd.
* "Carex otrubae" Podp.
* "Carex ovalis" Gooden
* "Carex pallescens" L.
* "Carex panicea" L.
* "Carex paniculata" L.
* "Carex pairae"
* "Carex pauciflora" Lightf.
* "Carex paupercula" Michx.
* "Carex paridoxa"
* "Carex parviflora" Host.
* "Carex pendula" Hudson
* "Carex pensylvanica"
* "Carex pilulifera" L.
* "Carex polymorpha", Variable sedge
* "Carex praecox" Schreber
* "Carex pulicaris" L.
* "Carex pseudocyperus" L.
* "Carex pulicarus"
* "Carex punctata" Gaudin
* "Carex pyrenaica" Wahlenb.
* "Carex remota" L.
* "Carex riparia" Curtis
* "Carex rostrata" Stokes
* "Carex rupestris"
* "Carex scopulorum" Vill.
* "Carex sempervirens" Vill.
* "Carex serotina" Mérat
* "Carex serpenticola"
* "Carex siderosticha"
* "Carex simpliciascula"
* "Carex solandri"
* "Carex sparganioides"
* "Carex spicata" Hudson
* "Carex spissa"
* "Carex stricta" Tussock Sedge
* "Carex strigosa" Hudson
* "Carex sylvatica" Hudson
* "Carex teretiuscula"
* "Carex umbrosa" Host
* "Carex vesicaria" L.
* "Carex vulpina" L.
* "Carex wahuensis"

External links

* "Carex" images on [ MorphBank] , a biological image database
* ["Carex" interactive identification key]


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