- Alternaria
image_width = 280px
image_caption = "Alternaria" sp.
regnum =Fungi
phylum =Ascomycota
subdivisio =Pezizomycotina
classis =Dothideomycetes
ordo =Pleosporales
family =Pleosporaceae
genus = "Alternaria"
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = Many, see text"Alternaria" is a genus of ascomycete fungi. "Alternaria" species are known as major plant pathogens. They are also common
allergen s in humans, growing indoors and causinghay fever or hypersensitivity reactions that sometimes lead toasthma . They readily causeopportunistic infection s in immunocompromised people such asAIDS patients.There are 44 definite, well-known species, but there may be hundreds more. They are ubiquitous in the environment and are a natural part of fungal flora almost everywhere. They are normal agents of decay and
decomposition . Thespore s are airborne and found in the soil and water, as well as indoors and on objects. The club-shaped spores are single or form long chains. They can grow thick colonies which are usually black or gray.At least 20% of agricultural spoilage is caused by "Alternaria" species. Many human health disorders can be caused by these fungi, which grow on skin and
mucous membrane s, including on the eyeballs and within the respiratory tract. Allergies are common, but serious infections are rare, except in people with compromised immune systems. However, species of this fungal genus are often prolific producers of a variety of toxic compounds. The effects most of these compounds have on animal and plant health are not well known. The terms "alternariosis" and "alternariatoxicosis" are used for disorders in humans and animals caused by a fungus in this genus.Not all "Alternaria" species are pests and pathogens; some have shown promise as biocontrol agents against invasive plant species.
Selected species:
*"Alternaria alternata " - causes upper respiratory infections in AIDS patients, asthma in people with sensitivity, and has been implicated in chronic rhinosinusitis. Causes early blight of potato and can infest other plants.
*"Alternaria arborescens " - causes stem canker oftomato
*"Alternaria arbusti " - causes leaf lesions on Asian pear
*"Alternaria blumeae " - causes lesions on "Blumea aurita"
*"Alternaria brassicae " - infests many vegetables and roses
*"Alternaria brassicicola " - grows on cole crops
*"Alternaria carotiincultae " - causes leaf blight oncarrot
*"Alternaria conjuncta " - grows onparsnip
*"Alternaria dauci " - grows on carrot
*"Alternaria euphorbiicola " - infests cole crops
*"Alternaria gaisen " - causes ringspot disease of pear
*"Alternaria infectoria " - infestswheat
*"Alternaria japonica " - infests cole crops
*"Alternaria molesta " - may cause skin lesions onporpoise s
*"Alternaria panax " - causesginseng blight
*"Alternaria petroselini " - causesparsley leaf blight
*"Alternaria selini " - causes parsley crown decay
*"Alternaria solani " - causesearly blight in potatoes and tomatoes
*"Alternaria smyrnii " - infestsalexanders and parsleysExternal links
* [http://www.dehs.umn.edu/iaq_fib_fg_gloss_alternariasp.htm "Alternaria" as an indoor fungal allergen]
* [http://cals.arizona.edu/plp/alternaria/online/ Alternaria Online]
* [http://www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/PMG/r108100911.html IPM for "Alternaria" leafspot]
* [http://pollen.utulsa.edu/Spores/Alternaria.html Photo gallery]
* [http://www.mycology.adelaide.edu.au/Fungal_Descriptions/Hyphomycetes_(dematiaceous)/Alternaria/ Mycology Online page]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.