Second Development Cabinet

Second Development Cabinet

The Second Development Cabinet (Indonesian: "Kabinet Pembangunan II") was the Indonesian Cabinet which served under President Suharto and Vice President Hamengkubuwono IX. The Cabinet was formed after Suharto was elected to a 2nd term as President by the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR). It has the distinction as the last Cabinet which contains members of the United Development Party (PPP) and the Indonesian Democratic Party (PDI) [ [ Bongkar Pasang dari Kabinet ke Kabinet ] ] . After this Cabinet and until Suharto's fall in 1998, all the other Development Cabinets would be dominated by members of Golkar and ABRI.

The Six Cabinet Aims

*Preserving and strengthening political stability.
*Preserving and strengthening economic stability.
*Preserving and strengthening security and order.
*Completing the First Government Five Year Plan and executing the Second Government Five Year Plan as per the Broad Outlines of State Policy.
*Strengthening the People's Welfare.
*Strengthening order within the Administrative Reform.

President and Vice President

*President: Gen. Suharto
*Vice President: Hamengkubuwono IX

Departmental Ministers

*Minister of Home Affairs: Lt. Gen. Amirmachmud
*Minister of Foreign Affairs: Adam Malik
*Minister of Defense and Security/Commander of ABRI: Gen. Maraden Panggabean
*Minister of Justice: Umar Seno Adji
*Minister of Information: Mashuri
*Minister of Finance: Ali Wardhana
*Minister of Trade: Radius Prawiro
*Minister of Agriculture: Thojib Hadiwidjojo
*Minister of Industry: Lt. Gen. M Jusuf
*Minister of Mines: M Sadli
*Minister of Public Works and Electricity: Sutami
*Minister of Transportation: Emil Salim
*Minister of Education and Culture: Sumantri Brodjonegoro
*Minister of Health: GA Siwabessy
*Minister of Social Affairs: HMS Mintaredja
*Minister of Manpower, Transmigration, and Cooperatives: Subroto
*Minister of Religious Affairs: Mukti Ali

tate Ministers

*State Minister of People's Welfare: Sunawar Sukowati
*State Minister of Economics and Finance/Chairman of the National Development Planning Body (BAPPENAS): Widjojo Nitisastro
*State Minister of Research: Sumitro Djojohadikusomo
*State Minister/State Secretary: Maj. Gen. Sudharmono

Official With Ministerial Rank

*Attorney General: Ali Said
*Governor of Central Bank: Rachmat Saleh
*Commander of the Operational Command for the Restoration of Security and Order (KOPKAMTIB)/Deputy Commander of ABRI: Gen. Sumitro


*1974: Umar Seno Adji was appointed Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. He was replaced as Minister of Justice by Mochtar Kusumatmaja.
*January 1974: Sumitro resigned the Commandership of KOPKAMTIB after the Malari Incident and was replaced by President Suharto.
*March 1974: Sumitro was replaced as Deputy Commander of ABRI by General Surono.
*October 1977: Adam Malik resigned from the Cabinet to become Chairman of MPR/Head of People's Representative Council (DPR). He was replaced as Minister of Foreign affairs by Mochtar Kusumatmaja.


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