Adhemar of Capua — Adhemar [Also Ademar, Ademaro, Ademario, Adelmario, or Adamaro.] was the duke of Spoleto from 998 and prince of Capua from 1000. Before his death, he lost both domains. He is not mentioned as duke of Spoleto after December 999.He was the son of… … Wikipedia
List of Princes of Capua — Contents 1 Lombard rulers of Capua 1.1 Gastalds and counts 1.2 Princes … Wikipedia
Fürst von Capua — Das Fürstentum Capua war ein langobardisches Herrschaftsgebiet, das unter den Normannen weiter Bestand hatte. Lombardische Fürsten von Capua Die Gastalden (oder Grafen) von Capua waren bis in die frühen 840er Jahre Vasallen der Herzöge von… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Fürstentum Capua — Das Fürstentum Capua war ein langobardisches Herrschaftsgebiet, das unter den Normannen weiter Bestand hatte. Lombardische Fürsten von Capua Die Gastalden (oder Grafen) von Capua waren bis in die frühen 840er Jahre Vasallen der … Deutsch Wikipedia
Landenulf II of Capua — Landenulf II (died 993) succeeded his brother Landulf VI as Prince of Capua in 982 and ruled until his assassination. He was one of the younger sons of Pandulf Ironhead. Landenulf was young and ruled under the regency of his mother Aloara until… … Wikipedia
List of monarchs who lost their thrones before the 13th century — This is a list of monarchs who lost their thrones before the 13th century. NOTOC =A=Abkhazia* Adarnase of Abkhazia, King of the Abkhazians between 880 and 887/888, deposed and executed by Bagrat I. * Bagrat I of Abkhazia King of the Abkhazians… … Wikipedia
Aloara — (died 992) of Capua, widow of Pandulf Ironhead, prince of Capua and Benevento, governed her states with great ability newgenbio|Aloara] . Her husband died at Capua in 981, leaving five sons by Aloara; Landulf IV, prince of Capua and Benevento;… … Wikipedia
Landulfids — The Landulfids or Atenulfings were a noble family of Lombardic origin in the ninth through eleventh centuries. They were descended from Landulf I of Capua, whose own ancestry is unknown and who died in 843. The dynasty produced a line of princes… … Wikipedia
Pandulf Ironhead — Pandulf I Ironhead [Also spelled Randulf , Bandulf , Pandulph , Pandolf , Pandolfo , Paldolf , or Paldolfo . His nickname is Testa di Ferro , Testaferrata , or Capodiferro in Italian and Capi(te)ferreus in Latin.] (died March 981) was the Prince… … Wikipedia
Guaimar IV of Salerno — Guaimar IV [Also Waimar , Gaimar , Guaimaro , Guaimario , Guaimarius , or Weimarius . According to a revised genealogy by Huguette Taviana Carozzi, he is sometimes numbered Guaimar V. Gravett, 132, calls him the Iron Hand. ] (c, 1013 ndash; ass.… … Wikipedia