Piero Fassino

Piero Fassino

Infobox Prime Minister
honorific-prefix = Onorevole
name = Piero Fassino

order2 = Minister of Justice
term_start2 = April 25 2000
term_end2 = June 11 2001
primeminister2 = Giuliano Amato
predecessor2 = Oliviero Diliberto
successor2 = Roberto Castelli
predecessor = Augusto Fantozzi
successor = Enrico Letta
"as minister of industry, trade and crafts"
order = Italian Minister of Foreign trade
term_start = October 21 1998
term_end = April 25 2000
primeminister = Romano Prodi
birth_date = birth date and age|1949|10|7
birth_place = Avigliana, Italy
nationality = Italian
religion = Roman Catholic
alma_mater =
residence =
profession =
party = Partito Democratico
spouse = Anna Maria Serafini
children =

Pietro Franco "Piero" Fassino (born October 7, 1949) is an Italian politician, was the national secretary of the Democrats of the Left (DS).


Piero Fassino was born in Avigliana (province of Turin), in a traditional socialist family.

He graduated in Political Sciences and later registered with the Youth Communist Federation of Turin in 1968, becoming their secretary three years later.

In 1975 he was elected as Member of the City Council of the Piedmont regional capital, a position he remained in for ten years. From 1985 to 1990 he held a position as Provincial Councillor, also in Turin.

He was also secretary of the provincial Italian Communist Party (PCI) federation of Turin from 1983 to 1987, when he was elected as member of the National Secretary's Office of the party, first as the Secretary's Office Coordinator, then as Responsible of Organization, during the period where the party was transformed from the PCI into the PDS (Democratic Party of the Left).

From 1991 to 1996 he was International Secretary of the new party; his first election to the Chamber of Deputies (the first chamber of the Italian parliament) was in 1994. Re-elected in 1996, he was appointed in 1998 as Minister for Foreign Commerce in the government headed by Massimo D'Alema. From 2000, he was Minister of Justice in the Giuliano Amato government.

Candidate as vice-premier of the Olive Tree coalition in a ticket with former Rome Mayor Francesco Rutelli for the 2001 general elections in Italy won by the House of Freedoms rival coalition, he was still re-elected as a Member of Parliament.

In 2001, during the National Party Congress of the Democrats of the Left, he was elected as secretary (a position of leader in Italian political parties). He was then re-elected in February 2005, during the last party congress.

He is married with Anna Maria Serafini who was elected in Senate (the second chamber of the Italian parliament) in 2006.

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