- Arrian
:"For others with this name, see
Arrianus (disambiguation) ."Lucius Flavius Arrianus 'Xenophon' (ca. 86 - after 146), known in English as Arrian ("Ἀρριανός"), and Arrian ofNicomedia , was aRoman historian (of Greek ethnicity), a public servant, a military commander and aphilosopher of the Roman period. As with other authors of theSecond Sophistic , Arrian wrote primarily in Attic. His works preserve the philosophy ofEpictetus , and include the "Anabasis of Alexander", an important account ofAlexander the Great , as well as the "Indica" a description ofNearchus ' voyage fromIndia following Alexander's conquest, and other short works. He is not to be confused with theAthenian military leader and author,Xenophon from the 4th century BC, whose best-known work was also titled "Anabasis". Arrian is generally considered one of the best sources on the campaigns of Alexander as well as one of the founders of a primarily military-based focus on history.Arrian's life
Arrian was born in the coastal town of
Nicomedia (present-dayIzmit ), the capital of the Roman province ofBithynia , in what is now north-westernTurkey , about 70 km fromByzantium (laterConstantinople , nowIstanbul ). He studied philosophy inNicopolis in Epirus, under theStoic philosopherEpictetus , and wrote two books about the philosopher's teachings. At the same time he entered the Imperial service, and served as a junior adviser on the "consilium" of Gaius Avidius Nigrinus, governor of Achaea and a close friend of the future EmperorHadrian , around 111-114. Very little is known about his subsequent career - though it is probable that he served inGaul and on theDanube frontier, and possible that he was inBaetica andParthia - until he held the office ofConsul in 129 or 130. In 131 he was appointed governor of theBlack Sea province ofCappadocia and commander of the Roman legions on the frontier withArmenia . It was unusual at this time for a Greek to hold such high military command.In 135, he repelled an Alan invasion by successfully organizing the legions and auxiliary troops at his disposal, among which legions XII "Fulminata" and XV "Apollinaris". He deployed the legionaries in depth supported by javelin throwers, archers, and horse archers in the rear ranks and defeated the assault of the Alan cavalry using these
combined arms tactics. During this period Arrian wrote several works on military tactics, including "Ektaxis kata Alanōn", which detailed the battle against the Alans, and the "Technē Taktikē". He also wrote a short account of a tour of inspection of the Black Sea coast in the traditional 'periplus ' form (in Greek) addressed to the Emperor Hadrian, the "Periplus Ponti Euxini " or "Circumnavigation of the Black Sea".Arrian left Cappadocia shortly before the death of his patron Hadrian, in 138, and there is no evidence for any further public appointments until 145/6 when he was elected
Archon atAthens , once the city's leading political post but by this time an honorary one. It was here that he devoted himself to history, writing his most important work, the "Anabasis Alexandri " or "The Campaigns of Alexander". He also wrote the "Indica", an account of the voyage by Alexander's fleet fromIndia to thePersian Gulf underNearchus . He also wrote a political history of the Greek world after Alexander, most of which is lost. It is not known when Arrian died.Arrian's work
Arrian is an important historian because his work on Alexander is the widest read, and arguably the most complete, account of the Macedonian conqueror. Arrian was able to use sources which are now mostly lost, such as the contemporary works by
Callisthenes (the nephew of Alexander's tutorAristotle ),Onesicritus ,Nearchus and Aristobulus. Most important of all, Arrian had the biography of Alexander by Ptolemy, one of Alexander's leading generals and allegedly his half-brother.Arrian had this to say about his work on Alexander:
"This I claim; and never mind who I am; never mind my name although it is not unknown among men; never mind my country, or my family, or any rank I have held among compatriots. I would rather say: for me, this book of mine is country, kindred and career, and it has been so since my boyhood."Fact|date=December 2007
Arrian's work is to a considerable extent a reworking of Ptolemy, with material from other writers, particularly Aristobulus, brought in where Arrian thought them useful. Ptolemy was a general, and Arrian relied on him most for details of Alexander's battles, on which Ptolemy was certainly well informed. Details of geography and natural history were taken from Aristobulus, although Arrian himself had a wide knowledge of
Anatolia and other eastern regions.Today more interest focuses on Alexander as a man and as a political leader, and here Arrian's sources are less clear and his reliability more questionable. Probably it was not possible for Arrian to recover an accurate picture of Alexander's personality 400 years after his death, when most of his sources were partisan in one way or another. Aristobulus, for example, was known as "kolax" (κόλαξ), the flatterer, while other sources were hostile or had political agendas.
Arrian was in any case primarily a military historian, and here he followed his great model (from whom he earned his nickname), the terse and narrowly-focused soldier-historian
Xenophon . He has little to say about Alexander's personal life, his role in Greek politics or the reasons why the campaign against Persia was launched in the first place. More than 1800 years later, Mary Renault, an admirer of both Alexander and Arrian, wrote an acclaimed biography of Alexander, "The Nature of Alexander," drawing heavily on Arrian's work, as well as the few other sources which are still extant. Renault's work focuses on Alexander's character, motivations, strengths and weaknesses. With its similar title and prominent mention of Arrian in the preface, it may have been intended as a sequel to Arrian's "The Campaigns of Alexander," or simply to fill in the gaps in his account.Nevertheless, Arrian's work gives a reasonably full account of Alexander's life during the campaign, and in his personal assessment of Alexander he steers a judicious course between flattery and condemnation. He concedes Alexander's emotionality, vanity, and weakness for drink, but acquits him of the grosser crimes some writers accused him of. But he does not discuss Alexander's wider political views or other aspects of his life that the modern reader would like to know more about.
Arrian in his daily life would have spoken the "
koine ", or "common Greek" of theHellenistic and Roman periods. But as a writer he felt obliged to follow the prevailing view that serious works must be composed in "good Greek," which meant imitating as closely as possible the grammar and literary style of the Athenian writers of the 5th century BC. In Arrian's case this meant following the Attic style ofXenophon andThucydides . This is somewhat the equivalent of a modern historian trying to write in the English of Shakespeare (although it is unheard of for a modern academic to write in Elizabethan English whereas harking back to the language of the Classical past was rather common practice amongst Arrian's contemporaries). His account ofIndia , the "Indica", was written in an equally wooden imitation of the language ofHerodotus .The result is a work which was inevitably stilted and artificial, although Arrian handled the strain of writing 500-year-old Greek better than some of his contemporaries. Xenophon was a good model of clear and unpretentious prose, which Arrian was wise to follow. He considered his
Cynegeticus , "(On Hunting), as an addition to the work of the same name by Xenophon. Modern historians may regret that so many of the earlier works on Alexander have been lost, but they are grateful to Arrian for preserving so much.Other surviving classical histories of Alexander
* The Roman historian
Quintus Curtius Rufus wrote "Historiae Alexandri Magni." a biography of Alexander the Great inLatin in ten books of which the last eight survive.
* The Greek historianDiodorus Siculus wrote "Library of world history" in forty books; of these book seventeen covers the conquests of Alexander.
* The Greek historian/biographerPlutarch ofChaeronea wrote the "On the Fortune or the Virtue of Alexander the Great" and a "Alexander".
* The Roman historian Justin wrote an epitome of the "Historiae Philippicae" written byGnaeus Pompeius Trogus , in 44 books. Of these books 12 and 13 cover Alexander.Further reading
*Arrian, "The Campaigns of Alexander", translated by Aubrey de Sélincourt, Penguin Classics, 1958 and numerous subsequent editions.
*Phillips, A.A., and M.M. Willcock, (eds.). "Xenophon & Arrian On Hunting with Hounds". "Cynegeticus". Oxford: Aris & Phillips, 1999. ISBN 0856687065.
*P. A. Stadter, "Arrian of Nicomedia", Chapel Hill, 1980.
*R. Syme, 'The Career of Arrian', "Harvard Studies in Classical Philology" vol.86 (1982), pp.171-211.
*E. L. Wheeler, "Flavius Arrianus: a political and military biography", Duke University, 1977.External links
* [http://www.livius.org Livius] , [http://www.livius.org/arl-arz/arrian/arrian.html Arrian of Nicomedia] by Jona Lendering
Texts online
*Arrian, [http://websfor.org/alexander/arrian/intro.asp Anabasis Alexandri] , translated by E.J. Chinnock (1893)
*Arrian, Anabasis Alexandri, [http://www.soa.org.uk/public/downloads/pdf/A%20Ridge%20Too%20Far.pdf#search=%22%22later%20achaemenid%22%20arsames%22 (section 1.13-16) (pdf, pp. 18-19)] ,Battle of Granicus , from theLoeb edition.
* Arrian, Anabasis Alexandri, [http://www.livius.org/aj-al/alexander/alexander_t54.html (section 4.18.4-19.6)] ,Sogdian Rock , translated by Aubrey de Sélincourt
*Arrian, [http://www.isidore-of-seville.com/library-arrian/events-1.htm Events after Alexander] (from Photius' "Bibliotheca") translated by John Rooke, edited by Tim Spalding
*Arrian, [http://www.und.ac.za/und/classics/india/arrian.htm The Indica] translated by E. Iliff Robson.
*Arrian, [http://members.tripod.com/~S_van_Dorst/Ancient_Warfare/Rome/Sources/ektaxis.html Array against the Alans] translated by Sander van Dorst, with the Greek (transliterated) and copious notes.
* Photius' [http://www.livius.org/arl-arz/arrian/anabasis.html excerpt] of Arrian's "Anabasis", translated by J.S. Freese
* Photius' [http://www.livius.org/arl-arz/arrian/bithynica.html excerpt] of Arrian's "Bithynica", translated by J.S. Freese
* Photius' [http://www.livius.org/arl-arz/arrian/parthica.html excerpt] of Arrian's "Parthica", translated by J.S. Freese
* Photius' [http://www.livius.org/arl-arz/arrian/metalex.html excerpt] of Arrian's "Events after Alexander", translated by J.S. Freese
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