List of state leaders in 1175

List of state leaders in 1175

1174 state leaders - Events of 1175 - 1176 state leaders - State leaders by year -----



*China (Jin Dynasty) - Shizong, Emperor of Jin China (1161-1189)
*China (Southern Song Dynasty) - Xiaozong, Emperor of Song China (1162-1189)
**Monarch - Emperor Takakura, emperor of Japan (1168-1180)
** Regent (Kampaku) - Fujiwara no Motofusa, Sessho (1166-1173); Kampaku (1173-1179)
** "de facto" - Taira no Kiyomori (1159-1181)
*Kara-Khitan Khanate (Western Liao) - Chengtianhou, Empress of Western Liao (1164-1178)
*Korea (Goryeo Dynasty) - Myeongjong, King of Goryeo (1170-1197)
*Western Xia - Renzong, Emperor of Western Xia (1139-1193)


*Aragon - Alfonso II, King of Aragon (1162-1196)
*Castile - Alfonso VIII, King of Castile (1158-1214)
*England - Henry II, King of England (1154-1189)
*France - Louis VII, King of France (1137-1180)
*Holy Roman Empire - Frederick I Barbarossa, Holy Roman Emperor (1155-1190)
**Holland - Floris III, Count of Holland (1157-1190)
*Hungary - Béla III, King of Hungary (1172-1196)
*Portugal - Afonso I, King of Portugal (1139-1185)
*Scotland - William I, King of Scotland (1165-1214)
*Sicily - William II King of Sicily (1166-1189)

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