- First Development Cabinet
The First Development Cabinet (Indonesian: "Kabinet Pembangunan I") was the
Indonesia n Cabinet which served under PresidentSuharto from June 1968 until March 1973. The Cabinet was formed after Suharto was elected as President by the ProvisionalPeople's Consultative Assembly (MPRS). In addition to the Presidency, Suharto also held the Ministry of Defense and Security as well as being Commander of ABRI.The Five Cabinet Aims
*Creating political and economic stability as the unegotiable prerequisite for the success of the Five Year Development Plan and the Legislative Election.
*Organizing and executing the Five Year Development Plan.
*Holding Legislative Elections on 5th July 1971 at the latest.
*Restoring order and security to society by finishing off the leftovers of September 30th Movement and every threat, abuse, and betrayal of Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution.
*Continuing the universal reform and purge of the state apparatus at National and Regional Level.President
*President/Minister of Defense and Security/Commander of ABRI: Gen. Suharto
Departmental ministers
*Minister of Home Affairs: Lt. Gen.
Basuki Rahmat
*Minister of Foreign Affairs:Adam Malik
*Minister of Justice:Umar Seno Adji
*Minister of Information: AVMBudiarjo
*Minister of Finance:Ali Wardhana
*Minister of Trade:Sumitro Djojohadikusumo
*Minister of Agriculture:Thayeb Hadiwidjaja
*Minister of Industry: Lt. Gen.M Jusuf
*Minister of Mines:Sumantri Brodjonegoro
*Minister of Public Works and Electricity:Sutami
*Minister of Transportation:Frans Seda
*Minister of Education and Culture:Mashuri
*Minister of Health:GA Siwabessy
*Minister of Religious Affairs:M Dahlan
*Minister of Manpower: R. Adm.Mursalin Daeng Mamangung
*Minister of Transmigration and Cooperatives: Lt. Gen.Sarbini
*Minister of Social Affairs:AM Tambunan tate ministers
*State Minister of Economics, Finance, and Industry:
Hamengkubuwono IX
*State Minister of People's Welfare:Idham Chalid
*State Minister of Government Projects Supervision:Sunawar Sukowati
*State Minister of Government Liaison with the ProvisionalPeople's Consultative Assembly (MPRS), thePeople's Representative Council (DPR), and theSupreme Advisory Council (DPA):HMS Mintaredja
*State Minister of Administrative Reform:Harsono Tjokroaminoto Official with ministerial rank
*Attorney General: Lt. Gen.
Soegih Arto
*Governor of the Central Bank:Radius Prawiro
*Commander of the Operational Command for the Restoration of Security and Order (KOPKAMTIB): Gen.Maraden Panggabean Changes
January 1969: Basuki Rahmat died and was replaced as Minister of Home Affairs by Major General
Amirmachmud Reshuffle
Suharto announced a reshuffle of the Cabinet in September 1971 [http://www.sjdih.depkeu.go.id/fullText/1971/64TAHUN~1971KPRES.HTM] . The changes were:
*M Dahlan was replaced byMukti Ali as Minister of Religious Affairs.
*Mursalin was replaced byM Sadli as Minister of Manpower. Sadli will also retain his position as Chairman of the Investment Council.
*Sarbini was replaced bySubroto as Minister of Transmigration and Cooperatives.
*AM Tambunan was replaced by HMS Mintaredja as Minister of Social Affairs.
*Harsono Tjokroaminoto was replaced byEmil Salim as State Minister of Administrative Reform. Emil will also retain his position as Vice Chairman of the National Development Planning Body (BAPPENAS).
*The Deputy Commandership of ABRI was created, with Maraden Panggabean being appointed to the position.
*The Chairmanship of BAPPENAS, which was then held byWidjojo Nitisastro was given Ministerial rank.
*The State Ministership of Government Liaison with the MPRS, DPR, and DPA was abolished.Notes
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