- Cichlasoma
Cichlasoma Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Actinopterygii Order: Perciformes Family: Cichlidae Subfamily: Cichlasomatinae Genus: Cichlasoma
Swainson, 1839Cichlasoma is a genus of fish in the cichlid family. The genus was previously very large, including cichlids from Texas, North America, through all of Central America to parts of South America.
Reclassification and subsequent splitting of the genus by Sven O. Kullander and other ichthyologists has resulted in many of the former species from the genus Cichlasoma[1][2] now being placed within separate genera such as Amphilophus, Archocentrus, Herichthys, Heros, Nandopsis, Parachromis, Thorichthys, Vieja and a number of others.
The genus Cichlasoma now consists of a few fish found in South America.
Species currently assigned to Cichlasoma senso stricta include
- Cichlasoma amazonarum
- Cichlasoma araguaiense
- Cichlasoma bimaculatum
- Cichlasoma dimerus
- Cichlasoma orientale
- Cichlasoma orinocense
- Cichlasoma paranaense
- Cichlasoma portalegrense
- Cichlasoma pusillum
- Cichlasoma santifranciscense
- Cichlasoma taenia
- Cichlasoma tembe
Species previously designated as Cichlasoma now frequently annotated as "Cichlasoma" awaiting relocation to other genera
- Cichlasoma festae, Red terror
- Cichlasoma salvini
- Cichlasoma trimaculatum
- Cichlasoma urophthalmus, Mayan cichlid
External links
- Guide to the South American Cichlidae by Dr. Sven Kullander
- ^ "Scientific Names where Genus Equals Cichlasoma". FishBase. 2008-03-08. http://www.fishbase.se/NomenClature/ScientificNameSearchList.php?crit1_fieldname=SYNONYMS.SynGenus&crit1_fieldtype=CHAR&crit1_operator=EQUAL&crit1_value=Cichlasoma&crit2_fieldname=SYNONYMS.SynSpecies&crit2_fieldtype=CHAR&crit2_operator=contains&crit2_value=&group=summary. Retrieved 2009-08-220. A total of 199 taxa, including subspecies and synonyms.
- ^ "Scientific Names where Genus Equals Cichlasoma". FishBase. 2008-03-08. http://www.fishbase.se/NomenClature/ValidNameList.cfm?criteria=SYNONYMS.SynGenus+%3D+%27Cichlasoma%27++AND+SYNONYMS.SynSpecies+like+%27%25%25%27+&vtitle=Scientific+Names+where+Genus+Equals+%3Ci%3ECichlasoma%3C%2Fi%3E. Retrieved 2009-08-220. A total of 38 taxa, excluding subspecies and synonyms.
- "Cichlasoma". Integrated Taxonomic Information System. http://www.itis.gov/servlet/SingleRpt/SingleRpt?search_topic=TSN&search_value=169774. Retrieved 6 June 2006.
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