Organising Bureau of European School Student Unions

Organising Bureau of European School Student Unions
Full name Organising Bureau of European School Student Unions
Founded April, 1975
Country Europe
Affiliation European Youth Forum
Key people Viviana Galli, Secretary General
Office location Brussels, Belgium

The Organising Bureau of European School Student Unions (OBESSU) is a European platform for cooperation between the national school student unions active in general secondary and secondary vocational education in Europe. All member organisations are independent, national, representative and democratic school student organisations.

OBESSU is also a stakeholder formally recognized by the Council of Europe and the European Union. Furthermore, OBESSU aims to establish partnership and cooperation between all educational stakeholders. OBESSU itself is full member of EUCIS-LLL and the European Youth Forum (YFJ).



OBESSU was founded in April 1975 in Dublin, Ireland. Since then, OBESSU worked to network European school student unions. In recent years, OBESSU has tried to build up new school student union structures in the Balkans.

In April 2005, the 30th Anniversaire Celebrations of the foundation of OBESSU were celebrated in Dublin, Ireland and hosted by the Union of Secondary Students.

Currently OBESSU has 24 members and 3 observer organisations.


Obessu works in order to:

  • Represent the views of the school students in Europe towards the different educational institutions and platforms;
  • Uphold and improve the quality and accessibility of education and educational democracy in Europe;
  • Improve the conditions in the secondary schools in Europe to promote greater solidarity, cooperation and understanding among the school students;
  • Put an end of the discrimination and injustice where they exist within the educational systems in countries in Europe.


The OBESSU is structured with a General Assembly as the highest decision making body. The general assembly meets annually and decides about statutes, the political platform and the work program. At every second general assembly a new board is elected for a two year term. the board consists of 5 or seven members. Between each general assembly a council of members (COMEM) is held, which is the second highest decision-making body. The board is the highest decision-making body between the general assembly and the COMEMs. The board and the secretary general coordinate the daily work. OBESSU has a European secretariat based in Brussels. Currently, Viviana Galli has the position of secretary general.

Main Activities

OBESSU organises approximately 5 conferences per year all dealing with education-related topics. OBESSU also works to promote the 17th of November as the international day of students.

See also

External links


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