List of compositions by Tōru Takemitsu

List of compositions by Tōru Takemitsu

This is a partial list of the compositions of Tōru Takemitsu.


*"Requiem" (弦楽のためのレクイエム), for strings (1957)
*"Solitude Sonore" (ソリチュード・ソノール) (1958)
*"Tableau Noir" (黒い絵画) (1958)
*"Scene" (シーン) (1959)
*"Music of Trees" (樹の曲) (1961)
*"Coral Island" (環礁) (1962)
*"Colona II " (コロナII), for strings (1962)
*"Textures" (テクスチュアズ) (1964)
*"The Dorian Horizon" (地平線のドーリア) (1964)
*"Arc part.1, part.2" () (part.1 1963-1976, part.2 1964-1976)
*"Green" (グリーン) (1967)
*"November Steps" (ノヴェンバー・ステップス) (1967)
*"Asterism" (アステリズム) (1968)
*"Crossing" (クロッシング) (1969)
*"Eucalypts I" (ユーカリプス I) (1970)
*"Cassiopeia" (カシオペア) (1971)
*"Winter" () (1971)
*"Autumn" () (1973)
*"Gitimalya - Bouquet of Songs -" (ジティマルヤ) (1974)
*"In an Autumn Garden" (秋庭歌一具) (1973, 1979), written for a gagaku (traditional Japanese court music) orchestra
*"Quatrain" (カトレーン) (1975)
*"Marginalia" (マージナリア) (1976)
*"A Flock Descends Into the Pentagonal Garden" (鳥は星型の庭に降りる) (1977)
*"Far calls. coming, far!" (遠い呼び声の彼方へ!) (1980)
*"A Way a Lone II" (ア・ウェイ・ア・ローン II) (1981)
*"Toward the Sea II" (海へ II) (1981)
*"Dreamtime" (夢の時) (1981)
*"Rain coming" (雨ぞふる) (1982)
*"Star-Isle" (星・島) (1982)
*"To the Edge of Dream" (夢の縁へ) (1983)
*"Vers, l'arc-en-ciel, Palma" (虹へ向かってパルマ) (1984)
*"Orion and Pleiades" (オリオンとプレアデス) (1984)
*"Riverrun" (リヴァラン) (1984)
*"Dream/Window" (夢窓) (1985)
*"Gémeaux" (ジェモー) (1971-1986)
*"I hear the Water dreaming" (ウォーター・ドリーミング) (1987)
*"Nostalghia - In Memory of Andrej Tarkovskij -" (ノスタルジア -アンドレイ・タルコフスキーの追憶に-) (1987)
*"Twill by Twilight - In Memory of Morton Feldman -" (トゥウィル・バイ・トワイライト -モートン・フェルドマンの追憶に-) (1988)
*"Tree Line" (トゥリー・ライン) (1988)
*"A String around Autumn" (ア・ストリング・アラウンド・オータム) (1989)
*"Visions I.Mystére II.Les yeux clos" (ヴィジョンズ I.神秘 II.閉じた眼) (1990)
*"My way of Life - In Memory of Michael Vyner -" (マイ・ウェイ・オブ・ライフ -マイケル・ヴァイナーの追憶に-) (1990)
*"From me flows what you call Time" (フロム・ミー・フロウズ・ワット・ユー・コール・タイム) (1990)
*"Fantasma/Cantos" (ファンタズマ/カントス) (1991)
*"Quotation the Dream - Say Sea, take me -" (夢の引用 - Say Sea, take me -) (1991)
*"How slow the wind" (ハウ・スロー・ザ・ウィンド) (1991)
*"Ceremonial - An Autumn Ode -" (セレモニアル - An Autumn Ode -) (1992)
*"Family Tree - Musical Verses for Young People -" (系図 -若い人たちのための音楽詩-) (1992)
*"Archipelagos S." (群島S.) (1993)
*"Fantasma/Cantos II" (ファンタズマ/カントス II) (1994)
*"Spirit Garden" (精霊の庭) (1994)
*"Spectral Canticle" (スペクトラル・カンティクル) (1995)
*"Three Film Scores "José Torres" "The Face of Another" "Black Rain" (三つの映画音楽 ホゼー・トレス』『他人の顔』『黒い雨』) (1994, 1995)

Film music

*"Ginrin" (銀輪) (1955)
*"Crazed Fruit/Juvenile Passions" (狂った果実) (1956)
*"Red and Green/Midnight visitor" (朱と緑) (1956)
*"The Rainy season" (つゆのあとさき) (1956)
*"Cloudburst" (土砂降り) (1957)
*"The country boss" (噛みつかれた顔役) (1958)
*"José Torres" (ホゼー・トレス) (1959)
*"Waiting for Spring" (春を待つ人々) (1959)
*"Dangerous trip/Vagabond Lovers" (危険旅行) (1959)
*"Joking/Love Letters" (いたづら) (1959)
*"Dry Lake/Youth in Fury" (乾いた湖) (1960)
*"The Shrikes" (もず) (1961)
*"Bad Boys" (不良少年) (1961)
*"Atami Blues" (熱海ブルース) (1962)
*"Harakiri" (切腹) (1962)
*"Tears in the Lion's Mane" (涙を獅子のたてがみに) (1962)
*"The Body" (裸体) (1962)
*"Twin Sisters in Kyoto" (古都) (1963)
*"Alone on the Pacific" (太平洋ひとりぼっち) (1963)
*"She and He" (彼女と彼) (1963)
*"White and Black" (白と黒) (1963)
*"Woman in the Dunes", dir. Hiroshi Teshigahara (砂の女) (1964)
*"Kwaidan", dir. Masaki Kobayashi (怪談) (1964)
*"21-year-old Father/Our Happiness Alone" (二十一歳の父) (1964)
*"Nippon Escape" (日本脱出) (1964)
*"The Female Body" (女体) (1964)
*"Last Judgement" (最後の審判) (1965)
*"Extraordinary Sasuke Sarutobi/Samurai Spy" (異聞猿飛佐助) (1965)
*"Double Suicide" (心中天網島) (1969)
*"Dodesukaden" (どですかでん) (1970)
*"The Ceremony" (儀式) (1971)
*"Empire of Passion", dir. Nagisa Oshima (愛の亡霊) (1978)
*"Tokyo Trial/Tokyo Verdict" (東京裁判) (1983)
*"Ran", dir. Akira Kurosawa ()(1985)
*"A Boy named HIROSHIMA" (ヒロシマという名の少年) (1987)
*"Black Rain", dir. Shohei Imamura (黒い雨) (1989)
*"Rising Sun", dir. Philip Kaufman (ライジング・サン) (1993)
*"Sharaku", dir. Masahiro Shinoda (写楽) (1995)


*"Distance de Fée" (妖精の距離) (1951, 1989), for violin and piano
*"Concerto de Chambre" (室内協奏曲) (1955), for 13 instruments
*"Le Son Calligraphié" (ソン・カリグラフィ) (1958, 1960), for Strings
*"Landscape" (ランドスケープ) (1960), for strings quartet
*"Ring" (リング) (1961), for flute, guitar and lute
*"Sacrifice" (サクリファイス) (1962), for flute, lute and vibraphone
*"Hika" (悲歌) (1966), for violin and piano
*"Eclipse" (エクリプス<>) (1966), for shakuhachi and biwa
*"Stanza I" (スタンザ I) (1969), for female voice, guitar, vibraphone, harpsichord, piano and harp
*"Valeria" (ヴァレリア) (1965, 1969), for violin, cello, guitar, piccolo and Hammond Organ
*"Eucalypts II" (ユーカリプスII) (1971), for oboe, flute and harp
*"Distance" (ディスタンス) (1972), for oboe and Sho ad lib.
*"Garden Rain" (ガーデン・レイン) (1974), for Brass Ensemble
*"Bryce" (ブライス) (1976), for flute, harp and percussion
*"Waves" (ウェイブス<>) (1976), for clarinet, horn, trombone and bass drum
*"Quatrain II" (カトレーンII) (1977), for piano, clarinet, violin and cello
*"Waterways" (ウォーターウェイズ) (1978), for harp and vibraphone
*"A Way A Lone" (ア・ウェイ・ア・ローン) (1980), for Strings quartet
*"Toward the Sea" (海へ) (1981), for flute and guitar (another version for flute and harp)
*"Rain Spell" (雨の呪文) (1982), for flute, clarinet, harp, piano and vibraphone
*"From far beyond Chrysanthemums and November Fog" (十一月の霧と菊の彼方から) (1983), for violin and piano
*"Rocking Mirror Daybreak" (揺れる鏡の夜明け) (1983), for two violins
*"Orion" (オリオン) (1984), for cello and piano
*"Entre-temps" (アントゥル・タン) (1986), for oboe and strings quartet
*"Signals from Heaven - Two Antiphonal Fanfares -" (シグナルズ・フロム・ヘヴン - Two Antiphonal Fanfares -) (1987), for two horns, piccolo trumpet, four trumpets (also two cornets), four trombones and tuba
*"Toward the Sea III" (海へ III) (1988), for alto flute and harp
*"And then I knew 'twas Wind" (そしてそれが風であることを知った) (1992), for flute, viola and harp
*"Between tides" (ビトゥイーン・タイズ) (1993), for violin, cello and piano
*"A Bird came down the Walk" (鳥が道に降りてきた) (1994), for viola and piano
*"Le Fils des Étoiles - Prélude du 1er Acte 'La Vocation' -" (星たちの息子 -第一幕への前奏曲天職』-) (1975), for flute and harp
*"Herbstlied" (秋のうた) (1993), for clarinet and strings quartet

Vocal and Chorus

*"Wind Horse" (風の馬) (1961-1966)
*"Songs" for mixed chorus (混声合唱のためのうた」) (1979-92)
*"Grass" (芝生) (1982)
*"Handmade Proverbs - Four Pop Songs" - (手作り諺 -四つのポップ・ソング-) (1987)
*"Sayonara" (さよなら) (1954)
*"In a Small Room" (小さな部屋で) (1955)
*"I just sing" (うたうだけ) (1958)
*"The Game of Love" (恋のかくれんぼ) (1961)
*"A Song of 's(circles) and 's(triangles)" (○と△の歌) (1961)
*"Small Sky" (小さな空) (1962)
*"La Neige" () (1963)
*"Unseen child" (見えないこども) (1963)
*"A Marvelous Kid" (素晴らしい悪女) (1963)
*"In the Month of March" (三月のうた) (1965)
*"All that the Man left behind when he died" (死んだ男の残したものは) (1965)
*"Waltz" (ワルツ) (1966)
*"The Encounter" (めぐり逢い) (1968)
*"Glowing Autumn" (燃える秋) (1978)
*"Wings" () (1982)
*"To the Island" (島へ) (1983)
*"Will tomorrow, I wonder, be cloudy or clear?" (明日ハ晴レカナ曇リカナ) (1985)
*"All Alone" (ぽつねん) (1995)
*"Yesterday's spot" (昨日のしみ) (1995)
*"MI・YO・TA" (MI・YO・TA) (1950s/1996)

Electronic/Tape music

*"Static Relief", magnetic tape (1955)
*"Vocalism A・I" (ヴォーカリズムA・I), magnetic tape (1956)
*"ki・sora・tori" (木・空・鳥), tape (1956)
*"Yūridisu [Eurydice] " (1956)
*"Sky, Horse and Death" (そして死) (1958)
*"Clap Vocalism" (19567)
*"Dialogue" (1957)
*"Quiet Design" (1960)
*"Mizu no kyoku" [Water Music] (水の曲) (1960)
*"Kwaidan" (1964)
*"Natsukashino San Francisco" [Longed-for San Francisco] (1964)
*"Cross Talk" (2 bandoneon and tape) (1968)
*"Years of Ears" [What is Music?] (1970)
*"Toward" (トゥワード) (1971)
*"Wavelength" (ウェイブレングス) (1984)
*"Mineaporisu no niwa" [A Minneapolis Garden] (ミネアポリスの庭) (1986)
*"Seijaku no umi" [The Sea is Still] (静寂の海) (1986)


*"Romance" (ロマンス) (1949)
*"Lento in due movimenti" (二つのレント) (1950)
*"Uninterrupted Rests" (遮られない休息) (1952, 1959)
*"Piano Distance" (ピアノ・ディスタンス) (1961)
*"Corona" (コロナ) (London Version) (1962)
*"For Away" (フォー・アウェイ) (1973)
*"Piano pieces for children" (こどものためのピアノ小品) (1978)
*"Les Yeux Clos" (閉じた眼) (1979)
*"Rain Tree Sketch" (雨の樹素描) (1982)
*"Les Yeux Clos II" (閉じた眼 II) (1988)
*"Litany - In Memory of Michael Vyner -" (リタニ -マイケル・ヴァイナーの追憶に-) (1989)
*"Rain Tree Sketch II" (雨の樹素描 II) (1992)
*"Golden Slummbers" (ゴールデン・スランバーズ) (1992)

Flute music

*"Masque" (マスク) (1959, 1960)
*"Voice" () (1971)
*"Itinerant - In Memory of Isamu Noguchi -" (巡り -イサム・ノグチの追憶に-) (1989)
*"Air" (エア) (1995)

Guitar music

*"Folios" (フォリオス) (1974)
*"12 Songs for Guitar" (ギターのための12のうた) (1974, 1977)
*"The Last Waltz" (ラスト・ワルツ) (1983)
*"A Boy Named HIROSHIMA" (ヒロシマという名の少年) (1987)
*"All in Twilight - Four pieces for guitar -" (オール・イン・トワイライト -ギターのための四つの小品-) (1987)
*"Bad Boy" (不良少年) (1961, 1992)
*"A Pieces for guitar - For the 60th birthday of Sylvano Bussotti -" (ギターのための小品 -シルヴァーノ・ブソッティの60歳の誕生日に-) (1991)
*"Equinox" (エキノクス) (1993)
*"In the Woods - Three pieces for guitar -" (森の中で -ギターのための三つの小品-) (1995)

Percussion music

*"Seasons" (四季) (1970)
*"Munari by Munari" (ムナーリ・バイ・ムナーリ) (1967-1971)
*"Rain Tree" (雨の樹) (1981)
*"Cross Hatch" (クロス・ハッチ) (1982)

Other Instrumental

*"Stanza II" (スタンザII) (1971), for harp and tape
*"Cross Talk" (クロス・トーク) (1968), for Bandoneon and tape
*"Voyage" () (1973), for 3 biwa
*"Rain Dreaming" (夢見る雨) (1986), for harpsichord
*"Paths - In Memoriam of Witold Lutosławski" ( -ヴィトルド・ルトスワフスキの追憶に-) (1994), for trumpet

External links

* [ Toru Takemitsu: Complete Works]
* [ Complete Takemitsu Edition] ja

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