

Aigai (or Aegae) (Greek:Αἰγαί, place of goats, see Aegis) is the name of various cities of antiquity;

*Aegae, first capital of ancient Macedon, see Vergina, Greece.
*Aegae, city of the Aeolian dodecapolis, see Aigai (Aeolian), which lies almost at the mid-point between the cities of İzmir, Manisa, Bergama and Aliağa.
*Aegae, city in Achaea, Aigio or Argolis or Euboea (Nonn.13.164; Strab.8.7.4)
*Aegae, city in Cilicia
*Aege in Pallene, Chalcidice


* [*.html#p219 Strabo's Geography — Book VIII Chapter 7]
* [ Dictionary - Geographical of Greece by Parada]
* [ Perseus Lookup Tool]
* [ Book search]

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