- Second Development Cabinet
The Second Development Cabinet (Indonesian: "Kabinet Pembangunan II") was the
Indonesia n Cabinet which served under PresidentSuharto and Vice PresidentHamengkubuwono IX . The Cabinet was formed after Suharto was elected to a 2nd term as President by thePeople's Consultative Assembly (MPR). It has the distinction as the last Cabinet which contains members of theUnited Development Party (PPP) and theIndonesian Democratic Party (PDI) [ [http://www.tempointeraktif.com/ang/min/03/02/utama6.htm Bongkar Pasang dari Kabinet ke Kabinet ] ] . After this Cabinet and until Suharto's fall in 1998, all the other Development Cabinets would be dominated by members ofGolkar and ABRI.The Six Cabinet Aims
*Preserving and strengthening political stability.
*Preserving and strengthening economic stability.
*Preserving and strengthening security and order.
*Completing the First Government Five Year Plan and executing the Second Government Five Year Plan as per the Broad Outlines of State Policy.
*Strengthening the People's Welfare.
*Strengthening order within the Administrative Reform.President and Vice President
*President: Gen. Suharto
*Vice President: Hamengkubuwono IXDepartmental Ministers
*Minister of Home Affairs: Lt. Gen.
*Minister of Foreign Affairs:Adam Malik
*Minister of Defense and Security/Commander of ABRI: Gen.Maraden Panggabean
*Minister of Justice:Umar Seno Adji
*Minister of Information:Mashuri
*Minister of Finance:Ali Wardhana
*Minister of Trade:Radius Prawiro
*Minister of Agriculture:Thojib Hadiwidjojo
*Minister of Industry: Lt. Gen.M Jusuf
*Minister of Mines:M Sadli
*Minister of Public Works and Electricity:Sutami
*Minister of Transportation:Emil Salim
*Minister of Education and Culture:Sumantri Brodjonegoro
*Minister of Health:GA Siwabessy
*Minister of Social Affairs:HMS Mintaredja
*Minister of Manpower, Transmigration, and Cooperatives:Subroto
*Minister of Religious Affairs:Mukti Ali tate Ministers
*State Minister of People's Welfare:
Sunawar Sukowati
*State Minister of Economics and Finance/Chairman of the National Development Planning Body (BAPPENAS):Widjojo Nitisastro
*State Minister of Research:Sumitro Djojohadikusomo
*State Minister/State Secretary: Maj. Gen.Sudharmono Official With Ministerial Rank
*Attorney General:
Ali Said
*Governor of Central Bank:Rachmat Saleh
*Commander of the Operational Command for the Restoration of Security and Order (KOPKAMTIB)/Deputy Commander of ABRI: Gen.Sumitro Changes
*1974: Umar Seno Adji was appointed Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. He was replaced as Minister of Justice by
Mochtar Kusumatmaja .
*January 1974: Sumitro resigned the Commandership of KOPKAMTIB after theMalari Incident and was replaced by President Suharto.
*March 1974: Sumitro was replaced as Deputy Commander of ABRI by GeneralSurono .
*October 1977: Adam Malik resigned from the Cabinet to become Chairman of MPR/Head ofPeople's Representative Council (DPR). He was replaced as Minister of Foreign affairs by Mochtar Kusumatmaja.Notes
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