Landenulf II of Capua — Landenulf II (died 993) succeeded his brother Landulf VI as Prince of Capua in 982 and ruled until his assassination. He was one of the younger sons of Pandulf Ironhead. Landenulf was young and ruled under the regency of his mother Aloara until… … Wikipedia
Landenulf — Landenulf, Fürsten von Capua: 1) L., Sohn Landenniss, regierte 885–86, s. Capua (Gesch.). 2) L., Sohn Pandulfs I., regierte 981–92, s. ebd … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Capŭa [1] — Capŭa, 1) Stadt am Volturno im District Caserte der neapolitanischen Provinz Terra di Lavoro, mit Befestigungswerken; Sitz eines Erzbischofs; die große Kathedrale, deren Kuppel auf 18 antiken Säulen verschiedener Größe ruht, hat Gemälde von… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Lando III of Capua — Lando III (died 885) was the count of Capua for two years and ten months from 882 to his death. He was a son of Landenulf, gastald of Teano, and grandson of Landulf I of Capua. In 879, when Landulf II died, Lando seized Calino and Caiazzo and… … Wikipedia
Fürst von Capua — Das Fürstentum Capua war ein langobardisches Herrschaftsgebiet, das unter den Normannen weiter Bestand hatte. Lombardische Fürsten von Capua Die Gastalden (oder Grafen) von Capua waren bis in die frühen 840er Jahre Vasallen der Herzöge von… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Fürstentum Capua — Das Fürstentum Capua war ein langobardisches Herrschaftsgebiet, das unter den Normannen weiter Bestand hatte. Lombardische Fürsten von Capua Die Gastalden (oder Grafen) von Capua waren bis in die frühen 840er Jahre Vasallen der … Deutsch Wikipedia
List of Princes of Capua — Contents 1 Lombard rulers of Capua 1.1 Gastalds and counts 1.2 Princes … Wikipedia
Pandenulf of Capua — Pandenulf was the Count of Capua, claiming that title from 862 and holding it successfully during the tumultuous civil war of 879 ndash; 882. He was the son and successor of Pando, but was removed on his father s death by his uncle the bishop,… … Wikipedia
Lando I of Capua — Lando I (died 861) was the count of Capua from 843. He was the eldest son and successor of Landulf the Old. Like his father, he supported Siconulf against Radelchis in the civil war dividing the Principality of Benevento in the 840s. It was Lando … Wikipedia
Pando of Capua — Pando the Rapacious ( it. Pandone il Rapace; died 862 or 863) was the second son of Landulf I of Capua and brother of Lando I. When his father died (843), Lando succeeded to the countship, but Pando and their younger brother Landulf were… … Wikipedia