- Joy Padgett
Joy Padgett (born
1947 ,Coshocton, Ohio ) is a Republican member of theOhio Senate , representing the 20th district. In 2006, dogged by personal scandals, she ran unsuccessfully forLieutenant Governor of Ohio and for Congress in ushr|Ohio|18. Her run for Congress was the result of the decision ofBob Ney to bow out of the race and plead guilty to corruption charges.Political career
Padgett was first appointed to the Ohio Senate in January 2004 and first elected that following November. She has represented the 20th District since then. Prior to her election, she was the Director of the Office of Appalachia in Governor
Bob Taft 's administration. Before that, she served from 1993 to 1999 in the Ohio House of Representatives and, prior to that, had been a school teacher.In her
2004 bid for her first full term in theOhio Senate , Padgett was challenged by Democrat Terry Anderson ofAthens, Ohio , who in the 1980s had been held hostage by Islamic radicals inLebanon . During her race against Anderson, Padgett accused him of being a member of the "Blame America crowd." Campaign fliers showed a photograph of Anderson in a meeting with a leader ofHezbollah . In response, Anderson said, "He and his brothers were the ones who kidnapped me, chained me, blindfolded me and beat me. My political opponent uses a picture of that interview to try to win an election." [cite news |last=Simonich |first=Milan
title=Ex-hostage takes heat from GOP foe
date=October 30, 2004
work=Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
accessdate=2007-03-08]The match-up was the only seriously contested Ohio Senate race in 2004. Padgett won re-election with 54 percent of the vote.
Loans, bankruptcies, and transfers
Padgett and her husband Donald were owners of the Main Office Supply Co. Her husband ran the business for three decades; she was the company's treasurer. The Coshocton business began experiencing financial troubles in 1999; it went from 40 employees to about eight when it closed in 2006. [cite news
last = Szakonyi
first = Mark
title = Padgett filed bankruptcy after creditor seized firm
work =
pages = A3
language =
publisher = The Advocate (Newark, OH)
date = 2006-08-18
url = http://www.newarkadvocate.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060819/NEWS01/608190312/1002/rss01
accessdate = ]In August 2004, the
Small Business Administration gave the business a $737,000 loan guarantee on a loan from the JP Morgan Chase Bank. On the same day, the Padgetts renegotiated a three-year-old loan for $100,000 from the Home Loan Savings Bank in Coshocton. In October 2005, the Padgetts filed for bankruptcy for their business and defaulted on the two loans. The bankruptcy filing was subsequently tossed out by a federal judge when the Padgetts violated a court order.cite news
last=Kostyu |first=Paul E.
title=Padgett’s financial woes: Documents regarding bankruptcies kept hidden
work=The New Philadelphia Times-Reporter
date=October 29, 2006
accessdate=2007-03-08]On June 15, 2006, the Padgetts filed for personal bankruptcy, listing $1.16 million in debts against $202,143 in assets. Joy Padgett said most of the debt came from Main Office Supply Co. [cite news
last = Koff
first = Stephen
title = Ney's withdrawal fails to stop controversies in 18th District race
work =
pages = A12
language =
publisher = The Plain Dealer
date = 2006-08-19
url = http://www.cleveland.com/news/plaindealer/index.ssf?/base/news/1155976835263150.xml&coll=2
accessdate = ] As of September 8, the Padgetts owed at least $20,000 on the local loan, and more than $720,000 on the federally guaranteed loan.Complicating the matter is the transfer of a third interest in a family farm by Joy Padgett to her two brothers at no cost just prior to declaring bankruptcy, and the sale of a customer list to North Canton-based Graphic Enterprises, Inc. Under Ohio law it is illegal for those owing money to transfer assets if they receive no money for the property and knew or should have known their debts exceeded their assets. JP Morgan says in court documents that the customer list belongs to it as part of the collateral for the SBA loan. The bank sued Graphic Enterprises for $129,250, and now that company wants permission from the bankruptcy court to sue the Padgetts for fraud.
2006 campaign
Candidate for Lieutenant Governor
Early in 2005, Padgett joined Ohio Attorney General
Jim Petro 's campaign for Governor as a Regional Chair and worked on his behalf while he and Lt. Governor candidate Phil Heimlich campaigned. In January 2006, following Heimlich's decision to leave the ticket in order to run for re-election as a Hamilton County Commissioner, Petro named Padgett his running mate as candidate for Lt. Governor.The primary election was held on May 2, 2006. Ohio Secretary of State
Ken Blackwell and State Representative Tom Raga were victorious over the Petro/Padgett team.Republican candidate for Congress
On August 7, 2006,
Bob Ney announced he was withdrawing his candidacy in the 2006 election. Padgett announced that Ney andHouse Majority Leader John Boehner , who represents another district in Ohio, had asked her to run in his place. [cite news
last = Stout
first = David
title = Ohio Congressman Will Not Seek Re-election
publisher = New York Times
date = 2007-08-07
url = http://www.nytimes.com/2006/08/07/washington/07cnd-ney.html?_r=1&hp&ex=1155009600&en=130b7f0d94f6e099&ei=5094&partner=homepage&oref=slogin
accessdate = 2007-12-29 ]On August 10,
Ohio Attorney General Jim Petro ruled that the "sore loser" provision in Ohio law (ORC 3513.04, which says that "No person who seeks party nomination for an office or position at a primary election by declaration of candidacy or by declaration of intent to be a write-in candidate ... shall be permitted to become a candidate by nominating petition or by declaration of intent to be a write-in candidate at the following general election") [cite web
title = Ohio Revised Code, section 3513.04
url = http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/3513.04
accessdate = 2007-12-30 ] did not apply to Padgett running for Ney's seat because it is for a different office.cite news
last = Siegel
first = Jim
title = Petro OKs 2 avenues for Padgett candidacy
publisher = The Columbus Dispatch
date = 2006-08-11
url = http://www.columbusdispatch.com/?story=dispatch/2006/08/11/20060811-E1-04.html
accessdate = ] Padgett was a losing candidate for Lieutenant Governor in the May 2006 primary (she was paired with Petro, who was running for Governor.)Some argued that Padgett was subject to another law -- a provision put into the state's budget bill in 2005 by Republicans. [cite news
last = Siegel
first = Jim
coauthors = Mark Niquette
title = GOP talks up Padgett run for Ney's seat
publisher = Columbus Dispatch
date = 2007-08-10
url = http://www.columbusdispatch.com/?story=dispatch/2006/08/10/20060810-A3-00.html
accessdate = 2007-12-30 ] That provision (ORC section 3513.052(B)) [cite web
title = Ohio Revised Code, section 3513.052(B)
url = http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/3513.052
accessdate = 2007-12-30 ] prevents someone from running for office "if that person, for the same election, has already filed a declaration of candidacy, a declaration of intent to be a write-in candidate, or a nominating petition, or has become a candidate through party nomination at a primary election or by the filling of a vacancy." [cite web
last = Tokaji
first = Dan
title = Is Joy Padgett a Sore Loser?
work = Equal Vote Blog
publisher = Ohio State University Moritz College of Law
date = 2006-08-08
url = http://moritzlaw.osu.edu/blogs/tokaji/2006/08/is-joy-padgett-sore-loser.html
accessdate = 2007-12-30 ] Petro's office was not asked for an opinion on that matter.The Ohio Democratic Party initially indicated that it would contest Padgett's eligibility by filing a lawsuit when she became a candidate. [cite news
title = Dems will oppose any Padgett run
work = Associated Press
publisher = Youngstown Vindicator (vindy.com)
date = 2006-08-12
url = http://www.vindy.com/content/local_regional/317710028707027.php
accessdate = 2007-12-30 ] However, on August 18, the party said that it would not, because Padgett faces six opponents in the special primary and avoiding a lawsuit will save money for their fall campaign. But a brother to one of those six candidates filed a protest before the August 19 deadline. [cite news
last = Mizer
first = Joe
title = Protests lodged against Padgett, others
publisher = The Times Reporter (Dover-New Philadelphia)
date = 2006-08-20
url = http://www.timesreporter.com/printable.php?ID=57477
accessdate = 2007-12-30 ]The Tuscarawas County elections board heard the complaint on August 20 and voted 2-1 along party lines to reject it. One Democrat, Socrates Space, abstained from voting because of a conflict of interest; his son is the Democratic nominee in the same race. [cite news
title = GOP trio OK’d to run: Padgett, Applegate, Harris to be on September ballot
publisher = The Times Reporter (Dover-New Philadelphia)
date = 2006-08-21
url = http://www.timesreporter.com/printable.php?ID=57517
accessdate = ]Padgett originally faced seven Republican opponents [cite web
last = McCarthy
first = John
title = 8 Vie to Replace Troubled Ohio Rep. Ney
work = Associated Press
publisher = Washington Post
date = 2006-08-18
url = http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/08/18/AR2006081800240.html
accessdate = 2007-12-30 ] in the special primary on September 14. But on August 22, Dover mayor Rick Homrighausen announced he would withdraw and endorsed Padgett. [cite news
last = Mizer
first = Joe
title = "Mayor drops out – Homrighausen supports Padgett’s campaign"
publisher = The Times Reporter (Dover-New Philadelphia)
date = 2006-08-23
url = http://www.timesreporter.com/printable.php?ID=57597
accessdate = 2007-12-30 ] Ney aide John Bennett also withdrew, and candidate Gregory Zelenitz was rejected by the Tuscarawas County Board of Elections. [cite news
last = Brown
first = Renee
title = "1 knocked off list to replace Ney on ballot"
publisher = The Times Reporter (Dover-New Philadelphia)
date = 2006-08-19
url = http://www.timesreporter.com/archive/printable.php?ID=57452
accessdate = 2007-12-30 ] Padgett overwhelmingly won the primary election with over 9,523 of the 14,065 votes cast. [cite web
title = 2006 special primary election results
publisher = Ohio Secretary of State
date = 2006-09-14
url = http://www.sos.state.oh.us/SOS/ElectionsVoter/results2006.aspx?Section=1821
accessdate = 2007-12-30]She faced
Zack Space , aDover, Ohio lawyer and hotel developer, in the November general election. Space had won the Democratic primary with 39 percent of the vote. Space easily defeatedt Padgett on November 6, 2006, 129,687 to 79,286. [cite web
title = 2006 general election results
publisher = Ohio Secretary of State
date = 2006-11-07
url = http://www.sos.state.oh.us/SOS/ElectionsVoter/results2006.aspx?Section=1849
accessdate = 2007-12-30]2008 plans
In September, 2007, Padgett announced that she would not run for another term in 2008. Soon after, State Rep. Jimmy Stewart, R-Albany, announced he would run for the 20th District Senate seat in 2008. [cite news
title = Padgett opts out of 2nd term; Stewart to try for open seat
work =
pages =
language =
publisher = The Post (Ohio University, Athens)
date = 2007-09-07
url = http://www.thepost.ohiou.edu/Articles/News/2007/09/07/21060/
accessdate = 2007-12-30 ] .References
External links
* [http://web.archive.org/web/20061023235454/www.joypadgettforcongress.com/home/ Campaign website] archived on
* [http://www.senate.state.oh.us/senators/bios/sd_20.html Ohio Senate website]
* [http://votesmart.org/bio.php?can_id=8244 Project Vote Smart - Senator Joy Padgett (OH)] profile
*"Follow the Money" - Joy Padgett (state reports)
** [http://www.followthemoney.org/database/SideCandidate.phtml?si=200635 2006] [http://www.followthemoney.org/database/StateGlance/candidate.phtml?si=200435&c=399717 2004] [http://www.followthemoney.org/database/StateGlance/candidate.phtml?si=200035&c=374458 2000] [http://www.followthemoney.org/database/StateGlance/candidate.phtml?si=199835&c=374009 1998] [http://www.followthemoney.org/database/StateGlance/candidate.phtml?si=199635&c=373657 1996]*Open Secrets - congressional campaign contributions
** [http://www.opensecrets.org/races/summary.asp?ID=OH18&Cycle=2006 2006]*Jonathan Riskind and Jim Siegel, [http://www.columbusdispatch.com/?story=dispatch/2006/08/09/20060809-B1-01.html "Democrats like Ney’s pick: Ties to beleaguered congressman box in Padgett, some observers say"] , "Columbus Dispatch", August 9, 2006
*Paul Kiel, [http://www.tpmmuckraker.com/archives/001308.php "Ney Successor on Course for Legal Showdown"] , TPMMuckracker, August 9, 2006,
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