Alternaria solani

Alternaria solani

name = "Alternaria solani"
regnum = Fungi
phylum = Ascomycota
classis = Dothideomycetes
subclassis = Pleosporomycetidae
ordo = Pleosporales
familia = Pleosporaceae
genus = "Alternaria"
species = "A. solani"
binomial = "Alternaria solani"
binomial_authority = Sorauer, (1896)
synonyms = "Alternaria allii" Nolla, (1927)
"Alternaria porri f.sp. solani" Neerg., (1945)
"Alternaria solani" (Ellis & G. Martin) L.R. Jones & Grout, (1896)
"Macrosporium solani" Ellis & G. Martin, (1882)

Alternaria solani is a fungal pathogen, producing a disease in tomato and potato plants called early blight. [ [ Early Blight of Potato and Tomato, HYG-3101-95 ] ]

It produces small, darkened lesions on the plants, that spread into growing black spots of dead tissue, often killing most of the plant in the long run [ [ Information on EARLY BLIGHT ] ] . Seeds infected with the disease may even damp off during germination.

This disease can be prevented with some fungicides, including azoxystrobin, potassium bicarbonate, hydrogen dioxide as well as the biological control agent Bacillus subtilis. [ [] . ]

Other preventative measures include ensuring the healthy circulation of air in garden rows, rotating crops so that solanaceous plants are only present every three years, and choosing resistant cultivars. [ [ Early Blight of Tomatoes ] ]

External links

* [ Index Fungorum]
* [ USDA ARS Fungal Database]
* [ Japanese Fungi on Plants: "Alternaria solani"]


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