- Landulfids
The Landulfids or Atenulfings were a noble family of Lombardic origin in the ninth through eleventh centuries. They were descended from
Landulf I of Capua , whose own ancestry is unknown and who died in 843. The dynasty produced a line of princes which ruled most ofsouthern Italy at one time or another and even one pope, Victor III.In 839, a civil war broke out in the
Principality of Benevento . Landulf of Capua supportedSiconulf in the war and when theEmperor Louis II forced a division of the principality on the claimants in 849, Capua was assigned to thePrincipality of Salerno . But Landulf's heirs aimed to make themselves independnet of any princely authority. By 860–861 this task was essentially complete and Capua was independent county.Genealogy
*Landulf I the Old (died 843), Gastald of Capua
**Lando I (died 860), Count of Capua
***Lando II (died 884), Count of Capua
**Pando the Rapacious (died 862), Count of Capua
***Pandenulf (died 882), Count of Capua
***Landenulf, Bishop of Capua
**Landulf II (died 879), Bishop and Count of Capua
**Landenulf, Count of Teano
***Lando III (died 885), Count of Capua
***Landenful I (died 887), Count of Capua
***Atenulf I the Great (died 910), Prince of Capua and Benevento
****Landulf III Antipater (died 943), Prince of Capua and Benevento
*****Atenulf III (died 943), Prince of Capua and Benevento
*****Landulf IV the Red (died 961), Prince of Capua and Benevento
******Pandulf I Ironhead (died 981), Prince of Capua, Benevento, and Salerno and Duke of Spoleto and Camerino
*******Landulf VI (died 982), Prince of Capua and Benevento
*******Pandulf II (died 982), Prince of Salerno
*******Landenulf II (died 993), Prince of Capua
*******Laidulf (died 999), Prince of Capua
*******Atenulf (died 982)
******John,Archbishop of Capua
******Landulf V (died 968), Prince of Capua and Benevento
*******Landulf VII di Sant'Agata (died 1007), Prince of Capua
********Pandulf II the Black (died 1022), Prince of Capua
*******Pandulf II the Old (died 1014), Prince of Capua and Benevento
********Pandulf IV the Wolf (died 1050), Prince of Capua
*********Pandulf VI Gualo (died 1057), Prince of Capua
**********Landulf VIII, Prince of Capua
**********Adelgrima, married Rainald, Count of the Marsi
*********Maria, marriedAtenulf I of Gaeta
********Landulf V (died 1033), Prince of Benevento
*********Pandulf III (died 1059), Prince of Benevento
**********Landulf VI (died 1077), Prince of Benevento
***********Pandulf IV (died 1073), Prince of Benevento
********Atenulf, Abbot of Montecassino
********Maria, marriedSergius III of Amalfi
********Gaitelgrima , marriedGuaimar III of Salerno
****Atenulf II (died 941), Prince of Capua and Benevento
*****Landulf, Count of Conza
******Guaimar, Count of the Marsi
******Indulf, Count of Sarni
******Landenulf (died 971), Count of Lauris
*****Gaitelgrima , marriedGuaimar II of Salerno ources
*Stasser, Thierry. [http://users.ox.ac.uk/~prosop/prosopon/Prosopon0103Stasser.pdf "Où sont les femmes? Prosopographie des femmes des familles princières et ducales en Italie méridionale depuis la chute du royaume lombard (774) jusqu’à l’installation des Normands (env. 1100)."] "Prosopon: The Journal of Prosopography", 2006.
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