
Decurrent leaves in Common Mullein (Verbascum thapsus)
The mushroom Clitopilus prunulus has strongly decurrent gills.

Decurrent is a term used in botany and mycology to describe plant or fungal parts that extend downward.

In botany, the term is most often applied to leaf blades that partly wrap or have wings around the stem or petiole and extend down along the stem. A "decurrent branching habit" is a plant form common for shrubs and most angiosperm trees, contrasted with the excurrent or "cone-shaped crown" common among many gymnosperms.[1] The decurrent habit is characterized by having weak apical dominance that eventually produces a rounded or spreading tree crown. Examples of trees with decurrent habit are most hardwood trees: oak, hickory, maple, etc.[2]

In mycology, the term is most often applied to the hymenophore of a basidiocarp (such as the lamellae or "gills" of a mushroom or the "pores" of a bracket fungus) when it is broadly attached to and extends down the stipe.[3]


  1. ^ Harris RW. (April 1980). "Structural Development of Trees". Journal of Arboriculture (International Society of Arboriculture) 6 (4): 105–107. 
  2. ^ Claud L. Brown, Robert G. McAlpine, Paul P. Kormanik, "Apical Dominance and Form in Woody Plants: A Reappraisal", American Journal of Botany, Vol. 54, No. 2 (Feb., 1967), pp. 153-162, doi:10.2307/2440793
  3. ^ Ammirati J, Trudell S. (2009). Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest: Timber Press Field Guide (Timber Press Field Guides). Portland, Oregon: Timber Press. p. 316. ISBN 0-88192-935-2. 

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  • décurrent — décurrent, ente [ dekyrɑ̃, ɑ̃t ] adj. • 1786; lat. decurrens « qui court le long de » ♦ Bot. Qui se prolonge au delà du point d insertion habituel. Champignon à lamelles décurrentes sur le pied (comme la girolle). Feuilles décurrentes. ●… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Decurrent — De*cur rent, a. [L. decurrens, entis, p. pr. of decurrere to run down; de + currere to run: cf. F. d[ e]current.] (Bot.) Extending downward; said of a leaf whose base extends downward and forms a wing along the stem. {De*cur rent*ly}, adv. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • décurrent — décurrent, ente (dé ku rran, ran t ) adj. Terme de botanique. Feuilles décurrentes, feuilles dont le limbe, se prolongeant le long de la tige, y adhère. ÉTYMOLOGIE    Lat. decurrere, courir le long, de de, et currere, courir …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • decurrent — [dē kʉr′ənt] adj. [L decurrens, prp. of decurrere < de , down + currere, to run: see CURRENT] Bot. extending down along the stem, as the base of some leaves …   English World dictionary

  • decurrent — adjective Etymology: Latin decurrent , decurrens, present participle of decurrere to run down, from de + currere to run more at car Date: circa 1753 running or extending downward along the stem < decurrent leaves > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • decurrent — decurrence, decurrency, n. decurrently, adv. /di kerr euhnt, kur /, adj. Bot. extending down the stem below the place of insertion, as certain leaves. [1745 55; < L decurrent (s. of decurrens) running down (prp. of decurrere, equiv. to de DE +… …   Universalium

  • decurrent — adjective de kurˈent a) Pertaining to plant parts that extend downward, most often applied to leaf blades that partly wrap or have wings around the stem or petiole and extend down along the stem. In this group of mushrooms, the attachment of the… …   Wiktionary

  • decurrent — [dɪ kʌr(ə)nt] adjective Botany extending down the stem below the point of attachment. ↘(of a tree) having several roughly equal branches. Origin C18: from L. decurrent , decurrere to run down …   English new terms dictionary

  • decurrent — de•cur•rent [[t]dɪˈkɜr ənt, ˈkʌr [/t]] adj. bot extending down the stem below the place of insertion, as certain leaves • Etymology: 1745–55; < L dēcurrent , s. of dēcurrēns, prp. of dēcurrere to run down =dē de +currere to run de•cur′rence,… …   From formal English to slang

  • decurrent — Extending downward. [L. de curro, pp. cursus, to run down] * * * de·cur·rent (de kurґənt) [L. decurrere to run down] extending or moving from above downward …   Medical dictionary

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