Lady Master Nada

Lady Master Nada

Nada is the "Chohan of the Sixth Ray" according to the Ascended Master Teachings (see Seven Rays), and is the Ascended Lady Master governing humanity's development of the Divine Qualities of Ministration, Service, and Peace. The colors of her Ray are purple and gold, with ruby. Luk, A.D.K.. "Law of Life - Book II". Pueblo, Colorado: A.D.K. Luk Publications 1989, Listing of Ascended Masters by The I AM Activity and The Bridge to Freedom]

She is considered a Member of the Karmic Board. She is believed to have succeeded the previous Chohan, Master Jesus, on December 31, 1959, when she fully took on the Office of Chohan of the Sixth Ray. [Booth, Annice "The Masters and Their Retreats " Summit Lighthouse Library June 2003, Listing of Ascended Masters by The I AM Activity, The Bridge to Freedom, and The Summit Lighthouse] She primarily serves at "Arabian Retreat" in the Arabian Peninsula, northeast of the Red Sea. [Shearer, Monroe & Carolyn "I AM Adorations, Affirmations & Rhythmic Decrees" Acropolis Sophia Books and Works 1998, Listing of Ascended Masters by The I AM Activity, The Bridge to Freedom, The Summit Lighthouse, and The Temple of The Presence] Nada serves there with the Brothers and Sisters of the Indigo Cape, as well as with Jesus, his Mother Mary and El Samyam, the Chief of the Arabian Council. [King, Godfre Ray. "The Magic Presence". Saint Germain Press 1935. Chapter 10] [] She also serves at "The Rose Temple", located above New Bedford, Massachusetts. Designed after the pattern of a rose, with each "petal" being a room, this Retreat is the etheric counterpart of the "Temple of Love" on Atlantis where Nada once served as a priestess. [Schroeder, Werner "Ascended Masters and Their Retreats" Ascended Master Teaching Foundation 2004, Listing of those who are believed to be Ascended Masters by The I AM Activity and The Bridge to Freedom] She was described as having Raised her body and Ascended approximately 2,776 years ago. [King, Godfre Ray. "The I AM Discourses". Saint Germain Press 1935. page 74]


ee also

* [ Images of the Lady Master Nada]
* [ Information about the Lady Master Nada from the Ascension Research Center]

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