- Mock Interview
A mock interview is sometimes a videotaped interview, and one of the very best ways to prepare for a real life employment interview. POV-statement|date=December 2007 It allows you to gain experience and practice in answering questions which you are likely to be asked by the recruiter. After the interview, you can watch the videotape to see yourself as others see you, and in academic career's offices you may be given constructive feedback regarding your interviewing style and how you responded to the questions.
Preparing for a mock interview
You need to make a checklist of requirements for the interview.
1. Have an updated copy of your CV – preferable the same as the one forwarded to the employer
2. When planning for the interview, see also you need to think (and remember…!!) what you have put on the application form. As part of your pre interview planning it might be an idea to take a copy of the application you submitted to the organization, so you can see what you have written. The purpose of a resume
3. Make sure you know the correct directions and venue – find a map if need be
4. Make a note of the person who is interviewing you
5. If you have a list of questions you are going to ask, ensure they are included with your information you are taking to the interview. Resume cover letter and why resume cover letter is important
Interview Preparation – What to Wear?
Make sure the outfit you have selected is clean and ironed ... see tips here about correct dress. Select clothes that you feel comfortable in – the clothes and manner in which you present yourself do reflect an aspect of your personality. Interview preparation includes your wardrobe!
Interview Preparation – Do you have the answers?
Have you thought about the impression you wish to convey during the interview?
Part of your interview preparation is to think about the qualities your prospective employer will be looking for – possibly…
In summary, someone who would be an asset to the organization. Think about how you can convey these qualities during your interview preparation, if you think they are qualities that you possess!
As part of your interview preparation, also prepare for behavioral questions. A behavioral question is one that asks the interviewee for an example of a specific time when a certain behavior or skill has been applied. The underlying philosophy is “past behavior predicts future behaviour” – so think of actual examples that support your skills and knowledge. Telephone interview
Interview Preparation – Who?
Important general questions to research during your interview preparation are;
1. What is the core business of this organization?
2. Who are their strategic clients?
3. Has there been any publicity around the organization lately that you should be aware of?
4. Is the organization involved in any form of social responsibility projects?
Interview Preparation – Questions About the Job
During your interview preparation, think about questions that might me important to your specific interests / skills/ requirements. For example
Is overtime required in the job?
What computer skills are required?
What interaction with customers – internal and external is required?
What workflow systems are in place?
Does the organization have a flexi-time policy?
What training is provided on the job?
And many more… remember – your interview preparation is just as important as the interview itself!
Examples of tough interview questions
What are your strengths?What are your weaknesses?Where do you see yourself in 5/10/20 years from now?What are your goals in life?Why should I hire you/ Why do you want to work for [our company] ?What do you do in your free time?What do you think about [some current event] ?Do you consider yourself a team worker or an individual worker?Tell me about a time when you were the leader of a project/demonstrated leadership.How familiar are you with Excel and Access?What languages can you program in?
ee also
Interview External links
* [http://www.umt.edu/career/interviewing/mock.html The Mock Interview]
* [http://web.mit.edu/career/www/services/mockinterview.html Mock Interviews] MIT Careers Office
* [http://www.collegegrad.com/videos/ Job Search Minute Videos] Collegegrad.com
* [http://www.careerjournal.com/jobhunting/interviewing/ Interviewing]
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